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Democracy guys. They can do what they want as its their opinion, they are allowed to express their [sick] opinion even if you disagree. They wont get voted in anyway - so I wouldn't worry...


Unless there's more pedo's in Holland than we think....


Oh God.

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peodephiles = should be locked up and the key thrown away with no right to food or water (same as murderers)


There is nothing wrong with being a paedophile. You must be unclear of the meaning of the word. If what you mean to say is child molesters should be locked up without hope of release, then I agree with you, but the fact of the matter is paedophilia is just another disturbing fetish.

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There is nothing wrong with being a paedophile. You must be unclear of the meaning of the word. If what you mean to say is child molesters should be locked up without hope of release, then I agree with you, but the fact of the matter is paedophilia is just another disturbing fetish.


Yeah, Mokong - your being awfullly harsh. Most people have thier weird fetishes and there is nothng they can do about it, like most sex-related things. You can't compare murderers to paedophiles.

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Disturbing fetishes aside, Paedophiles sure are wierd, why would you want to bone a kid?...Still I think it is wrong unless the child consents to it, in which case, it's nobody elses concern...but then there's the whole issue of when a child is capable of making it's own life decisions...meh, although I think adults truly underestimate the capabilities and intelligence of kids, I don't think they should make such decisions that could have such a huge impact on the rest of their lives...but anyway, I doubt any kid would want to have sex with a sweaty, fat and balding 40 something, which is what I imagine most paedophiles to be...except of course:




So seeing as Paedophiles are unlikely to get what they want, they will most probably resort to violence and blackmail, which I suppose is the real grounds for throwing them in the slammer.

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Yeah, Mokong - your being awfullly harsh. Most people have thier weird fetishes and there is nothng they can do about it, like most sex-related things. You can't compare murderers to paedophiles.

So what if they can't do anything about it? Who gives a fuck? Sick bastards like this should be executed in the most painful manner possible, along with murderers, rapists and other such pieces of shit. :mad:


Like I said, this is the problem with democracy, people have too many rights. Autocracy for the win, with me in charge. :D

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So what if they can't do anything about it? Who gives a fuck? Sick bastards like this should be executed in the most painful manner possible, along with murderers, rapists and other such pieces of shit. :mad:


So you think that peopel should be murdered because of the way their mind functions. They quite possibly never do anything - never have any porn, never sexually abuse children - it's just always in their minds. Just like how fancying women is natural to you - or whatever you facny - fancying children is natural to them. They can't do anything but resist it - and most do.


Many people also see no reason why these feelings should be kept back. Can you give me a reason why an adult and a child shoudl not have sex? Apart saying something likes it's sick as they are young or "why won't someone thinkof the children". It's not going to do any more harm than it would if children had sex with each other.


I don't support the view that adults should have sex with children - it's jsut you all seem to be far to judgmental.


So seeing as Paedophiles are unlikely to get what they want, they will most probably resort to violence and blackmail, which I suppose is the real grounds for throwing them in the slammer.


Yes, that would be a reason to arrest them. Not to have sex with willing children which is what this party is trying to pass as law. Not that children shoudl be legally allowed to be abused into having sex.

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Yeah, Mokong - your being awfullly harsh. Most people have thier weird fetishes and there is nothng they can do about it, like most sex-related things. You can't compare murderers to paedophiles.


I have to disagree with you Sarka.


Obviously murder is a completely unexcusable crime. No-one has the right to take another's life. But again no-one has the right to sexually prey on young children. Paedophilia is an illnes IMO. It is wrong and should be (and now is in Ireland) punishable by life in prison.


Young children are left phyically and emotionally scarred, destroyed and mentally abused by the predatorial nature of the attacks on them.


I understand that you may think paedophilia is a fetish, but it is an illegal one, an immoral one and above all one that can not and should not be accepted by society.

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There was a program on sexual fantasies, and quite a few percentage of people are into the peadophilia,

some other wierd ones was some dude wanted to spank david beckham and another dude want to be locked in a coffin, with a fat woman sitting on top and farting.............

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I have to disagree with you Sarka.


Obviously murder is a completely unexcusable crime. No-one has the right to take another's life. But again no-one has the right to sexually prey on young children. Paedophilia is an illnes IMO. It is wrong and should be (and now is in Ireland) punishable by life in prison.


Young children are left phyically and emotionally scarred, destroyed and mentally abused by the predatorial nature of the attacks on them.


I understand that you may think paedophilia is a fetish, but it is an illegal one, an immoral one and above all one that can not and should not be accepted by society.


What would you say if the children were willing? Just for intrests sake.

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Thats an extremely irrational question. How can a child understand what it is about to take part in?


