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Super Smash Bros Melee

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I play both VF and LOVE SF2 and SMash easily requires more skill. In those games you can combo very easily once you know how and it requires you to press way fewer buttons than Smash (especially if Smash is being played with fast characters).


Comboing well in Smash can require excellent L-cancelling, wavedashing, but more importantly, Mindgames. THe levels in Smash are very large, and only an idiot would walk right into your moves/combos. The skill it requires to get your opponents into your combos on smash is rediculous. As much as i LOVE street fighter (i was brought up on it), the skill required to win in Smash is a lot more.


Not entirely true there mate. Where Smash does have a stupid amount of hidden skill required, the same is true of Street Figher and Tekken (especially). I mean, there's really no tangible way to tell which of these games requires more skill so theres no need to argue, but Smash is definately on par with games like VF, Tekken, Soul Calibur, Street Fighter etc...


The skill sometimes needed to master smash is so stupid I almost gave up on it, and fighters are my forte. So honestly, dig a little deeper next time you decide to judge.

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check out this link:



It should tell you pretty much everything you need to know, also check out some of the advanced techniques vids, they are really helpful.


Yeah good point. Go to youtube.com and search 'advance techniques smash' and it should come up with 2/3 videos that explain them really well and easily.

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When I play a 1on1 I prefer not to use all the advance techniques. The speed some people play at is just... wow but, I at least want some time to gloat when Im beating their ass (my friends) instead of killing them instantly.


Was wave dashing really meant to be in the game. I always thought it was some sort of glitch.

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When I play a 1on1 I prefer not to use all the advance techniques. The speed some people play at is just... wow but, I at least want some time to gloat when Im beating their ass (my friends) instead of killing them instantly.


Was wave dashing really meant to be in the game. I always thought it was some sort of glitch.


As much as I'm aware, the developers knew wavedashing was in the game, but decided not to get rid of it (due to the fact that all it is is air dodging INTO the ground, and the momentum slides your character along, and correcting this would mean remaking the ENTIRE physics engine).


L-cancelling, unlike what people think, is apart of the game, and to be quite honest it's common sense, as putting up your shield during the lag of a move would naturally get rid of the lag.


Something I do when i gloat is to combo someone, and as I hit them off the level, say 'wait, what happened there...I'm so sorry'...hehe works a treat!

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Something I do when i gloat is to combo someone, and as I hit them off the level, say 'wait, what happened there...I'm so sorry'...hehe works a treat!

That would piss me off if someone done that to me.


JAs for gloating, when I gloat i usually break concentration. If I win though, I do the "silent gloat" and it gets to people :D.

I prefer the more 'in your face' gloating. Especially if the other person thinks they are all high and mighty. :p


What's a gloat :S

Taunting someone. You know like rubbing in the fact that your better than them.

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