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Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Spoilers Topic)


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About play style, to be honest, im very dedicated to winning, i just don't get mad as Foxfear does when i lose.


Edit: Also, Shino's avatar is a Troll from 4Chan ;), its from a funny comic there.

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Well, i only defeated him twice, and he got excuses for each time i did, also insulting me.

When i lose, im more of a "DAMN!!! Grrr, i will bust you next time" type.

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Well, i only defeated him twice, and he got excuses for each time i did, also insulting me.

When i lose, im more of a "DAMN!!! Grrr, i will bust you next time" type.


Have you got a list of how many times people have beaten you? I only seem to remember results if it was all in someone else favour, generally if I had my butt handed to me.

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Not really, i only remember defeating Foxfear because it was a great accomplishment, as i didn't manage to beat him before.


Then again, im training with one of the best snakes in Super Smash Boards (something like that)

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Not really, i only remember defeating Foxfear because it was a great accomplishment, as i didn't manage to beat him before.


Then again, im training with one of the best snakes in Super Smash Boards (something like that)


Hmmm. I would be more proud if I had trained myself (which I have) but each to their own. Do you play exactly like him or do you have your own style?

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Of course i have my own style, lol.

But yeah, learing on my own is harder, i don't mind going the easy way, after all, this is my first Smash game.

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Of course i have my own style, lol.

But yeah, learing on my own is harder, i don't mind going the easy way, after all, this is my first Smash game.


Ah yeah, forgot about that. Game is possibly harder to learn than the 64 counterpart, whereby if you reached 100% and someone grabbed and threw you, or made a good connection with anything, you were just gone.

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As stated in the meetup thread - shall be on in about 10 mins so you may pwn me with your Samusy goodness!


And Foxfear, I got the game at the beginning of August and I have (excluding team matches), tidily put you away in pretty much all of the games - usually as Ness or Lucas. Now players like Tyso, Boko and Sprout are the ones who truly put up an awesome fight - usually as lower "tier" characters - it's very rare I beat them.


Try not to play to win - it's just no fun then.


I can't remember playing you lately Pooki... you probably won because I was still in my early stage or the game was very laggy or I was just messing around... fight me tonight and I promise it won't be so easy

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To be fair, i've only seen him get mad a few times and that was a while back.


Thank you Zero... I really don't know how you people think I get mad :confused: :confused: :confused:

I don't mind losing at all IF my opponent is truly a better player, so I can learn from him...


I do get mad reading such ridiculous posts and people start flaming me for just expressing my opinion...


Pooki I thought you were a nice guy, but now I've just realised that you're an asshole, losing doesn't ruin my day at all, but if you like ruining people's days just go shoot someone in the subway THEN you really will have fucked somebody's day up, hopefully you will get your satisfaction then...


Oh and for the record my Falco eats Ness/Lucas for breakfast...


And Maase I think I already said sorry for the insults (if I didn't I'm doing it now) my mood had nothing to do with you...


@ tyso busterbrown-shoes-orange.jpg


Really I came home with a good mood, but this just pissed me off...

I don't remember the last time I went bananas over a stupid game, fro anyone who thinks otherwise just go screw yourself

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Does look abit harsh what people are saying about FoxFear, whats he done wrong exactly?


That's the thing... I've done nothing wrong... I like to play to win... and occasionaly for fun when I'm in the mood, just ask Calv we had some awesome matches were we both kept switching chars...


I'll probably be able to play you tonight Maddog ;);) Looking forward to it...

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Thank you Zero... I really don't know how you people think I get mad :confused: :confused: :confused:

I don't mind losing at all IF my opponent is truly a better player, so I can learn from him...


I do get mad reading such ridiculous posts and people start flaming me for just expressing my opinion...


Pooki I thought you were a nice guy, but now I've just realised that you're an asshole, losing doesn't ruin my day at all, but if you like ruining people's days just go shoot someone in the subway THEN you really will have fucked somebody's day up, hopefully you will get your satisfaction then...


Oh and for the record my Falco eats Ness/Lucas for breakfast...


And Maase I think I already said sorry for the insults (if I didn't I'm doing it now) my mood had nothing to do with you...


@ tyso busterbrown-shoes-orange.jpg


Really I came home with a good mood, but this just pissed me off...

I don't remember the last time I went bananas over a stupid game, fro anyone who thinks otherwise just go screw yourself


You didn't, lol, sorry for thinking you were always like that.