Many kids know about sex - what happens and everything.


But I can no longer be bothered to argue so instead I will just state my opinion that I think it is just a fetish - just like how some people are turned on to farm animals, fat women farting on them, WAM, leather or whatever. Many folkks can't help it and most never do anything - some of you think those people should be killed. People who fancy kids are paedophile, not those who abuse children for their sexual pleasures - you wan tto kill folk who have done nothing wrong jus have thoughts they can't help.



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Yeah, I kind of agree with Sarka here, some of you seem to have a very totalitarian mindset. Remember when Hitler was murdering homosexuals? Well back then nobody gave a damn, homosexuality was treated in the same way paedophilia is now, I don't think punishing people for their sexual orientation is right. I mean, I cannot for the life of me see why a bloke would want to have sex with another guy, but they do, a lot, and regardless of whether it's something I understand or not, I suppose I respect it...well, no I don't, I suppose I kind of accept it...like cafeteria food....or the constant threat of terrorism...:heh: ...all jokes aside, I'm 17, my girlfriend is 16 next month, does that make me a paedophile? Hells no, I don't give two shits about some law thats going to prevent me from having a meaningful relationship with someone, because thats really what matters. It doesn't matter what your sexual orientation is, it's the quality of the relationship that counts. Loveless sex isn't a thing I endorse by any means...those of you who did GCSE Buddhism will probably understand this philosophy, although the more right wing of you are likely not to care, but hell, that's my opinion on the matter....




fieldsofanfieldroad: I think your ability to say innocent people deserve death makes you much more disturbing in my eyes than any Paedophile I can think of from the top of my head.


Edit: I also think sex and chastity has been over sanctified by religion and the (regretfully) christian mindset of the British public...



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My personal feelings on the matter is that if a person is attracted to young children they cannot help it. I mean take a heterosexual instance, some people have a perchant for big knockers or hairy whatevers, they can't stop feeling this arrousement and desire for these things, even if they know it's wrong. It's a matter of a genetical mind set, like how homosexuals are homosexuals, they cannot help it, it is just has been programmed into their genetic make-up.


However, I no way condone these people fulfilling their actions.


Oh, and


those of you who did GCSE Buddhism will probably understand this




Is that really a seperate subject? Isn't Buddhist beliefs amalgamated into the R.S. GCSE syllabus as aren't you supposed to aware of lots of different types of religions? Not just one, otherwise people are ignorant about religion, then when they come across it scares them as it seems alien, and so can lead to violence or segregation. I thought that was the government stance on it.


I hope you guys realise that no matter what fetishes we have, we are all going to hell (apparently) due to sexual thoughts we have, any sexual thought we have is a sin (apparently)


But surely you cannot help these thoughts popping into our minds?

Are you supposed to confess things like that? Like what if a person confessed, "I saw Amy walking along one day and I thought really hard about ramming her from behind?!" Surely even Jesus got these thoughts as it's natural part of human genetic make up to be wanting to find a mate to reproduce with?

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Is that really a subject, isn't Buddhist beliefs amalgamated into the R.S. GCSE syllabus as aren't you supposed to aware of lots of different types of religions? Not just one, otherwise people are ignorant about religion, then when they come across it scares them as it seems alien, and so can lead to violence or segregation. I thought that was the government stance on it.


I'm not sure I understand what you're saying...But yes, we had to do 2 religions for GCSE, Buddhism was compulsory, and I did Islam besides.

But surely you cannot help these thoughts popping into our minds?

Are you supposed to confess things like that? Like what if a person confessed, "I saw Amy walking along one day and I thought really hard about ramming her from behind?!" Surely even Jesus got these thoughts as it's natural part of human genetic make up to be wanting to find a mate to reproduce with?


Irrelevent, christianity and all organised religion is a scam. Something I came to realise when I studied these religions closely and gained some life experience.

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I'm not sure I understand what you're saying...But yes, we had to do 2 religions for GCSE, Buddhism was compulsory, and I did Islam besides.


I see, I was just seeing if there were seperate GCSEs for each religion, but, as I thought, there aren't, just a whole round "Religious Studies" GCSE.

I wish there were as RS GCSE is pretty easy.

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But surely you cannot help these thoughts popping into our minds?

Are you supposed to confess things like that? Like what if a person confessed, "I saw Amy walking along one day and I thought really hard about ramming her from behind?!" Surely even Jesus got these thoughts as it's natural part of human genetic make up to be wanting to find a mate to reproduce with?


No exactly, but some relegious extremists look into their holy book and delve to deep in it. I mean i know what you mean, i mean lets be honest, if we see a hot girl (not pretty, just hot), the first thing we generally think about is taking her hard.


