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On the topic of the single character spin-offs, I'm hoping the Wolverine one is basically the whole weapon x thing showing his adamantium origins then moving onto Team X and introducing Omega Red.


I was hoping they would make the movie based on the Origin comic but i what you said is propaly easier to adapt to a movie

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The first one wasn't that good you know; in fact, looking back, it was pretty cack as well.


On the topic of the single character spin-offs, I'm hoping the Wolverine one is basically the whole weapon x thing showing his adamantium origins then moving onto Team X and introducing Omega Red.


Unfortunately, I have heard that Vinne Jones will be in it as Juggernaut again, so this is unlikely.


Personally i thought the 1st was really good, in fact i never saw it in the cinema cuz i thought there was no way they could have done it right, but when it was first shown on Sky Movies i said i'd give it view to see how it was and i loved it.


On a "Wolverine: Weapon X" film, thats a good idea but from how his character was set up in the 1st 3 (and yes i do think they would have to make it fit in with them) i don't think he ever went through the "Weapon X" thing after getting the adimantium skeleton, plus they'd have to have Sabretooth in it, and it's obvious in the 1st film that those two have zero backstory togther.


On Omega Red, oddly i just noticed that here http://uk.imdb.com/title/tt0376994/fullcredits apparently he was in the 3rd? (his the second last name on the cast list).


I don't remember seeing anyone that could have been Omega Red? Jubliee is also on the list someone i also don't remember (i was actually hoping she'd get a bigger part also, i got a soft spot for Jubilee).


Perhaps they got cut out of the final cut?

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On a "Wolverine: Weapon X" film, thats a good idea but from how his character was set up in the 1st 3 (and yes i do think they would have to make it fit in with them) i don't think he ever went through the "Weapon X" thing after getting the adimantium skeleton*SNIP*


Weapon X was the process of giving Wolverine his adamantium skeleton. The group he joined in the comics/series was Team X, so imo, at least the weapon X inicdent Occureed.


However, I think it could just as easily be set up as in X3; Jean states something along the lines of



He is in your mind as well; when she is talking about the mental blocks

Professor X placed inside her; this could mean that X put them in his head at the start of X1 as well,

and in both the comics and the TV series, Logan had something in his head blocking the memoreis of his past."


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Weapon X was the process of giving Wolverine his adamantium skeleton. The group he joined in the comics/series was Team X, so imo, at least the weapon X inicdent Occureed.


However, I think it could just as easily be set up as in X3; Jean states something along the lines of



He is in your mind as well; when she is talking about the mental blocks

Professor X placed inside her; this could mean that X put them in his head at the start of X1 as well,

and in both the comics and the TV series, Logan had something in his head blocking the memoreis of his past."


Maybe i'm gettin my memory confused, but wasn't "Weapon X" what Wolverine became known as when he joined "Team X"?


Oh wait i think i remember it now...was it Team X that was also helping with fusing his bones with the metal? But he ended up with amnesia(sp?) and forgot about them...or and i confusing myself.


As for whats in your spoiler box...good point, i never thought much of that.


Also on that same page where i copped that (apparently) Omega Red is in X3 it said a character called "Kid Omega", who was the guy who could become like a porcupine that was hangin out with Calisto...i don't know this character from the comic but i looked it up and the Kid Omega in the comic has powers no near similar to what the one in the film does, now that is fracked up. In the comics he was pretty powerful( telepathy and such, like Jean) and even became Phoenix like himself


Also i'm almost sure Calisto didn't have super speed in the comics, in fact i didn't even know that was meant to be Calisto in the film until i saw the credits while waiting for the clip at the end..where was the signature eye patch?

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Storm flying and kicking ass with lightning bolts

Wolverine the fight in the woods (although, why did he run away to start with??)

Iceman's ice form! Brilliant.

The bridge moving scene was pretty epic.

Juggernaut. Bitch!

Beast was played to perfection. Surely a hard part to play but Kelsey Grammar did it very well as I expected.

Convoy crushing!



Plot device - mutant with the ability to sense other mutants. How convenient.

The deaths of Cyclops, Jean and Professor X. Cyclops was already horribly under-used, in this film he only gets about 3 minutes screen time before he bites the dust.

Open ending, for a movie that's supposed to be the end to a trilogy, it leaves too many questions.

Phoenix - what a useless person. She spent the whole movie wandering around like a zombie while everyone talked about how scary she was, then at the end spent 5 minutes blowing up half of one building.

Storm finally kicked a bit more ass, but still not enough. Storm could've blown Magneto's entire attacking force away.

Fire vs. Ice, what an amazing fight this could've been, instead it was just a static fight face to face, two powers at equals til one pushes past the other and then loses. "You should've stayed" wasn't a great closing line either.

Magneto was a total wuss.



There were other things but I'm not great on the whole memory thing.

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Haven't read origins yet; any good?


Its good, its mostly about Logan as a child and how he discovered his mutant power. But X-men 1 kinda goes against Origin because in Origin Sabertooth is there (not sure on it there was a guy there that looks like him and has a pretty good reason to wanting to kill Logan)

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Maybe i'm gettin my memory confused, but wasn't "Weapon X" what Wolverine became known as when he joined "Team X"?


