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3D Modelling Thread


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Guest Stefkov

800 euro is about £500, thats not bad. I'm sure its a £1000 when I was checking their website.

Thanks for that. Maybe I can get it when I do my course at Uni.

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800 euro is about £500, thats not bad. I'm sure its a £1000 when I was checking their website.

Thanks for that. Maybe I can get it when I do my course at Uni.


A 2-year license for students is around £100. I have Max 7, was a copy my boss couldn't sell, so he let me have it.

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Cheers for the comments on my latest piece. I rendered out a video as well, as it was required in the assignment brief.




Not to happy with it though, as I think the camera movement could have been much better than what it is. I rushed implementing the camera though and the keyframes, as deadline was looming.


Maiky-NiSuTe - I've only ever attempted fur/hair once, and that was applying it to a model for the characters hair as practice. I'm loving your first image with the dust sprite, as the fur looks brilliant and well lit to show it off well. The second character looks a bit odd though, and I think it's the patches of white that are affecting it...........I don't know if that's strictly design or just something that can be improved though.


And anyone still unsure about programs and all that, then there's links to trial versions on the first page of this thread.........or you can acquire it your own way (the way we're not supposed to speak of).


I think I'm going to go back to The Great Court and sort out a lot of things I didn't have time to finish, but it's mainly the texturing that needs doing and some more modelling work in places.

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I was wondering could you get a job with a company doing modelling, and all that jazz - if you were self taught and you actually had a portfolio.


Just been playing around with blender today - I know its not the industry standard but still, I could always teach my self that when I purchase the software.


Any thoughts?

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i honestly dont know but i hope they look at talent more than paper work. if you know what i meen.


if not:


Discover our talent.


Okay, it’s that time again. We’ve been gaming for a long time now and we’ve seen things come and go. For sure we’ve seen the arcades come and go, seen the split up between the videogame consoles and the computer games. We’ve also seen platform games go 3D and adventure games go online. And now I even seen games go double screened and reacting on voice command. (I really like that.) So now we got reality graphics, voiced controlled dog poo running on our 50 inch plasma screens in high definition 3d sound.Great, just what I didn’t need. It looks like there isn’t much inspiration left with the developers. But hey all they ask is educated people, people who are top 3D programmers and high rank programmers. But are they still looking for true talent? Nope. nothing for talent. I guess there forgetting how some top guns started in the games industry. Not because there highly qualified scholars. Nope. They had talent. You know talent is rare to find but good diplomas are easier to find. And there is where it has gone terribly wrong.


You can teach most people how to work with 3D graphics and you even can teach them how to program. But you can’t teach people how to get talent.

And that’s a fact. Look most of us have been playing games for a long while now. And even some of us have great ideas for to make a great game. Some even have loads of talent. And like me they want to work in the gaming industry. But what is wrong with us?


Well let me in light you. We do not have enough money to get our selves a good education. I, and probably so many like me, know how to draw or program. Some of us even know to write great stories that would make a fabulous game.


So, I went to a games developer and I wanted to tell them what my ideas where. And guess what. I had to tell them everything but they didn’t want to sign anything. Witch means they can steal my ideas. So I turned away. Leaving my idea in my own grey matter.


Even worse, when I told them I wanted to work for them. They told me that I won’t stand a chance for I have no diploma’s. So it seems they can judge a talented person by his or hers diploma’s. All forgetting that Shigeru Miyamoto and so many others in those days didn’t have any diploma’s at all. The only thing they had was talent. And this makes me wonder, does any one look for talent at all? Doesn’t it occur that the magic in the better games is the work off talent and not skills? Sure skills are important but skills are something you can learn. And you can’t learn talent.


All I can hope for now is that a developer will read this column and he or she will open there eyes for the world of talent. And for those developers who are looking for talent. Start looking here.NiSuTe Europe is a group off very talented people.


Let fantasy guide you’re life in the word of videogames. So we can explore new worlds full of wonders and adventure.


With kind regarts, Maikel de Bakker

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Anyone know of any easy beginner tutorials for 3ds max 9?

The ones i find are a mess with half assed explanations.

Not sure if you'll come back to this thread, as your reply was a while ago, but check out this link below. I found it really helpful as it includes videos with voice-over covering what's being shown. Few lessons to be learnt there.




Also check out the CGtalk.com 3DSmax board, as there's a sub-forum there that id dedicated to tutorials (although a lot of the links are broken these days).



My latest assignment we were given was to practice making a basic character mesh, and getting used to using edge loops properly. Result is below. (non smoothed, then smoothed model).






Over Easter break we've got to create a basic model of our own character from our own concepts, and then when we come back we'll be taking it into Z Brush and sculpting it to above 1M polys. Looking forward to it.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest Stefkov

After recently seeing what Blender can do, it has made me want to try and learn it even more.

I used to think Blender was one of those free crappy ones, that simplistic yet good looking images could be made. But looking at those that people have done... :o

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Thread resurrect......nice one guys.


kellett - Did that model a while ago now, was just edge looping practice which we were set for characters.


Just finished up our final assignments today (finally), and one was another character assignment. There was the option of Zbrushing up a normal map and then applying it, but I kind of got lazy, and didn't have much time left.


My character is below. Managed to unwrap and texture it between the hours of 4am and 9am this morning. Was my first proper character unwrap as well, so fairly pleased with the rushed result. I screwed up the unwrap on the head, so that's why its got no texture there.....although may sort it at some point. Still not had any sleep yet. :hmm:




Jamba - You're at Tees right? You know a dude called Ashley at all? Think I mentioned him to ya before.....although not 100% sure on what part of the Tees course he is on.

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Hmmmm only lettiing me post one at a time. Well lets see now...



Ok so the jet looks rubbish but I can't be arsed with lighting is properly right now. And feel the wrath of my Bell 430 helicopter! Can you say "Hind D"?

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  • 2 weeks later...
why dont you give him some hair?

He's staying bald I'm afraid as that just suits him a lot better. Plus Max hair is a no go when you're doing anything to game related......if I had done any I would of used a load of planes on the head with individual textures and alphas.


I ended up texturing the head, but doesn't really add too much to what's shown above, so I won't post another image at all.


Jamba - Got some good stuff there. How long time wise are some of them models taking to just model geometry wise, as I'm just wondering?



Summers here, so will be working on little bits and pieces......although mostly environmental stuff and getting my texturing and unwrapping skills up.



  • Worn down burger bar.




Really am quite pleased with the result of what I've got there. It's not finished, but I've kinda screwed up my .psd file, so texturing is becoming a bit of a mess..............so will be leaving it as it is now. Poly count is around 900.

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Was that Great Court thing modelled off the British Museum? It's pretty good :)


I like the Ogre thing aswell, it's awesome.

Yes, the Great Court is what it at the British Museum.


I've got the layout plans for the Great Court if anyone really wants them, including the glass roof, but to really get everything down to an accurate level you'll need to go up there yourself and get some reference photos I'd say.


And cheers for the comment on the Ogre thing. :hehe:

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