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Looking forward too Nintendo adding other 3rd party characters:





Maybe a few others that may fit well

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  Frankafus said:
SEXY TWILIGHT PRINCESS LINK!!! (i meant in the most heterosexual way)


I don't!!! Looks better than in the real game!!


I almost died when I saw the Wii trailer with all those beautiful games. but in the end i felt soooo empty... like i OVER hyped e3... but now that I've seen this game... Its gonna make getting to November VERY HARD!!! I NEED JOB MONEY OMG!!! WOOO SEXY! OMG!!! I WANT TRAILER!


I still wanna see the new game controls for Wii, and classic controls... Nintendo loves us... how could they not unleash this game upon us... BEST E3 EVER!!!


Wow... graphics... omg...


they should have at least a couple of characters playable with the wii remote where it suits their style.


can't think which.... may be if the bloke from H.A.M.M.E.R was included that would be cool


Bwahaha Mario's overalls look INCREDIBLE!!! Sonic HAS to join... I'd laugh so hard if they got Master Cheif into this! WBaHAhAHHAHa!


Actual gameplay graphics... aaaamaaa-zaaa-zziiing

  Frankafus said:
I'd laugh so hard if they got Master Cheif into this! WBaHAhAHHAHa


they should make him into a jiggly puff type character.


... also imagine if the customisable wee men were in it. So build our own characters like Reggie in the e3 tennis

  Shino said:
IT only for classic Wii controller or gamecube controller.


I knew it wouldnt use the remote, I was just wondering if it wasnt just the GC controller, but the classic Wii controller too.


i love the look of the classic Wii controller and that with smash bros would be amazing.


OMFG I just got on and BAM!!! hit me like a pile bricks... to the nuts!!:woops: And I haven't even read the full details just the playable characters

  ndreamer said:


carn't wait and im glad they are taking the time to include the multiplayer options.

is that sumas in the back there in the blue suit ?


Yes thats Samus in her Zero suit from Metroid Zero Mission.

  Frankafus said:
Do you guys think they're gonna release the trailer for us later on?! HeehEeehEeheee... okay i need to chillax


Its there its there!!

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