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If tiers are for queers why do you get so worked up about them?? Tiers are to determine what characters are better against others, e.g. a low tier can easily be a counter for a top tier, but the char is low tier because he doesn't fare well against many others except for the one in particular...


I hope you now understand what ties are all about...


I really couldn't disagree more with this post... but hey, it's a free world... if you wanna keep playing scrub-level that's fine for me, you can do whatever the heck you like...

Excuse me for wanting to get better and I LIKE looking up every cheap, annoying technique but that doesn't mean I'll use them in friendlies... Only when trying to teach scrubs a lesson :indeed:


And how would you know if Tyso pwns my rear or not?? Have played him in weeks...


Edit: I consider myself pretty good, considering I 've only had the game for 2 months... I'm not even close to being a pro, but that's kinda impossible after such a short amount of time...


Actually that's not quite true... many people from here imported the NTSC version of the game e.g. Sprout, Tyso, Zero (Correct me if I'm wrong)


Pretty much everything you posted on the last page made you look like an arrogant asshole who doesn't even has a reason to be so, and this page isn't going so good also. And this last two pages are the only I have read in a long time in this thread.

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Pretty much everything you posted on the last page made you look like an arrogant asshole who doesn't even has a reason to be so, and this page isn't going so good also. And this last two pages are the only I have read in a long time in this thread.


I think you have to look up the word arrogant in the dictionary, because none of the message (except maybe for the second one) seem arrogant to me... I only get pissed off (or arrogant) when people like Pookablio start talking tarsh about me for no apparent reason...

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No-one's being *that* arrogant really.


Now, can we get back to discussing how brilliant I am please?


Trophies: 543/544

Stickers: 694/700


Just 6 stickers to go! Woo.


Your brialliant!


I'm only about half way through each even though i've had it for ages. What trophies do you need to get out of SSE?

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I think you have to look up the word arrogant in the dictionary, because none of the message (except maybe for the second one) seem arrogant to me... I only get pissed off (or arrogant) when people like Pookablio start talking tarsh about me for no apparent reason...


Whoa, whoa, I'm not talking "trash" about anyone - you were the one on your high horse - all I'm saying is that you're over-competitive nature and more importantly, your undeserved, superiority complex, can SOMETIMES spoil the game and community we have going on here. Recall if you will - playing with my friend Bob who doesn't even own the game - you and Mr. J thrashed us pretty much every time and we carried on playing in good nature because it was fun no matter how much we got beaten.


We then plays a map which is new to Bob, he spams a little bit and you leave the game because of it (which did lead us to win that game primarily) and it was also the only game we beat you by a significant margin. You then start complaining not only in your SSBB profile comments' box but also on here. And even when I told you that he was new and didn't own it and that he even admittedly stated that he was spamming because of his lack of experience with the game you fail to even recognise it. If you're so amazing then spamming shouldn't even be a problem for you - especially when you have a goddamn reflector move!


Everyone else has said you've been acting arrogant and that's plain and simply because you have - I've had some excellent games with you - such as that brilliant co-op Multi-Man Brawl we did a week or two back - I play with you because it is MOSTLY fun and we've had some pretty incredible matches but my complaint was aimed at your somewhat arrogant attitude towards the game in recent posts.


I don't come on here to be an "asshole" towards you, as you so kindly put it, just for kicks because I have far better things to do with my time like enjoying Brawl. I don't even know you. And, as I said, if you're getting seriously wound up about getting beaten at Brawl by someone living hundreds of miles away over the Internet then in all fairness, I do find it very amusing when you get thrashed, just as I would about anyone else (like when I got a very evil look from some nerd at Japan Expo who I laughed at for having a tantrum after he got destroyed by some n00bie at Brawl). It is just a game mate. Trying to throw that into the same context as me killing someone just a) makes you sound stupid and b) give very little support to the very poor counter arguement you've already put forward.


All I'm suggesting in this debate is that perhaps you eat some humble pie and just have fun with us guys when you're playing. People will always be better than other people but we don't meet up online to play games to flex our biceps and shout about how big our willies are. We just have a laugh. If you can only find enjoyment in winning then I feel sorry for you and I suggest you find something that you're perhaps better at (or just join a pro tournament for God's sake).


If it bothers you that much take me off your friends roster - it really isn't the end of the world to me!

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Basically, if you really only want to be playing competitive games, then you're at the wrong forum. You want Smashboards.


Myself personally I only play online now for fun, not really caring if I win or lose because I know that there's plenty of better people out there than me at the game.

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