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Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Spoilers Topic)


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I know Nayru's Love is Zelda's B, but so is Samus's Screw Attack her Up+B and we still got a Screw Atack item so that every character could use it. That was my ideia of Nayru's Love item, but you could still atack.


I don't get killed much by the baseball bat smash. When they trow it against you... now that's dangerous. I find it way easier do avoid a bat smash than a bat throw.

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I hope Din's Fire is imporved on the next one


I agree with Zell completly, and I think there should be more pokemon, FAR more, and Mew & Celebi should at least do something.

Wobbuffet should be made so if you hit him he canes you one, even if you shoot him ;)

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In the game (and the cartoon i think) wobbuffet had counter and mirror..thing (i forget). They should make it so that if you attack wobbuffet, wobbuffet attacks you with the amount of damage and knockback damage that you hit wobbuffet with (eg, if you baseball smashed wobbuffet, you would get KO'd instantly). And if you fire a projectile, he would reflect it back at you.

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In the game (and the cartoon i think) wobbuffet had counter and mirror..thing (i forget). They should make it so that if you attack wobbuffet, wobbuffet attacks you with the amount of damage and knockback damage that you hit wobbuffet with (eg, if you baseball smashed wobbuffet, you would get KO'd instantly). And if you fire a projectile, he would reflect it back at you.


Mirror Coat my friend...Mirror Coat...

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Guest Stefkov

I think it would be cool if Link had he mirror shield,

Fox has that shield thing which deflects stuff, and im sure he doesnt have that in any of his games, Link has the shield perfect for blocking attacks and hitting them back, being as it is a mirror shield.

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How is jigglypuff not interesting? She has one of the most original move sets in the game (whoever thought of Rest needs to be knighted).


Charizard would be a popular inclusion... i couldnt see him being like bowser though (bowser has a shell). And dont underestimate the how good bowser is...

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How is jigglypuff not interesting? She has one of the most original move sets in the game (whoever thought of Rest needs to be knighted).


Charizard would be a popular inclusion... i couldnt see him being like bowser though (bowser has a shell). And dont underestimate the how good bowser is...


She's a pink ball, we already have one pink ball in the from of Kirby, any other pokemon could be created with original move sets. Charizard is completely different on the eye and could have some really original moves. And compared to other characters Bowser is bad, he's just too dam slow.

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If i had to choose between kirby and jigglypuff, I'd definately go for jigglypuff.


Jigglypuff has one of the most awesome moves in the game, the one where she goes to sleep and lands on you, it's the equivalent of a baseball bat smash.

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Demuwan, stop being a dick. I'm guessing you're a typical 14 years old kid (because your intelligence certainly doesn't warrant your being any older) who thinks he knows everything about everything. Firstly, Smash bros hasn't been out for 5 years yet. Secondly, I'm betting that any single person from this forum could kick your worthless ass at any game you claim to be "unbeatable" at. Roy as a character is immensely flawed, as anyone who claims to have mastered him will realise the moment they select Marth.


Hookay, thats my spleen vented for the day...


Zell, I'm having trouble mastering the L-cancel, how exactly do you do it? Everytime I do it, i end up doing an air dodge thingy, its wierd. Any tips? Mucho Gracias Amigo...


That was worth it!!!!! The hatred really seeped through that.


I was waiting for this response. Just wanted to see who had the most patience. I thought it would be Goron 3 that cracked first, he was amazingly patient with my cocky ass. Anyway, I found your response damm funny. Just playing about by the way Bard. Its my sick sense of humour that activates when I am most bored


BTW I could PWN you using just my feet with Roy.

EDIT: *just kidding*

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Guest Jordan

Kirby was far far more effective in the original smash bros, because of his throws.


Now throws are so much weaker it makes it damn hard to throw someone out of the arena using him.

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Kirby has some pretty good suicide moves including his throws and his b move.


Yeah but you can escape the B-Move by rotating the control stick and press A when Kirby starts to walk with you.


And if ANYONE dares mention ill of jigglypuff, they deserve to be hung. Her moves have the highest priority of any character in the game, so basically when you hit someone off the level, you can jump after them, attack them, and make it back on. CRAZY!:bowdown:

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