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Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2006


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Well, any of you fine folks planning on getting this?


I got 2005 with my Xbox having never really played a golf game all that much. Anyhow, I thought it was excellent, and now I've learnt that the latest version has Xbox Live play I'm almost sure I'll get it.


It's out on the 7th October.

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Well, any of you fine folks planning on getting this?


I got 2005 with my Xbox having never really played a golf game all that much. Anyhow, I thought it was excellent, and now I've learnt that the latest version has Xbox Live play I'm almost sure I'll get it.


It's out on the 7th October.


Yep, 2005 was my first tiger woods game and i absolutely loved it, defo gonna pick this up perhaps for the psp.

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I'm officially taking my statement back, Bowser. I've had a quick rummage through the EA website and forums to find that EA have decided to include online play for Tiger despite them dropping it for Madden (the reason I never bought the 2005 and 06 versions).


I'll have a look into the online features and possibly pick it up around Christmas time. See you online in the new year.

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I'll be trading in a bunch of old games (including Forza) to get Tiger on the cheap. Count me in.


When's Tee-Off time for Friday?


I'm hoping the good people at Gameplay get it to me tomorrow morning.


If not I'll be on it Friday soon after the post arrives, building up the cash and customising my character. Pretty much all day I would imagine.

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I downloaded it last night... but I'm out of DVD-r's think my brother has some... "runs down to the basement... wee!" Burning it right now.. I'll give you an update on how it is :P... (P.s. loved 2005!:D)


I guess we won't be seeing you on Xbox Live then. Naughty boy.

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OK lads, Tee Off Time shall be around 7 o'clock on Friday, giving you the full day to play the game and train/customise your character. Whereas I'll be minutes home from Uni and playing the game for the first time online with you lot.

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Sorry for the double, but I'm just opening out an invitation to anyone from here wanting to joing Bowser, Meik and myself tonight at 7pm for a round or two of Tiger. The password should be 'RE', or just send any of us a message to request a game invite.


Hopefully see some of you online.

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Well the system for setting up a game and stuff is tricky to say the least.


There was a tiny bit of lag, but the game was certainly playable and the voice chat worked very well.


Overall, a success.


(Guy's caved in and has said he'll buy it already!).

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He's using the Cube version anyway.. he's like a total n00b and he only has a cube :P




Anyways TW 06 was good, I dunno if there's any major diffrence between the consoles. Graphics on the cube is about the same as 05. When you play against the older legends, you travel back through time on the menu's.. for example what used to be a PDA under the messages, changes to a piece of paper and a old ink pen when you go back to one of the first golf legends (or sumthing I dunno who he is :P). Haven't played that much yet, will play some more when I get the time.

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Don't play against Mike, he cheats.


He somehow hacked the game and scored an eagle on the final hole while me and him were drawing.


That unsettled me for the next game so I lost again. (Though he's beefed up his player more than he's let on).


There we go, brilliant excuses. But if we play tonight, I shall be victorious.


Oh, and Colin's gone more than a little crazy with Scottish flags all over his custom player.

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