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Disaster: Day of Crisis


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Im liking the look of this game. A lot better than the tiny screenshot that was printed in Famitsu a looooong time ago.


I agree some screens it looks absolutely lovely, while in others they're a bit crap. However, I have faith in Monolith and Nintendo that they'll fix it before release. I mean, they've still got plenty of time... There isn't even a release date for it.


Hopefully the trees are temporary, cus they look like straight out an N64 game, haha. Character models, weather effects and some of the buildings really look lovely.

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Something tells me this'll look great in motion.. I mean it doesn't look far off some of the crappy screen shots of Resi 4. And that black smoke cloud of doom thing looks incredible!


Yes, it'll look good, so damn good you thought a city crushing tidal wave was a black smoke cloud of doom. Ace!

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I was expecting a lot from this game, but... isn't getting my atention at all... i mean, this last infos about the game (including pictures) were a little disapointing... graphically the game isn't a big deal. I just hope they get a great gameplay or less.... geez, it doesn't even seems a Nintendo game xD...

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Why oh why did it look 360 like in the original video and n64 now, this was our gun against 360, a chance to show what the wii can do and LOOK AT IT laziness now from nintendo.


The original video was merely an FMV not in-game graphics, the dvelopers said that themselves.


If you want 360 graphics buy a 360.

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