I think taking that into context, people with fetishes for children, yeah its their problem, but then, its a problem that should be kept to themselves, obviously when police find child porn on their PC, then they are locked up as they may pose a threat to children, which is the smart thing to do, but they key thing is that if you have a fetish that is wrong, then you should have some self control and not act on it. otherwise we all would be in prison.

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No exactly, but some relegious extremists look into their holy book and delve to deep in it. I mean i know what you mean, i mean lets be honest, if we see a hot girl (not pretty, just hot), the first thing we generally think about is taking her hard.


I think taking that into context, people with fetishes for children, yeah its their problem, but then, its a problem that should be kept to themselves, obviously when police find child porn on their PC, then they are locked up as they may pose a threat to children, which is the smart thing to do, but they key thing is that if you have a fetish that is wrong, then you should have some self control and not act on it. otherwise we all would be in prison.



Yeah, but that hot girl was asking for it.

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... interesting (?) debate here, if that's the right word. A bit disturbing to be honest. I too never thought this sort of case would crop out anywhere.


Overall I agree with Sarka, because this is a debate IN principle logic.


The first hurdle is in agreeing the basis of perspective. This is probably the hardest part. There are many examples of this - pro homosexuality vs anti homosexuality, pro animal experimentation vs anti, pro file sharing vs anti, pro female priests vs anti, pro Iraq war vs anti, pro abortion vs anti, pro divorce vs anti, pro artificial embryo vs anti, pro drug (of certain kind) legalization vs anti, pro teaching Creationism at school alongside Darwin's theory vs anti and so on. I can go on forever, if you like.


In each case, there is a common denominator - which is that your belief manifests in a certain set of perspective of the world, and how you THINK the world should be. Inevitably, a conflict will occur between different perspectives. We all have our standards, and we tend to think the way we think IS absolute, and those who disagree are enemies - remember George W Bush said "You're either with us, or against us."? That's human tendency for you. This "standard" usually derives from what we see in our loved ones in our upbringing (including parents, neighbours, schools, religion, TV, etc which form our culture). If you like, you are "conditioned" into thinking in a certain way by your immediate society.


So that's the general argument.


More specifically, about this case, I think we have to decide what Paedophile is. If I'm not mistaken, a paedophile is just a person who like kids, rather than someone who assult them. The term 'murderers', for example, refers to people who have actually turned a thought into action.


This is an age old debate about how a "thought crime" should be dealt with. Say, if you are starving and look through a shop window drooling at a piece of cake. There is a difference between you wanting them, and actually going in to steal them. You might walk in and ask for it, and as you pull out a wallet, you can think about running away with it - but there is still a difference between actually doing it and leaving it as a thought.


I think our lives are infested with this sort of branching paths, from the moment you wake up. You have to get up, but your eyes still want to sleep, so you start to battle against yourself. You brush your teeth, and your cat is meowing for food and water, but you can't be bothered. Again, another battle takes place in your mind. If you have a thought you can fight and overcome, some credit you for such mental strength while others think you are dangerous and should be shot.


Historically, this debate remains completely academic. Nobody has yet to produce a conclusive argument on how a thought crime should be dealt with.


I think the biggest enemy in this sort of case is the "emotions". It's important as in my opinion it should occupy 50% of our thought processes, but it also has the bad habit of overwhelming us and forgetting every other piece of logic that makes us rational and wise. I think by nature we have an easier time becoming a slave to our emotions than to be the master of it. That's why it's important that you make effort to remain calm, thoughtful, and debate in principle. What Sarka is doing is 'Objective thinking', and it's a piece of academic skill that, in my humble opinion, we should all try.


... thats my opinion anyway. :cool: Deep? Yeah, maybe it is a bit. But for an emotional case like this, this sort of approach becomes much more important. In fact this sort of case really tests your ability to remain impartial and constructive. If not, we can destroy any chance of ever solving the very crime we are trying to solve. Don't forget, a 'crime' is a social phenomenon - not limited to any one individual.

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Many kids know about sex - what happens and everything.


But I can no longer be bothered to argue so instead I will just state my opinion that I think it is just a fetish - just like how some people are turned on to farm animals, fat women farting on them, WAM, leather or whatever. Many folkks can't help it and most never do anything - some of you think those people should be killed. People who fancy kids are paedophile, not those who abuse children for their sexual pleasures - you wan tto kill folk who have done nothing wrong jus have thoughts they can't help.





Untrue, i dont think Paedophiles should be executed. And i know "paedophile" refers to people who dont abuse chlildren. I should have used the words "convicted paedophile".

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