Oh wait i think i remember it now...was it Team X that was also helping with fusing his bones with the metal? But he ended up with amnesia(sp?) and forgot about them...or and i confusing myself.



The Weapon Plus program is the name of a clandestine Government funded project in Canada that turns subjects, both willing and unwilling into living weapons. The X in 'Weapon X' is a Roman Numeral, so Weapon X is the 10th version of the 'Weapon' Project, with the first being Captain America.


As noted, the X refers to the order in which the project was created. However, once the members in weapon X were created, they split off and formed their own group, also called Team X/Weapon X, after the process which created them.


Finally, the program was known to have implanted false memories into the subjects.


Hope that helps.

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Hope that helps.


Yeah it does, helps remind me that there's a lot of stuff i need to look up again cause it seems i've forgoten alot...i blame college, i've got one of the brians that has a capacity of what it can remember and if i learn something new old stuff is "deleted", looks like what i learned in college this past year was at the expense of my Wolverine knowlegde:shakehead

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I can't be arsed to go back and catch up on everything I have missed from the marvel universe(haven't been reading for 7/8 years), so I've decided to dive into the Ultimate Marvel Universe, as there is less backstory to catch up on, so it is a lot easier for new/returning readers.

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Ultimate books are two things.


the first is 'insanely freakin wicked beyond the ken of mortal man' and the second is 'about five or seven pounds on amazon used and new'.




I collect Spiderman and X Men =)


I'm going for the hardback versions of USM 1 and The Ultimates 1. Ultimate X-men is 10-14 days shipping at the mo.

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Ultimate books are two things.


the first is 'insanely freakin wicked beyond the ken of mortal man' and the second is 'about five or seven pounds on amazon used and new'.




I collect Spiderman and X Men =)


Ultimate X-men any good? Been reading Ultimate Spider man and The Ultimates (Thor is just to cool in it)

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Yeah it's really very good. the whole first book is set around pre emptive sentinel strikes against mutants while the x men are formed in response to terrorist actions by The Brotherhood, now a larger political force rather than a team of super villans.


Most of the classic elements to the story are still there- cyclops and logan are both in love with Jean, the dream remains the same etc but the characters all seem to have been altered in some way. most notably are Logan, Colossus and Storm who are a mutant hit man, a mafia arms dealer and an illigal immigrant respectivly. Xavier sees some changes too and is generally a far darker man than previously. far removed from the saintly shepherd of previous comics he is more of an actavist, willing to employ deadly force and questionable ethics in order to achieve the greater good.


it's very good o_0

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Well, I saw the film today and yesterday and I'd have to say that its a pretty (emotionally) sad movie. The ending gives hope though.


And on imdb.com they have Omega Red in the credits. Anyone see him in the movie? I did see something shiny during the last fight scene and it definitely wasn't Colossus.

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Magneto was a total wuss.




I cannot agree; Ian Mckellen was absolutely brilliant in this film. Saw it again yesterday with other mates, and it does actually make for enjoyable viewing tbh.


Upped my score to 3/5

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For anybody else that missed the end due to projectionist error.




Well worth missing for a free cinema ticket.



Somehow i remember it being longer:hmm:


Maybe it just seemed to be longer, like one of those moments when you're waiting for something happen and seems like time slows down.


I still remember the reaction me, my cousins and the guys i told to stay behind had, like it was only a few minutes ago...big cheers of YES:bouncy:


Didn't get round to a 2nd viewing yet, prolly will do over the week....or i think i'm going to Dublin next weekend so i'll prolly go to one of the (big fancy) cinemas there

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I really liked the movie and I don't agree with this Cyclops being underused business for the same business as I didn't agree with Doku being underused in ep3. People are so used to clichés, that they need them, in real life people

die at any moment, they don't need to have planted a tree, write a book and have babies
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Hehe, ya I seen X3 on opening night ^^ A dude I was playing Counter-Strike with told me to stay after the credits lol ^^


Anywayz, what exactly do the people say in the last scene? My friend thinks it was "Eric, I'm still alive" ? I can't make out what they say in that clip rokhed posted -.-

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..and now its been bloody removed >_<




EDIT: OH heres a thought. The first time Pheonix came (i THINK its been a while) it was after they flew back to earth from space, and Jean had to pilot, she took heavy damage and got buried underground when the shipped crashed? she was healing her body, and the pheonix force sort of cloned her? Perhaps the Jean Grey we knew is under Alkali Lake healing herself, and the Jean we saw in Xmen 3 was just the Pheonix Force in a copy of her?

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Saw it. It was good but theres a bunch of stuff I dont like about it. Colossus having a yank accent, Phoenix being a seperate personality, why did they change it?Also Juggenaught not being Prof X' step brother . Ah well I suppose its just to make it easier to make the film.

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Juggenaught not being Prof X' step brother . Ah well I suppose its just to make it easier to make the film.


It would have been cool to do that but the proplem would be that they would have stretched the movie even farther to make room for that

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