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Disaster: Day of Crisis


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What awesome boxart, really impressed! Really captures that epic, cinematic feel that Nintendo normally fall short of. As do the adverts that also make the graphics seem pretty decent if slightly colourless. I'm started to think this has a chance of being something like Nintendo's MGS.

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I would say a month is nothing compared to the 5 month hiatus between Japanese and European release of ssbb


Ugh...still on about SSBB :indeed: If anything, you should talk about the gap between japan and europe for Super Paper Mario.

But still, it's good to see it coming out very soon ^^


This game looks very promising will get this when it comes out depending on reviews .


Ever since most reviewers gave Baiten Kaitos Origins a bad score I don't give a shit what they say (Especially for a game made by monolith)


This game is being made by monolith, nuff said :yay:

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baten kaitos is in my opinion the most addictive RPG ever i liked it alot

i hope they come with a new one very soon


Ugh...still on about SSBB :indeed: If anything, you should talk about the gap between japan and europe for Super Paper Mario.

But still, it's good to see it coming out very soon ^^




Ever since most reviewers gave Baiten Kaitos Origins a bad score I don't give a shit what they say (Especially for a game made by monolith)


This game is being made by monolith, nuff said :yay:

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Baiten Kaitos Origins?



It's funny, I found Baiten Kaitos boring, it felt like just an average RPG. It was still good with a couple of twists and turns in the game.


But the one monolith made after that was.......damn right FUCKING AWESOME!!!! the game improved in everything in Baiten Kaitos and just made it soooooooo much better and everything bad from the game was gone, not to mention the voice acting was.....Good, better then most as a matter of fact.

And the story.....wow. That's all I can say about the story, I really am without words about the story in it.


If you can import and you have yet got Baiten Kaitos Origins......GET IT!!!!! Everyone who has not yet played it is really missing out.

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I doubt this game will click with everyone. It seems like a very original concept, it has a variety of gameplay mechanics, which most will be happy to dismiss as mini games or waggle fest (I personally love QTEs) and it's Monolith's first non-RPG game (I think), not to mention it didn't have a lot of Nintendo's hand in it, considering development started way before they were bought, so I'm betting the rough edges and arcade like gameplay (which most likely means arcade like replay value) won't sit well.

I'm looking forward to it a lot though, seems like a breath of fresh air.

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I doubt this game will click with everyone. It seems like a very original concept, it has a variety of gameplay mechanics, which most will be happy to dismiss as mini games or waggle fest (I personally love QTEs) and it's Monolith's first non-RPG game (I think), not to mention it didn't have a lot of Nintendo's hand in it, considering development started way before they were bought, so I'm betting the rough edges and arcade like gameplay (which most likely means arcade like replay value) won't sit well.

I'm looking forward to it a lot though, seems like a breath of fresh air.

Was it always Monoliths project?


I thought it was originally a Nintendo project and then handed over to Monolith with their acquisition.

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It was always a Moni-Soft production.


Anyway, after watching the vids on the site, I'm not totally convinced that it will release feeling "finished", nor am I a fan of the combat style they've opted for.


However, the cut-scenes look spectacular, and it does genuinely look like it'll have that cinematic feel they've been boasting about. It also has potential to have some really varied gameplay elements.


It'd totally be one to at least rent if my local Blockbuster actually rented Wii games :(

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Why- ooh why did they make the combat scenes lightgun-ish?

They could have made it more MGS or even gears of war-ish (with the coversystem and everything).

The car behaviour also seems strange. We just have to wait and read the reviews. Before this seemed a must-buy, but I'm not so sure any more.

Somehow I feel that the game's recieved a casual-treatment since it was first shown. Casual gamers don't care for good stories or long campaigns, so don't friggin casualise adventure games!

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The car behaviour also seems strange.


The car behaviour is the best I've ever seen from the 1st person perspective. :awesome: They seem to have the feel of driving spot on, with the car tilting in the opposite direction in which you're turning.


And that intro video on the official site.... please someone tell me that's NOT an FMV! :(

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Baiten Kaitos Origins?


Yeah origins i really loved that game


i also liked the first one only the voice acting in that one was really bad


in origins all the flaws where taken out the battle system is just better then all rpg games i ever played i hope they make a new one for the Wii



and about Disaster day of crisis i wont look at reviews the game looks good to me so i will buy it even if the scores are low i waited to long for this game :P

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