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Definitive Wii speculation/rumour thread


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ok ok i know that a lot of people hate rumors and speculation (as well as a million different threads for each one), and i also know that chances are this thread could be locked. but it seems to me that some people out there WANT to speculate, and after all, forums are by deffinition an open discussion. i believe that they should be able to do so and do so on a thread where they are not gunna get flamed for the opinions.

so i figure if we are going to discuss these rumors, how about we just do it all in one place?


The main reason for opening this thread is of course the fact the nintendo Wii is not yet fully revealed. there are secrets left to discover and there is no doubt about that. the only real difference I'm seeing on the boards is that some members believe it will be a huge secret that will make the Wiimote's revolutionary aspects look tiny in comparison. While others believe its just a tiny secret that will be fun, yet not really 'revolutionary'.


I ask you all to join in the fun of discussing the possible secrets that await us. please post all possible links to rumors and specualtion about the Wii so that we can get one step closer to understanding and unravelling nintendo's puzzle! cheers : peace:



anyway here are some of the more interesting ones i got so far... enjoy!







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The Wii is the console of accesorys. In the pack will come Wii, wiimote, nunchuk, sensor bar, biggest secret, 512 mb memory card and Wii sports. All for just $199. But you can extend you Wii system with:

er.... it's supposed to have the 512 built in... and looking at this guy's english that's not a mistranslation.


The rest seem even less grounded in reality. Personally I don't think anyone has let anything slip unless nintendo wants it to have been slipped.

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i dont really 'believe' any of these rumors on 1st inspection. its when u get multiple insiders say very similiar things it gets exciting. and if u go in2 saruwatari-wii.blogspot.com and go in2 the comments under the 'prices' headline he seems to think that boredtraveler from moz la punk has some, if only very little, information.

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thats a pretty good attempt at trying to logically guess what the wii's secret is. He comes to a logical conclusion but i cant see the wii bein able to run on batteries and project an image to a wall.Great idea but not for $250

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I thought that we would be done with all of the 3D crazy talk after E3. If Nintendo had anything like what these attention-hungry bloggers are posting they would have revealed to in time to encourage third party developers to make launch titles for Wii.


This kind of speculation makes me wish it were November already so that we could just focus on how cool the system really is.

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From saruwatari-wii.blogspot.com:


Yes, I am indeed a Nintendo employee and I would like to prove it to you all, so I'll do my best. How about I talk a little about the Yaz0 compression that is used in the data files of many Nintendo 1st party GameCube titles?


Alright. The first 16 bytes of the file is the header. The first charachters are "Yaz0"...



Well, there we have it, 100% proof. ;)

By the way, I also work for Nintendo. Here, let me prove it to you. Inside the Nintendo HQ 2nd floor men's toilet cubicle (the second one from the door), there are currently two toilet rolls and the toilet seat is up.

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By the way, I also work for Nintendo. Here, let me prove it to you. Inside the Nintendo HQ 2nd floor men's toilet cubicle (the second one from the door), there are currently two toilet rolls and the toilet seat is up.


Dammit Shigsy! How many times do you have to be told!?

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how could ever exist downloadable content with just 512mb? I don't believe in nothing there... besides what will probabily happen, like the price...


And Patch you are fake too. the toilet seat is down :p

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Anyway, here's some stuff that was put on IGN. I'm just adding fuel to these fires :P


OK - I know this is going to be hard to believe but you guys just have to hear me out. I was just fired from Virgin and know some information I wasn't meant to know.


Anyways - I came across some information I'd love to share with you all. I worked in the accounting department, and we're not meant to get memos like this one but we did.


It basically told us some information they're going to release to the public- but I'll one up them.


Nintendo and Virgin - along with Google and Apple - are going to team up to create addons for the Wii. Virgin is doing VoIP, Google has its own search engine for your Virtual Console and apparently "other applications" and Apple- get this- is going to put iTunes in every Wii.


That's all I know though. My friend in the PR department told me this Thursday was the day, but since he still works there I can't give away his name or anything. I wish I still had the memo, but after reading it I left for lunch and was excited I knew this without anyone else knowing it. It was fun to be in the loop, but now that I don't work there I thought I'd let you all be in the loop too.


I think this could easily happen...Let's wait until Thursday...

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While I doubt the "Virgin" rumor, I think it would be cool if Apple did some partnering with Nintendo. While it is one of those holy grail of fanboy kinds of dreams, it is true that Apple partnered up with Nike for a cool workout tracking function that works with the iPod.


Partnering with Apple would be a brilliant move for Nintendo. It would definitely add to the different things they could offer as downloads- tracks from video games (including old ones). Apple also has a good place for movie trailer downloads, which would be more fun to watch on a TV screen than on a PC (or Mac). If Apple allowed Nintendo to use a system similar to their coveted iTunes Music Store for games and other content this would be pretty darn huge. Plus Apple's DRM is one of the few that people don't complain about.


Anyway, as much as this would be totally awesome I don't see why the folks at Virgin would also know about Apple and Google being in on this. Nintendo would much more likely just send them the information that they need to know. Especially in memos that get printed and end up on the desks of the accounting department.

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The post says clearly it will be iTunes and nothing similar.Now isn't it just to download music? If so (I don't use it) it is fake, cause wii will be a game console and not have a media player...I think... :)

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The post says clearly it will be iTunes and nothing similar.Now isn't it just to download music? If so (I don't use it) it is fake, cause wii will be a game console and not have a media player...I think... :)


I remember that Nintendo said, when they showed the GC, that it was a games only machine. However with the Wii they haven't mentioned anything like that so....:shock:

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By the way, I also work for Nintendo. Here, let me prove it to you. Inside the Nintendo HQ 2nd floor men's toilet cubicle (the second one from the door), there are currently two toilet rolls and the toilet seat is up.







The Virgin, Apple, Google thing would be cool, something which (I think) Nintendo would be very smart to do. A partnership with 3 of the biggest multinationals in the world across 3 very different remits would be someting Nintendo could reap the rewards from.


Time for a name change??


Nintendo, Virgin, Apple, Google.......hmmm The Nintendo VAG?: peace: :laughing:


well here is some more speculation to get u thinking. and i like this blog coz it really well analyzes the whole Wii puzzle. anyway have a look-see and have a chat bout it here





where has this blog gone? I cant access it anymore?

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an interesting rumor concerning a instant messaging sytem on a nintendo platform. it reffers to some recent patents found.



also if u go to the home page (http://www.codenamerevolution.com/) there is also some info and rumors concerning a 18 000 yen ($160) price tag. and also some juicy bits to do with new smash bros characters! the reason i put all this here is coz im not completely certain if SSBB characters have been confirmed or if it is just a rumor (apparently it was announced on japanese radio of all places).

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I can tell you right now that the codename revolution site guy has no clue. Just scrolling down I saw the little ATi tid bit claiming "ATi and Havock release new breed of GPU" one off he is sensationalizing the thing and two it was originally nvidia and havock that got the gpu power physics ball rolling -_- Also gpus can only do effects physics so you can't compair it to the PPU. Beyond this ageia is only supplying physics software development tools to sony. Not putting a ppu in the ps3 as the guy seems to allude to.


That along with the other less-than-believable items tell me that site is just BS.

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The best rumour so far is still a new shenmue in wii.... :yay:

What about the one about dreamcast backwards compatibility ? Hence IGN has started to update their dreamcast pages. Could be X360 though.. or just a puff of smoke

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