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The best way I found to convice my friends is not by bashing PS3 directly, but by pointing out the good stuff on wii and comparing it to PS3 while showing the bad points of it. So it seems you're not beeing an ass, but just someone whos really informed on the subject and that they'll be interested on hearing you.


Well all casuals seem to do is bash & praise :heh:

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To be absolutely fair to PS3, it has a potential simply because it is likely to become the shrine of traditional console gaming. Xbox 360 may take onboard PC based devs, but in the old days the whole POINT of console gaming was that it was distinctly different from PC. You just couldn't get the same experience in PC gaming. Many console gamers still hold this view.


I see Xbox 360 as a bridge between console and PC. That, to me, is a good thing. But it has a negative side, which is that if people had a high end PC in the future, Xbox 360 would be more like a watered down PC. Several exclusive titles won't topple that disparity compared to PS3's exclusive console gaming. At the end of the day, people want to play software. Not hardware. So being totally different from PC can become a very important factor for some people.


Based on my perception of console gaming, $600 is unjustified by any standard, so I'd say that's your best persuasion. It's a LOT of money to risk, so just tell your mate to wait and see how it goes. You life revolves around a console machine if you want to dish out 600 on it - that must be a very, very lonely life.


On the other hand, if many Japanese devs come onboard Wii, THAT would completely change this theory...

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i cant figure out how these 12-14 year olds are gunna get there parents to buy a PS3...£500+ (with one-two games) is one hell of a gift..even a paper round would take them a LONG time to save


ive talked to my one mate who is really into retro games and told him about the retro games thing coming to the wii..i also showed him the E3 clip and hes really excited as well now

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I tried convincing a mate, but he's the kind that will not be convinced other than his own opinion...


yah same here thanx for all the comments i like the idea of letting them buy, having them say it sucks in a few weeks and then laugh and say i told ya so

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Gosh, do you people not remember the time when the PS2 was the cheapest DVD player around?? It turned out not being able to play anything properly.


That is why it was the cheapest DVD player around....

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I think it's the complete oposite bookerman. Not only aesthetically, but technology wise. Forget hardware, motion capture is a great tech advancement in gaming.


Nope, infact im talking complete babble, the plastic juicer is cheap, will last a long time and serves its purpose of squeezing juice


the fancy one is there to look nice, it costs £30 or so, and i would never use it as a juicer because citric acid and metal do not mix together, hence the rust and wont last a long time.

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Analogy aside, I think if the price tag of $600 doesn't turn your friend off, you probably couldn't talk him out of it. I'm one of those people who tend to buy all consoles, but $600 is such a turn off. If multiple 5star games come out (after the cooling off period), I'll be forced to get it. I think that's how it works. So if telling your friend "It's $600" doesn't convince him, he'll get it no matter what.

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This isn't a thread to be mean to Sony Fanboys or such but a lot of my friends want to buy a PS3 now we all know better to buy a PS3 since we are all well informed, but they are not well informed and think its gonna be the coolest thing ever and that the price just means its gonna be that good! so any negative things towards the PS3 that i need to know so i can convince them not to buy it, tell me! THanx!


tell them snake is a grey haired man thats nearly dead in metal gear solid 4.Stress the fact that gta is coming out on 360 and force them to play wario ware on the gamaecube.the amount of people i converted with that game is incredible

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