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Things that make you angry...

The Bard

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When you grow and mature you begin to understand different cultures and value systems and you become tolerant. And as you are further educated and develop a tighter grip on your understanding of society these things won't be issues anymore.

Sorry for a pseudo (or actual) double post, but generally, that is a fantastic remark. I don't mean this specifically to anyone here, but generally it's so true. I've learned so much things over the years about this.


For me, travelling did it. While ago I wrote at length about my brother's interest in Japan and me getting sucked into it. He lives there now. I've travelled a lot since and one realization is that the very basis, the foundation, of how we think is a result of our upbringing. If you prefer, it's a social conditioning. We observe our surroundings, particularly those who you trust or love, and learn how we should be thinking. This forms the frame of reference, against which we will judge everything in our later years.


I guess just aging helps a bit, but personally, travelling & interacting with other cultures have been the greatest weapon against prejudice, preconception and cultural intolerence. The world wasn't quite as black & white as I had first thought. Being able to see the same thing from various different angles is a skill which you practice to aquire. An opinion formed as a result of this is bound to be richer, deeper and more constructive in a long run.

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Guest Ford Prefect

Musical Ignorance - I used to be one of theose people who would not stray into "labeled" genres. How many times do i have to tell people, Slipknot are not a chaotic calamity of sounds, they are actually a very accomplished band who can do as much stuff with their instruments as Jimi Hendrix did with his. They are great performers, the masks and makeup is just a show for the fans really its great fun, just because they look like gimps doesnt mean they sound like gimps. Its also to be noted that Slipknots debut album was recently voted in the 200 top albums of all time by a collective list of the finest musical critics in the UK.



hate to point this out but jimi hendrix was a shit musician, the band he played with were more competant than him. he couldn't keep time for shit was utterly useless. playing the guitar with your teeth is not cool, its stupid :P


i'm not saying this because i don't like the guy or his music, because i do. just said it because he really couldn't play in time for toffee...

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What really gets to me is moaners. People who bitch and whine about things (when it is generally over nothing important) and then do nothing about it. It's just so infuriating. I would understand if they moaned and then resolved to do something about it but they don't. Thet just moan some more.


These people don't do themselves any favours, in fact I'd think they'd become major irratants to people. I mean when say fellow X is hosting a party they're not going to go "oooo invite Bitch.A as she's a fantastic moaner who never has anything positive to say", they're just not going to invite you.


If you are one of these people, and this goes out to those annoying whinging teenagers and emos as well.





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Guest Ford Prefect
What really gets to me is moaners. People who bitch and whine about things (when it is generally over nothing important) and then do nothing about it. It's just so infuriating. I would understand if they moaned and then resolved to do something about it but they don't. Thet just moan some more.


These people don't do themselves any favours, in fact I'd think they'd become major irratants to people. I mean when say fellow X is hosting a party they're not going to go "oooo invite Bitch.A as she's a fantastic moaner who never has anything positive to say", they're just not going to invite you.


If you are one of these people, and this goes out to those annoying whinging teenagers and emos as well.







can the ladies get back to their bitching now? :P

moaning about moaners eh? wouldnt that class as self hate then? think you have a few issues...

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Guest Ford Prefect

yep, folks with red text are still irritating, specially with this fucking pc (not mine) being in a room made up of soooo many windows. can't see jack shit...

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Guest Ford Prefect

i dunno, those childhood days spent inside a caravan or a tent in the rain were great! :heh:

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Thing that angers me most, is my inability to find a job. I wouldn't class myself as one of those pricks who wouldn't work. I never put a foot wrong in school got 10 Grades B-C (RS stupid D), I've worked hard for my A Levels. And now it would appear I can't get a job anywhere. I got rejected from a newsagents, Asda ignored me, B&Q said I had the wrong personality for a car park job, I've recently applied to Wilkinson, which was a week ago with no call yet.


I know the feeling here, which is why I was forced to work at crappy McDonalds. In order to gain the experience you seem to need it in the first place. ¬¬ Stupid imo, there really aren't enough jobs to go around. I'm very tempted to bugger off to another country and look for work when I finish uni. It seems easier to get work anywhere else but the UK tbh.


Doherty. the fuckwit.


Teenagers. You know what? you are not the pioner of angst, you are not being an individual by dressing in all black, and you know what else? not only does *everyone* understand what you're gonig through, but nobody cares either. so cheer up you miserable little shit. and cut your hair.


Doherty. I agree with that. He is quite a **** for what he's done tbh.


Though your argument on teenagers is a tad stereotypical. I know many teenagers and they are nothing like the depressed angsty kids you talk about. Quite the opposite actually.


That's another thing I can hate sometimes - stereotypes. I mean, I can be guilty of this at times, but it's still anoying. You cant really judge an entire culture/race/etc by one set of criteria. Everyone is different, and has thier own attitudes.

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People that hate "EMO" music cause of the way the band dresses.


Tbh, nobody hates them because of the way they dress, they hate em because of their inability to string 3 power chords together, the dress is merely a symbol for the shitness that people have come to associate with emo.

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Things which make me angry.


- Something that works, but doesn't work properly.


- Walking through the kitchen and getting stray Sugar Puffs stuck to your socks that some God-awful sibling hasn't picked up after dropping.


- Busy places.


- People who shit on the anime DragonBall Z despite once liking it because something better has come along. Those people infuriate me.


