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Disaster: Day of Crisis


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I'm trying to manage my time between this, No More Heroes and Brawl. Loving all three.


This is pretty cinematic, and I'm loving the cheesiness of it all. There's such a variety of ways to rescue people, too. I'm nearly about 2 hours in, and just made the escape from the fires in that car, where he turns the ignition but it doesn't seem to work, heh.

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Just completed this the other night - what a great game! Can't believe it got such average reviews, because I really enjoyed the variety of dramatic setpieces, and all the different styles of gameplay. The only criticisms I have of it are the slightly dodgy graphics in some areas, and the final boss, which required me to 'swing left' far too often, which it only recognised 50% of the time (and so it took me at least 6 or 7 attempts when it would have been 1 or 2 if it had recognised all the gestures). I'd really like to see a sequel to this, though I very much doubt it'll happen due to poor sales and the fact that this game had most of the major disasters covered. All in all, really glad I rented it - in fact, I'm beginning to wish I'd bought it, so I could give it a second play through.

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- in fact, I'm beginning to wish I'd bought it, so I could give it a second play through.


You can likely pick it up a little cheap if you shop around.


It's well worth completing at least 3/4 times to try and unlock all the costumes and titles as well. I'm still missing a couple of titles myself-but I've played it on all HARD and REAL Disaster mode.

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Just completed this the other night - what a great game! Can't believe it got such average reviews, because I really enjoyed the variety of dramatic setpieces, and all the different styles of gameplay. The only criticisms I have of it are the slightly dodgy graphics in some areas, and the final boss, which required me to 'swing left' far too often, which it only recognised 50% of the time (and so it took me at least 6 or 7 attempts when it would have been 1 or 2 if it had recognised all the gestures). I'd really like to see a sequel to this, though I very much doubt it'll happen due to poor sales and the fact that this game had most of the major disasters covered. All in all, really glad I rented it - in fact, I'm beginning to wish I'd bought it, so I could give it a second play through.


I picked it up for 15 quid (new) from GAME. So, hunt around, and you will find a good price for it.


Sure, this game may cover most of the major disasters, but there's always room for a sequel. You just take on the original elements of the game, and look at what can be done differently.


Also, this game has both it's good and bad moments in terms of graphics. Graphically, I think the park section is pretty nice, whereas the characters themselves are not so great.


I've just moved the bus out of the way, and will give this another go later. Have I got a long way to go, or is this a pretty short game?


There's some seriously nice touches in the game, particularly related to the character's breathing. How smoke can affect the lungs, which affects performance. The stamina idea is also really sweet. All in all, there's some great ideas here.

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Got this on Friday out of HMV and although I've only just done the mission where you go through the Subway and then come out to help the mayor rescue that person, I have to say I'm loving it. Really good blend of gameplay types. I remember people saying the driving controls were a bit off but I found them perfectly fine for the driving mission I've done so far. Can't wait to delve deeper into it. See, this is the kind of game I'd like to see more of on the Wii: this action/adventure game. Ok, this game isn't strictly an Action/adventure game but you can, hopefully, understand where I'm coming from. I don't mean I want more games tackling the same stuff in the game but similar to the gameplay mechanics. I will say that my only niggle with it so far has been the dodgy camera controls but it's workable.


Nintendo really should be ashamed of themselves for not pushing this game more. It's a fantastic little game that could have sold much better if Nintendo had bothered to take a small break from all of the brain training adverts and advertise this. And the fact America isn't getting it is ridiculous. Didn't reggie say he didn't want it released there because of the voice work being shoddy or something petty like that? :shakehead

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Never once did I see a quote of Reggie saying that, just the guys from IGN on a podcast saying he did in conversation. They didn't show him saying it or quoted him in an interview. The whole thing snowballed out of control and is now taken as a fact that Reggie said that, when it's nothing more than word of mouth.

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Disaster is the first game to be crossed off the list as it became my first completion of 2009 last night.. well, I say completion, I see there were several things unlocked when I finished so that will give me reason to go back to it in the near future :smile:


The game was pretty good, I enjoyed it a lot.. but it kinda ended quicker than I expected! I stayed well away from previews and reviews of the game so didn't know anything about game length or even what gameplay elements Disaster had, but it was nice to experience it all myself.


