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3D Modelling Thread


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I hope you dont feel ofenced but isnt that a standart wale you can download? If not see this as a verry big compliment


What would be the use in downloading it? I mean, I don't learn anything if I just download it eh. So no, I modelled this from scratch.

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Here are some Zelda pigs, although the shout is a bit dodgy...:P


P.S can someone tell me how to put shadows on without it doing this:




Sorry I haven't bothered to keep on this thread in a while.................but from what people have posted so far, it all looks like everyone is moving along quite nicely.


In reference to your image Minlack, I'm wondering if that's a screen capture from one of the view ports, or if you've rendered it?


I've got an extensive lesson tomorrow afternoon, so hopefully I may have something up in the evening.


Also I've updated the original post on page one because of the growing size of this thread, and if you could all take 2mins to give it a goose then that'll be much appreciated. Cheers

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It's being rendered from one of the camera things (Which is there when you start a new file). Are there other ways to render the scene (like from the view of my screen) with all the shadows/textures? Ty for any help :)


I've got no experience with Blender at all, but I had a look at their homepage, and found the manual on there. If you haven't looked through it yet, then I recommend you do, as it looks like there's quite abit of info on there which may be of use to you. Also check the forums there, as you may be able to find someone else who's got a similar problem.


Blender HTML manual


Blender Forums


At the moment I'm working on a seal character in college. Added a bone structure aswell to the main body and the flippers. It's about half-way from completion, but the main tasks for me now are to add an environment, and to animate the final result.




Here's the wireframe of the same model.




I've also got an "aim constraint" in the scene aswell (circled), which is grouped with the eyes. So when it finally comes to animating, I plan to then add a ball into the scene and then set the aim constraint to that object, so wherever the ball goes the seal will have his eyes moving and focusing on it as it bounces....etc.



...and Eenuh, I'm loving your whale model you made...................and it looks like you'll enjoy rigging that beast aswell. (well I would :P)

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Nice! I've started doing the tutorials for Blender, but I stopped after a bit to mess around with things. I suppose I should better get back to follwing those guides, and learning more of the basics. I don't even have a clue about animating yet...

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Whoa, I'm very interested in 3D modeling, Blender tutorials looks great, but the pics made in Max7 are awesome, wich is better?


It really isn't a case of "which program is better" when you first start getting into 3D modelling.


The only difference tends to be the interface with each program, and they can all achieve similar results (bar Blender, Wings3D) if the user is a master of the art.......


3DStudio/Maya/XSI are all industry standards as far as programs go, as they're used in the games you play and the movies you watch today.


Blender and Wings3D on the other hand are freeware, and are very ideal for anyone interested in getting into the art. But these programs can't produce the same results as the industry heavyweights..................but they were never intended for that use anyway.


I recommend getting hold of Blender, as unlike Wings3D, you can still map textures and render your results.


Wings is purely a modelling program. I've never used it before, but I've heard very good things about it considering it's freeware.


I use Maya because I also use it at college, which makes perfect sense really.


And if you're interested in Maya or Max, then I think both their respective websites offer learning editions of the software for free..............but bare in mind that your renders will be watermarked to prevent you making a profit from your work.

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Hey darkcloud, that looks really cool. =3


I started modelling something again today (should've been working for school but meh, procastrination is funnnnn). As a reference, I'm using one of the drawings I made not too long ago.




The model I'm making now is not yet finished. As you can see, I still need to add the head (and coloring/texturing of course). However, I'm not sure if I should make it so he can open his mouth... because that's a lot of extra work. And it just seems a bit difficult to do even; any tips as on how to do it are welcome. =3




I'll be sure to post again when (if) it's finished; might do some animation tests with it too even, if I can find the time.



That is some pretty shit, youve got a great flair for that. Keep it up

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Or, you know, you guys could stop modelling in Lightwave and other inferior programs and start modelling in XSI cause, you know, its what was used to make the models for both Resi 4 and Half Life 2 and is the industry standard for companies like Pixar....

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Or, you know, you guys could stop modelling in Lightwave and other inferior programs and start modelling in XSI cause, you know, its what was used to make the models for both Resi 4 and Half Life 2 and is the industry standard for companies like Pixar....


Pixar use their own in-house software along with their Renderman tools.


Dunno about the others, but I would have thought Valve do the same, considering the versatility of the SDK's they released.


Sorry, forgot to add. I would go nowhere near saying that any of these so called "other " programs are in anyway inferior to XSI. For example, Bizarre Creations used Lightwave throughout PG3's development.

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I've never even heard of XSI before... and I don't think I want to know what it costs really. I like working with Lightwave, as it's easy to start out with and you can still get nice results. Same goes for a lot of other, "inferior" programs.

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Just for anyone really wanting to get into this...... You can buy a student version of 3DS max for like £80......... It's a little steep, but nothing compared to what they charge for there other versions.... Only downside to this is the watermark you will be left with. :-/

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While I obviously dont condone this (;)) but XSI can be downloaded for free from certain websites and torrent centres....


And actually, Valve do use XSI, as do Capcom. Valve even gave out the XSI files for a number of the Half Life 2 characters on PC Gamers cover disc about a year ago....Also the files for Leon from Resi 4 have been made available too.


Do a computer modelling course at most universities and they will teach you on XSI. It is the industry standard and my University has even had guest speakers from various animation houses (such as Pixar) who have given tutorials on it.


Of course, if you want to stick to your programs thats fine, I apologise if I came across badly, I was just making a reccomendation.

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Of course, if you want to stick to your programs thats fine, I apologise if I came across badly, I was just making a reccomendation.


No worries man........you didn't come across badly at all. Your input is muchly appreciated like everyone elses.


Also the files for Leon from Resi 4 have been made available too


I don't suppose you've got a link to that have ya.......as I wouldn't mind checking it out. :smile:

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I'm currently deciding on what uni to go to, I want to do some kinda animation/multimedia course?


I am looking at Kent (Cantebury), Brighton, Bournemouth etc... any advice? Where are any of you?


Also, how are the pay prospects in this field jobs wise?

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Unfortunately I dont have any links, I was told about it by a friend who does Multimedia Desgin and Digital Animation at my Uni, apparently they were looking at the Leon model in their lectures. Maybe it is only released in educational packs, or maybe he was speaking bullshit.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hmmm, though it was about time I posted in this thread. :)


I'm in my final year at University, studying Multimedia. I like to concentrate on the animation side, because it's really what I love.


I should hopefully be starting a web-based portfolio soon, so I'll be able to show more then, but here's something I rustled up this evening.


I use 3D Studio Max 7.0, by the way, but am currently learning Maya 7.0, too.



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  • 4 weeks later...

That looks really nice, good work....... The tiles are really cool cause they actually have chips in them unlike a lot I see. lol


I was just wondering, can anyone give me a really good beginners texturing tutorial for 3dsmax...... I really need to get my head around how to texture this building I've modelled. ;_;


I've found loads of specific one, but, not a general........ :-/

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Hmmmm seeing as no one else is updating on there work I'll try to get things going again, here is a pic of the mountain that will be the base for my big city! ^^;


The texure I used was kinda a bit of luck as I was going for a top/bottom texture with grass when I realised in a quick render that it looked like someone had spilled green paint over the mountains... And what does green paint look like when you turn it white? Well apparently snow. lolol So yeah I think it's turned out really well. ^^d Now to ruin it with my poorly made city. wooh

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