- People who say Family Guy is better than The Simpsons.


- Losing money.


- When batteries run out.


- The sniper rifle on Halo 2.


- Christiano Ronaldo. Cocky little shit.


- Waking up at night and needing to pee.


- The dead skin that fills the mould gaps in game controllers.


- People who abbreviate words online which are actually longer than the regular word. It has happened, but I can't pick an example right this moment.


- People who demand I pick an example to the above.


- Sloppy paint applications on action figures and statues.



There is so much more, but even thinking about some of these things makes me angry. I'm going to go punch the kid next door to vent some of my frustration.

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Things which make me angry:


- Walking through the kitchen and getting stray Sugar Puffs stuck to your socks that some God-awful sibling hasn't picked up after dropping.


- Busy places.


- People who shit on the anime DragonBall Z despite once liking it because something better has come along. Those people infuriate me.


- People who say Family Guy is better than The Simpsons.


- Losing money.


- When batteries run out.


- The sniper rifle on Halo 2.


- Christiano Ronaldo. Cocky little shit.


- Waking up at night and needing to pee.


- People who abbreviate words online which are actually longer than the regular word. It has happened, but I can't pick an example right this moment.


- Sloppy paint applications on action figures and statues.



There is so much more, but even thinking about some of these things makes me angry. I'm going to go punch the kid next door to vent some of my frustration.


I love thee.

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Guest Ford Prefect


Tbh, nobody hates them because of the way they dress, they hate em because of their inability to string 3 power chords together, the dress is merely a symbol for the shitness that people have come to associate with emo.



got to agree there. i was unforchunate enough to see some emo shite at leeds fest 04. was intending on waiting around for another group coming on but neither me nor my mate could stand listening to the shite so we went back to our tents and drank more beer.



You have the funniest comments all day long So far


i know, i'm on a roll isn't it great! :heh:

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Guest Ford Prefect
I dont hate Lostprophets, but i really wanna know why the hell they'vve all gone emo. The music's pretty much the same, but they've changed



as i recall some of the first album was mediocre, the 2nd album was worse than having molten lead poured into your ears. after that i don't know, havent heard owt.

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on the lostprophets myspace they made a HUGE blog saying they arnt emo. there rock music they dress "emo" but it is rock.


the album got 5 K's in the kerrang mag :o wouldve given it 3 K's myself as its not as good as the first 2 albums...but then again none of the songs on the new album are sh!te.

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got to agree there. i was unforchunate enough to see some emo shite at leeds fest 04.


But don't you live in Norway? Why would you come all the way over to England when Norway has some of the best music festivals ever?


And wasn't Harstad the location of the infamous Varg/ Euronymous murder...


wait a second...

Ford Prefect:


Weapon Obsession




Crazy Eyes



Varg Vikernes:

Mass Murder and Arson...



Yep, same crazy eyes...Holy crap! Ford Prefect is actually Varg Vikernes...we're all doomed!!!!!!!!

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Guest Ford Prefect


But don't you live in Norway? Why would you come all the way over to England when Norway has some of the best music festivals ever?


And wasn't Harstad the location of the infamous Varg/ Euronymous murder...


wait a second...

Ford Prefect:


Weapon Obsession




Crazy Eyes



Varg Vikernes:

Mass Murder and Arson...



Yep, same crazy eyes...Holy crap! Ford Prefect is actually Varg Vikernes...we're all doomed!!!!!!!!




i'm english born and bred and only moved to norway last september. besides from what i have seen most of those music fests are down south. while i am right up north.



even if norway does have the best music fests, the average norwegian has no fucking taste in music what so ever from the shit i hear on radio and tv. they even play kiddies nursery rhymes on radio inbetween whatever other shit they put on. fucking weirdos, we should have let the germans keep the place, instill some efficiancy into them and better music :P

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Thing that angers me most, is my inability to find a job. I wouldn't class myself as one of those pricks who wouldn't work. I never put a foot wrong in school got 10 Grades B-C (RS stupid D), I've worked hard for my A Levels. And now it would appear I can't get a job anywhere. I got rejected from a newsagents, Asda ignored me, B&Q said I had the wrong personality for a car park job, I've recently applied to Wilkinson, which was a week ago with no call yet.


Yeah, I'm the same, all of my GCSE's are above D level (6 B-C), I've got an ICT A Level at D, and a Fork Lift Truck License. I just get endless replies of 'Sorry you don't have the experience'. Well I've just applied for a job at a school as an ICT Technician, which is a job I could definitely do, and there is training involved aswell. So if I don't get it I will be extremely pissed off, and close to giving up on being any kind of success.


As mentioned before, Christiano Ronaldo. If I saw him in the street, I will kill him. He is such a pussy.....I just fuckin hate him right now.


Yeah, I'd like to wipe the smile off the smug bastards face. Mostly be throwing acid at him. :mad:

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if you want a nightmare looking for work try this:


18 months ago i left a job at the passport office. from there i was looking for work for 4 months and found one for RGIS inventory services after a month my boss sent me a letter saying i cant work for them anymore as i have done 2 no shows for jobs...which is bogus..i did 3 days a week and she wrote me down for 5. they wouldnt listen to reason so was unemployed again.


next job was in july to sept at brewery temp through agency..then took me SIX! months to find work then at last got work at magor services but after 3 weeks they laid me off :( and ever since ive been looking (left services in april)

bad year and half for work for me

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