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3D Modelling Thread


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It was difficult enough to get a working copy of 3ds max 9... legally of course. ahem.

If anyone does get a good working copy of maya I'll gladly accept your kindness...


And cheers Wes, I'll give that a go.

Although I've just come across something, you can't cast shadows using a skylight and the mental ray renderer... it confused me i thought you could do it.

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I thought you could too... you just use a different shadow type on the lighting settings. I'm not at my main PC (I've been at home since results waiting for the new flat) so I can't quickly check.


I remember getting Maya to work on my old iMac. I think the crack process was something along the lines of using a file from the Mac installation and using a Windows program to then modify it. This was pretty simply to just use parallels/boot camp. Also, if you have a Mac then Boot Camp for your 3D is your friend. I'm not sure how well the apps would work in Parallels or if they work at all in Wine/CrossOver type programs.

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  • 1 month later...

Finally got round to giving Maya a try using the trial thingy for Mac.


Anywho. Any decent video introductory things? Was using this to get used to the interface and what not but it craps out a few minutes in >_< Oh wait found it on youtube.


However any introductory things are welcome :)


Urgh trying to go through the basics and it just wont seem to select faces! I right click as it says and then select face (how do I do this exactly anyway? do I continue holding right click and let go over the 'face' box?) and then its supposed to show little squares on the object I've created but doesn't. The fuck?

Edited by Ashley
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I don't really know where the cool internet hang-outs are for Maya specific tutorials. But if you could grab a copy of Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Maya I would recommend that. I believe it is available as a preview on many fine torrent listings.


This link here contains many tutorials. But a lot won't be useful for you. http://forums.cgsociety.org/showthread.php?f=7&t=6360&page=1

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Sorted out the selecting face thing :)


Made my first anything. Its basic and crap but its a start eh?



(Supposed to be a wooden bookcase with perspex shelves and a photo frame at the top which was supposed to have an image in but kept fucking up, so its got zebra print instead)


Thanks for the link Wesley.

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Sorted out the selecting face thing :)


Made my first anything. Its basic and crap but its a start eh?



(Supposed to be a wooden bookcase with perspex shelves and a photo frame at the top which was supposed to have an image in but kept fucking up, so its got zebra print instead)


Thanks for the link Wesley.

Its pretty good, in my oppinion.

I thought it was a trinket box of some type.

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Hah yeah I suppose it could be. Would have looked more like a picture frame (with a weird frame) if it had an actual picture in it. Will keep on playing around though. It seems so weird, in my mind I learnt Photoshop quickly and by just mucking around, but I have been using it for nearly a decade and I know I did used to use tutorials.


Still, if we stop striving for perfection we may as well be dead.


Oh and thanks :)

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Thats pretty good for a first timer with no real help! Much better than my first stuff. Although I kinda have to show my rocket off..




Sorry its on facebook, I can't find my pen drive right now (eek where the heck is it?)


Took me an age to do this rocket, we were given the tutors rocket idea and then told to go away follow a piece of instructions and then come back and show him what we'd done. I'll try finding the document actually and post it on here and see if anybody can make anything better than me!

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Thats pretty good for a first timer with no real help! Much better than my first stuff. Although I kinda have to show my rocket off..




Sorry its on facebook, I can't find my pen drive right now (eek where the heck is it?)


Took me an age to do this rocket, we were given the tutors rocket idea and then told to go away follow a piece of instructions and then come back and show him what we'd done. I'll try finding the document actually and post it on here and see if anybody can make anything better than me!


Thats pretty cool. I like the stretch and pull logic to its launch :D Good work.


And thanks :) I did use some 3D sculpting program aaaages ago (ie high school) for Design & Tech. While it was more basic its a shame I didn't keep up with it. Still, working along on my next project now ^_^


Again very basic just throwing shapes together without smoothing them together (as I don't know how...) but a pregnant (or fat) woman :D



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I'm so happy this thread is alive again! That's brilliant stuff Ashley keep it up!


Also I like your rocket nightwolf, especially the squash and the flames.


Are both of you two Maya uses then? And what was the old sculpting package you used to use, Ashley?

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I am indeed, I use 3ds max and maya, but maya is alot nicer for me to use, harder to animate maybe but nicer by far. The flames were irratating to do, originally the flames went through the floor haha.

