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Zelda: Twilight Princess Discussion (SPOILERS: BEWARE)

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ahh blood, the symbol of life


dead babies beheadings That would earn this game an M raiting


it will be in more than one sceen to

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oh no.. no blood.. just green or blue gue.. remember Carmageddon where "red blood" was banned from germany i think.. so in their version the blood was green.. phew.. I hate that type of thing.. but blood or no blood.. Twilight Princess is going to make me bleed


I have insider information that the blood effect will occur when the princess is kidnapped and Link goes into deep depression and starts dressing and acting like an emo (man even if i save the princess she would never like me) and he starts cutting himself, and yes you can controll the cutting with the wiimote

  Mundi said:
I have insider information that the blood effect will occur when the princess is kidnapped and Link goes into deep depression and starts dressing and acting like an emo (man even if i save the princess she would never like me) and he starts cutting himself, and yes you can controll the cutting with the wiimote


I wish the grass in my backyard was emo... that way it would cut itself...


Anyway, emo Link would make a myspace account, and using the wiiconnect24 system you get to publish your poems about how your life is a spiraling vortex of loneliness and depression

  Mundi said:
I have insider information that the blood effect will occur when the princess is kidnapped and Link goes into deep depression and starts dressing and acting like an emo (man even if i save the princess she would never like me) and he starts cutting himself, and yes you can controll the cutting with the wiimote


Self harm was just the start of a spiral of teen angst. Link also has found that wearing female clothing has helped pick him up on down day. This is partially derived from an innate desire but may also be a result of an earlier traumatic relationships with his father. In many ways Link often wishes that he could play the princess for once. Yet what is is what must be. Link must toil on through dangers unknown.... Will he rescue the princess ? or be the princess ? This is unclear. But one thing is for sure, its a hard life being an asexual elf gimp.




With all these powerful weapons being slashed/used on on Link via enemies do you think we'll see tears in his clothes, possibly one of his breasts or one of his buttocks cheeks being shown or parts of his manly chest?


This could be a serious gameplay element where like in OOT where you wear special tunics for certain conditions [e.g. Red Tunic for invunerability against HOT CONDITIONS and BLUE Tunic for no air issues underwater], the tunic will be damaged so the effect won't be permanent and means that to prevent yourself from dying you'd be restricted to walk through an area damage free and you have to take it a shop or something [a tailor perhaps] to get it sewn up for a fee of a few rupees.

  fukudasolokomalakikenanze said:
With all these powerful weapons being slashed/used on on Link via enemies do you think we'll see tears in his clothes, possibly one of his breasts or one of his buttocks cheeks being shown or parts of his manly chest?




... Have you like never played a Zelda game before? :hmm:

  fukudasolokomalakikenanze said:
the tunic will be damaged so the effect won't be permanent and means that to prevent yourself from dying you'd be restricted to walk through an area damage free and you have to take it a shop or something [a tailor perhaps] to get it sewn up for a fee of a few rupees.


Perhaps you could buy some thread and a needle and use the Wiimote to sew your clothes back together again. You could also mend the ladders in your tights and...



  ShadowV7 said:
The whole thing about tunics getting ruined would just be annoying having to get a new one every so often.


Agreed. I hate it when swords break in games as well, i know it's realistic but i can't normally be bothered to go buy another..

  Owen said:
Agreed. I hate it when swords break in games as well, i know it's realistic but i can't normally be bothered to go buy another..


Man I hated that in OOT with the fake biggorons sword.

  ShadowV7 said:
Man I hated that in OOT with the fake biggorons sword.


Haha, was just about to say the same thing! :D


That really was annoying!



I wouldn't mind though if you at some point could get your sword sharpened. Just so it will do as much damage as it did when you first got it... so after a while it won't hit as hard as it did from the beginning... Or maybe you can just get it improved permenantly. Once or twice.


Of course, not with the Master Sword. It'll always stay perfectly sharp :bouncy:


New Details


* Arm Link: The Wii Remote and Nunchuk controllers are used for a variety of game activities from fishing to projectile-weapon aiming. The game features incredibly precise aiming control using the Wii Remote controller. Use the controllers for sword swings, spin attacks and shield shoves.

* Thrilling Adventure: Players ride into battle against troops of foul creatures and wield a sword and shield with the Wii Remote and Nunchuk controllers, then take on massive bosses that must be seen to be believed.

* Mind & Muscle: Many puzzles stand between Link and the fulfillment of his quest, so players must sharpen their wits as they hunt for weapons and items.



Zelda also sold online in Greece

This week exists a special offer for the all registered members http://www.nintendo.gr To The Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess circulates in December in GameCube, you will not find them in the shops but only in the electronic shop site.


Can be transported immediately in our electronic shop importing the following address in your navigator:



All that preorder Twilight Princess until 17 October will receive completely free of charge an other title GameCube for as long as last the reserves. Automatically the all members that preorder the title will participate in draw for a collection gift Zelda that him envy your friends.

  Dante said:
New Details


* Arm Link: The Wii Remote and Nunchuk controllers are used for a variety of game activities from fishing to projectile-weapon aiming. The game features incredibly precise aiming control using the Wii Remote controller. Use the controllers for sword swings, spin attacks and shield shoves.

* Thrilling Adventure: Players ride into battle against troops of foul creatures and wield a sword and shield with the Wii Remote and Nunchuk controllers, then take on massive bosses that must be seen to be believed.

* Mind & Muscle: Many puzzles stand between Link and the fulfillment of his quest, so players must sharpen their wits as they hunt for weapons and items.



Zelda also sold online in Greece


KISSES EVERYONE WAHHHHHHHHHH so damn hyped over this game. The only thing is i'm worried about the controls.



  triforce_keeper said:
KISSES EVERYONE WAHHHHHHHHHH so damn hyped over this game. The only thing is i'm worried about the controls.



Only thing i'm worried about is that i'll fall asleep when playing it after midnight launch :heh:

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