Well, it wasn't nice to experience all of it exactly.. the amount of life I lost because swinging the Wii Remote to the left would not respond was ridiculous towards the end.. Up was fine, Right was fine.. but why did Left screw me over 90% of the time? I switched remotes thinking, and worrying, that maybe that was the problem.. but I had the same results..


Apart from that though, a very good game :smile:


I haven't looked at any opinions of the game in this thread so it could well have been mentioned before.. but did anyone else get a Metal Gear Solid vibe from the final boss fight? I certainly did

:heh: ..and then that was emphasized when not long after you were crawling through a tunnel above the elevator which just took me back to making my way to the DARPA Chief in The Twin Snakes :heh:


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Everyone noticed the Metal Gear vibe...


How did you not notice it right at the beginning of the game? :P


This is one of the few games that has English voices even in the Japanese version (guess which other game has this system, lol), just that gave it already.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I picked Disaster up before Christmas as well, and I've barely played it. I did the first mission at the start of the new year to see what the game was like (its cinematic), and that was all until this weekend just past. I did two more missions and I dunno what it is about the game, but it seems like an effort to play. I've been so glad when I've finished a mission so I can save it and get it off!


I like the shooting, the driving didn't seem that bad... I don't like putting bandages on people and I don't like the camera. Hopefully if I keep plugging away, doing a mission now and again, the game will properly captivate me.

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I'm the same as you guys. I got the game awhile ago and put some time into it (think I got to the 5th or 6th level) but haven't played it since as I've had other things to play. SHould really play it more and finish it but just don't really have the time. Trying to juggle Uni and 4 consoles is incredibly hard, would you believe. :awesome:

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This is a good game, and I'm loving the feel of it. Only reason I don't think I've properly given this the time it deserves is mainly because I've been finding it difficult to set aside time for it. When I do play it, it's usually for a good couple of hours. :)


Still loved what I played yesterday, and the driving levels are really fun. :)

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just picked this up. it was between this and deadly creatures but seen as blockbusters dint have DC i got this. just done the first two missions and i realy like it. its got loads a different gameplay elements in it. would have carried on but making are lass some tea. cant wait til i get back on it

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This is a good game, and I'm loving the feel of it. Only reason I don't think I've properly given this the time it deserves is mainly because I've been finding it difficult to set aside time for it. When I do play it, it's usually for a good couple of hours. :)


Still loved what I played yesterday, and the driving levels are really fun. :)


I agree, excellent "popcorn flick" game. It's a shame Nintendo didn't push it - whilst it's not dripping with excellence like Mario Galaxy, its pick up and play nature which lets you play levels in short bursts makes it a perfect 'bridge' game.

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So seeing as I finished HotD and won't have anything new to play until this coming friday I decided I'd pick up where I left off on this, which wasn't that far in (only chapter 5). But have to say it's been really good. Just finished chapter 10 at the geothermal plant and that was awesome. Nice long level. Although I think something's up with my Wiimote because when it was prompting me on that level to dodge to the left/right or crouch it was recognising the movement of my 'mote. Still managed to do it though. Some of the graphics for the disasters have been pretty damn good. The tsunami for example was pretty well done and the volcano erupting was good as well although there are times when it's less than stellar in the graphics department.


Nintendo really should be ashamed of themselves for failing to market this at all. It's a fantastic arcade title on the Wii, coupling different gaming style really well and a mature setting showing the true meaning to the words 'Survival'. They really should have marketed the game because, ok it may not have sold millions but it could have still sold a considerable amount had it had air time. But then that would mean that Nintendo would have to take time away from their constant badgering to the casual market. Likewise, Nintendo bought Monolith Soft and really should have given them more support to make the game that bit better. I doubt Monolith Soft will do a sequel to this and will probably be put back to RPG duty for the Wii but it's a real shame that Nintendo just completely forgot to do anything with this.

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I also bought this in November and still haven't played. I'm busy right now with Gears of War 2's campaign (which is FUCKING AWESOME, by the way :) ) and next will probably be Orange Box.


I still have to finish Okami on Wii before starting Disaster, though. But I will play it, I didn't buy it for nothing. It's just on hold.

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