I still need to get a copy of maya from a friend, not sure if he'd still have it, might see if the boys in my games class might have a copy, know a few that are geniuses.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Newbie questions!


How do I 'punch' a shape out of another one. I'm trying to make a face and I have the head and I'm wondering if I draw an eyesocket shape can I then use that to punch the dent into the head?

How do I draw a model from scratch? I've seen tutorials on the internet but they don't explain how to do it. I can make it up from shapes but can't figure out from scratch.


Many thanks :)

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You're using Maya so I don't know how different it is to 3DS Max.

In 3DS Max I think what you could do was make another small model in the shape of the eye socket, then use a boolean.

Or just edit the poly, editing the edges and verts, pulling the shape back into an eyesocket shape.

I have to say that I've not used 3DS Max since finishing my first year last April so I could probably be wrong.

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If you want to make a face you need but two tools really. Extrude and Add Edge loop.




The Topology follows the structure of the human muscles, and is the most correct way to do a human face, especially in regards to animation, although either way it's useful.


Also, making sure every polygon is a quad. Super important.


Here's my base head mesh I can use to just model or sculpt anything with.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey there tissuetown! They look really awesome, are you studying at university or something? Also, can you explain poling to me... I thought it was a complete no-no when it came to modelling but my lecturer said it was actually alright... but I didn't catch his explanation as to why it was okay.

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I am studying at Escape Studios atm. No matter how much I self studied it was pretty damn hard to get anywhere. Just read about Escape to get the jist of what they're about.


About poling, poles are sort of like junctions for edge loops. I haven't really gone through the theory of poling. It's sort of difficult to explain.




This image highlights all the poles in this model. It's really difficult for me to explain, sorry dude.

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Ah, cheers for the help. I've heard of Escape Studios, pretty well known for their quality, so good choice. Where have you come from then, you don't have an age in your profile, are you switching careers or just worked a bit to save up for Escape? Also, you're on a gaming forum, so can we assume you wanna get into gaming?

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Thank tissuetown :)


What are your impressions of Escape Studio? Never heard of it before now but had a quick look and it looks alright. I'm thinking of going to Futureworks next year as it looks good (or at least on their site it does :p plan on going to an open day soon).

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Ah, cheers for the help. I've heard of Escape Studios, pretty well known for their quality, so good choice. Where have you come from then, you don't have an age in your profile, are you switching careers or just worked a bit to save up for Escape? Also, you're on a gaming forum, so can we assume you wanna get into gaming?


Escape Studios has an close relationship with most of the VFX and game companies in the country and around the world, which is handy, because they are also a recruitment agency and a whole saler with the companies. Just found out today that a dude from the previous games course (which is what I'm doing) just got a job at Rockstar. So there you go.

I just finished Uni, so there you go.



Thank tissuetown :)


What are your impressions of Escape Studio? Never heard of it before now but had a quick look and it looks alright. I'm thinking of going to Futureworks next year as it looks good (or at least on their site it does :p plan on going to an open day soon).


Good luck on that!

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Escape Studios has an close relationship with most of the VFX and game companies in the country and around the world, which is handy, because they are also a recruitment agency and a whole saler with the companies. Just found out today that a dude from the previous games course (which is what I'm doing) just got a job at Rockstar. So there you go.

I just finished Uni, so there you go.





Good luck on that!


That's awesome! I was thinking of something like this once I finish my university course (of course it's dependent on so many things). Could you give any advice about the process?

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It's very easy really. You can apply now for whatever course they are booking. You either save up money, or take out a career development loan. Each class is max of 12 students.

It costs £8,500. Which is a lot yes, but the teaching is absolutely the best.

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Ive just started me 2nd year of game design in college, we'r doing a modelling project on liverpool museum. We'v started it this week, ill post some pics of it now, and update it a bit, any feedback from the better modellers wud be helpful :)


edit: Here we go, this is only the start, theres a lot of work to be done, ima just upload it as we go on here, any pointers to help will be gladly accepted :D




Its all measured exact, a lot of the stuff on there is just place holding, im working on the totem at the moment, its not gonna look like a big log by this time tomorow.


Not looking forwards to texturing the whole thing though, thats gonnna SUUUCKK

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