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Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Spoilers Topic)


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Well, I've had Brawl just under a month now and I thought I'd give my opinion on the game. Although there's loads which is excellent about the game, there's a surprisingly large amount which is bad, which really did stop this being the perfect game for me.


Love all the offline modes, options, character selection too. Stages are undoubtedly the best yet, some real inventive stuff going on there. Love the idea of cooperative play, it does make the Subspace Emissary a whole lot more fun, speaking of which, is also a good laugh but was a bit underwhelming in parts. Some stages stand out, some really don't....the story is also one of the stupidest things ever. They could have paid me £20 and I could have come up with something that at least made sense.


Obviously, it's all about the multiplayer which is a barrel of laughs with friends. The most serious flaw with the game is the online mode - no matter what Nintendo says to justify it, I don't care, it's just pure and simply completely broken. I've never played a match, in which I've not had at least a tiny bit of lag, and I've used it on all sorts of different connections. I know, Brawl has a lot more data pumping through it than your standard game but I'm sure this mode could have been improved, which is a shame as it's what I was most looking forward to. The online interface is also absolutely dreadful and the whole thing just really does fail in comparison to Mario Kart, which although not perfect, is a much smoother, better-developed online product. The fact that it takes me up to 10 minutes in some cases just to find people to play with in Basic Brawl, only for it then to lag like a motherfucker, makes me think that Nintendo believe it to be perfectly acceptable to take people's money and provide a half-assed service - not a very good thing to do to your customer base when your console is leading for the first time in 10 years. Although it's not possible given the amount of money it'd cost, Brawl really does seem like a game that needed dedicated servers to run seamlessly. Maybe taking some stuff out of the game may have helped this problem?


I do love the option to customise one's control settings but is it just me or is the a game a bit over sensitive in parts? Sometimes you press the A button and it just goes into rapid-fire mode and the fiddly nature of the controls seems to make me do attacks that I didn't actually want to do. Perhaps, it's just me being an old timer, or the frustration of doing-said wrong attacks has caused my controller's quality to deteriorate as frustration has lead me to throwing my Wavebird against many a wall (don't even get me started on the online lag!!!). I have grown quite accustomed to the air dodge, which, was absolutely dreadful in Melee due it's jump-nerfing ability, but now acts as a very, very useful move.


Love the music, best in any game ever. Graphics are very good but not great and I don't think they're the best on Wii - that award goes to Mario Galaxy but the game is very frantic, fast-paced and I've only seen the frame rate ever drop once and for very understandable reasons.


Will I still playing this game next year? Definitely. Will I still be playing in the year after that? Most probably. Don't get me wrong, it's a great game and I put it miles above Melee, but I just wish Nintendo could release a patch and fix all the stuff that they got wrong. Yes they did a better job than I could ever do but then the point is, I'm technically paying them for making it for me to use. Whereas some areas have been so polished with Mr. Sheen that they burn your retinas because of the super glossy shine, others have been lucky just to been spit-rubbed semi-clean. It really is a shame....


I was playing the original with a friend last night and that reminded me why I love Smash Bros. so much! I know nostalgia and memories can cloud your judgement when it comes to remembering great games but despite it's simplicity - 64 got it all right for me, regardless of the awful graphics, lack of game modes whereas Brawl promised the world but only gave me a few continents. My friend even said that it requires more skill than Brawl and I'm actually inclined to agree!


What's everyone else's positives and negatives of the game? Anyone found something to be so rubbish that it's marred the game for them?


Oh and btw, Coin Launcher FTW!

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Well, I've had Brawl just under a month now and I thought I'd give my opinion on the game. Although there's loads which is excellent about the game, there's a surprisingly large amount which is bad, which really did stop this being the perfect game for me.


That was very nicely written and I agree with almost everything you said. I wouldn't say there was a large amount which is bad though. The online is the worst thing in the game, but I have found tons of other things to keep me occupied for a very long time. The good far outweigh the bad IMO.


p.s. It's also annoying that there are only five generic target smash levels instead of one for each character.


Pity it doesn't give you any names of the people who set them though. :heh:


Or the video replays. :grin:

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Yes, there is


Go to the controller option, there's something like "Tap to jump", put off that option, and you'l be fine.


And yes, its awful to play with that option, it just sucks, the only way to do the up smash is to jump and when falling, maintaining the Up pressed and clicking A, sucks.


The online works great for me, tough, don't know your problem, guys. I think you're too exigent, sometimes there's like 5 second of lag in the beginning, so what? Its not like we're going to die for just 5 seconds of lag :\

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That was very nicely written and I agree with almost everything you said. I wouldn't say there was a large amount which is bad though. The online is the worst thing in the game, but I have found tons of other things to keep me occupied for a very long time. The good far outweigh the bad IMO.


p.s. It's also annoying that there are only five generic target smash levels instead of one for each character.



You're right, there's a load of decent stuff in the game - I really do like the challenges screen, gives the game more purpose I find! And character-specific target smash stages would have been great as the ones in Melee really did seem very inventive (Young Link's stage was particularly good!). It's a shame as I would have loved to have seen a return of the infamous "Board The Platforms!!!" from the first game. Then again, I suppose all the platforming bits in SSE act as a pretty good substitute for that.


I need to start playing the game with friends offline more and then I reckon it'll be a whole lot more fun, as I won't be getting my panties in a twist about lag. The biggest problem I have there is no one else I know has the game and there's only one other guy who plays it with me anyways (he's pretty amazing too, he's won a few FFAs with some of the chaps on here!). If I can convince people to play and get good at it (so that they want to play some more) then I imagine the fun factor will increase even more.


I suppose my criticism is slightly harsh in parts because it was the online mode that I was most looking forward to and obviously, that's where I've had the most disappointment. Still, I can't knock the fact that, despite all the lag etc., I've still had the chance to play some absolutely epic games with some of you guys on here, many of whom live miles and countries apart from me!


*waits for everyone to "Awww!"*

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Its the best game i have ever played, i just love the re-playability, and when you play it with friends, it never gets boring.


As much as I hate Nintendo right about now and hate the lack-lustre online mode of this game, I have to agree with the above. Matches can go either way and is always entertaining. So many occasions where I LOL at whats happening even if I was losing.


Its just a nice Nintendo keep-sake to have.

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As much as I hate Nintendo right about now and hate the lack-lustre online mode of this game, I have to agree with the above. Matches can go either way and is always entertaining. So many occasions where I LOL at whats happening even if I was losing.


Its just a nice Nintendo keep-sake to have.


I'd have to agree. Check out these vids for some examples.


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How did you get all of the enemies from SE ?? I find it pretty hard to do !!



Play the hardest difficulty level. Trophy stands will appear often (but the ennemies are stupily powerfull).

You can also choose a place where you encounter an ennemy you want and near a door or an "spawningé place for your character: this way, if don't gain a trophy stand while killing nearby ennemies, you can commit suicide and restart nearly at the same place with a new batch of ennemies to kill for trophy stands.

It worked fine for me but some ennemies are more annoying than others considering how rare they are and where they are located (Armank was a pain in the ass for me. I found the bosses easier to obtain than him...).

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Pretty much what Deathborn said. This FAQ tells you where to find each enemy:


Brawl FAQ


Don't forget that as soon as you get the trophy, you can press Start and quit the level there and then and you'll still have it.


The hardest one was Meta Ridley which took me hours to get simply because he hovers above thin air for most of the time. Hitting him with the trophy stand isn't too hard, but it usually falls off the bottom of the stage. I got lucky and hit him whilst he was flying above the ship.

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Got Meta-Ridley more easily than I thought it would be. I just threw the trophy stand right above my head when he did his "stomping" attack. The more annoying with him is when he attacks a bomb or an explosive crate and die stupidly. I had to redo his whole awful level once because of that. -_-

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Heh, back when I used my NTSC copy of the game I had all the trophies except the Stickers one. Now with the PAL copy I've had to do it all over again :P. Got about 490, and at around the 610 stickers mark. I'd have probably gotten 'em all again by now were it not for my careful observation of which trophies and stickers are unlocking what in the Chronicle. Like, collecting the Tetra trophy adds The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass to the Chronicle for example.

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Heh, back when I used my NTSC copy of the game I had all the trophies except the Stickers one. Now with the PAL copy I've had to do it all over again :P. Got about 490, and at around the 610 stickers mark. I'd have probably gotten 'em all again by now were it not for my careful observation of which trophies and stickers are unlocking what in the Chronicle. Like, collecting the Tetra trophy adds The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass to the Chronicle for example.


Yep, I think collecting all stickers will be the last thing I do with the game as well. What was your method for getting all the random trophies?

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I had a go at getting some of the Subspace boss trophies last night, which wasn't as difficult as I'd imagined. Just Meta Ridley and Tabuu to get now, then I'll probably start going after the regular Subpace enemy trophies.

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I had a go at getting some of the Subspace boss trophies last night, which wasn't as difficult as I'd imagined. Just Meta Ridley and Tabuu to get now, then I'll probably start going after the regular Subpace enemy trophies.


Good luck. The regular enemy I had most trouble with was the smiley face on a stack of 4 bases in the shape of a pyramid (forget his name). Do you go for Intense difficulty for an increased chance of trophy stands, but the enemies are rock hard, or an easier difficulty where you get less trophy stands but easy enemies? Decisions, decisions.


I spent 3400 coins on the Coin Launcher last night and disappointingly got only one more trophy: Falco (Assault).


2 trophies left to get:

Mizzo - Random

Stickers - Collect all stickers

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I've been trying on intense difficulty for the regular enemies, still got loads to go though. Good luck with your last two trophies, especially the stickers one! I'm sure Mizzo will turn up soon - I got it last week, I think. In fact, I've had all the final 5 you've needed from the coin launcher for a while, I think. ;) Still only got around 460 in total, though.

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I've been trying on intense difficulty for the regular enemies, still got loads to go though. Good luck with your last two trophies, especially the stickers one! I'm sure Mizzo will turn up soon - I got it last week, I think. In fact, I've had all the final 5 you've needed from the coin launcher for a while, I think. ;) Still only got around 460 in total, though.


Thanks! A trophy swap via WFC wouldn't have gone amiss. Even just for the random ones.

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