Guest Jordan Posted February 27, 2007 Posted February 27, 2007 If it has another great SP i don't really care about the multiplayer...
theguyfromspark Posted February 27, 2007 Posted February 27, 2007 Good News Everyone! Worms has finally been certified by Microsoft and should be with us all shortly!
rokhed00 Posted February 27, 2007 Posted February 27, 2007 Any news on the price of Alien Hominid yet? If it's 400 I'll definitely be getting it.
theguyfromspark Posted February 27, 2007 Posted February 27, 2007 Any news on the price of Alien Hominid yet?If it's 400 I'll definitely be getting it. It's 800 and I think that's good value for money really considering all the mini game things they're chucking in.
rokhed00 Posted February 27, 2007 Posted February 27, 2007 That's a bit steep considering you can play the game for free on the internet. I'll have to think about paying that much.
theguyfromspark Posted February 27, 2007 Posted February 27, 2007 Not that I've played any version but apparantly the Xbox Live version is the same as the PS2/GC version which was substantially different from the Flash version. I think it will be a classic case of try before you buy for this one. There's full details about the changes on wikipedia if you're interested.
Guest Stefkov Posted February 27, 2007 Posted February 27, 2007 I had a go of the GRAW2 mulitplayer demo, and one effect which was nice was the light changing. It was really light then got a bit darker. It was too much like the original. Maybe thats a good thing for some, but I dont want to feel like I'm playing the same game with a few minor differences.
gmac Posted February 27, 2007 Posted February 27, 2007 in case anyone is interested you can sign up for the Games for Windows - Live beta here it's the thing that's going to allow pc games to link up with the xbox
Chuck Posted February 27, 2007 Posted February 27, 2007 Im getting somewhere with my cracked rainbow six disk, they wanna know how it was cracked, but i dont know. what should i say
Garden_Pigeon Posted February 27, 2007 Posted February 27, 2007 WOO WORMS! Heres to hoping it comes next wednesday .
That Guy Posted February 27, 2007 Posted February 27, 2007 WOO WORMS! Heres to hoping it comes next wednesday . Certificatiiiiooooon (King of Queens style..). I'm even more pissed my 360 chose now to die. If it's not back before it's out I'm gonna be fucked off. I can't have Worms sat on the Live Arcade while I don't have a 360.
Guest Stefkov Posted February 27, 2007 Posted February 27, 2007 WOO WORMS! Heres to hoping it comes next wednesday . Heh glad to see you're hyped about it, I'm still in two minds. I bought some more points a while ago for it. I need confirmation that the HHG and other stuff will definitely come out for downloading. Like a date otherwise I'll hold off methinks. Come the time It'll be an urge to resist it and I'll get it
theguyfromspark Posted February 27, 2007 Posted February 27, 2007 Certificatiiiiooooon (King of Queens style..). I'm even more pissed my 360 chose now to die. If it's not back before it's out I'm gonna be fucked off. I can't have Worms sat on the Live Arcade while I don't have a 360. If Worms arrives before your Xbox, I'm going to email you videos of me playing it and laughing every hour for 3 days... just cos I'm a bit of a tit sometimes.
That Guy Posted February 27, 2007 Posted February 27, 2007 If you do I'll find out where you live and I'll steal your Xbox and play Worms that way :p
Marshmellow Posted February 27, 2007 Posted February 27, 2007 just tried the Def Jam Icon Demo it's pretty good but I'm not sure it's worth buying or not...
Mr. Bananagrabber Posted February 27, 2007 Posted February 27, 2007 So it's Alien Hominid tommorrow is it? DO WANT.
Daft Posted February 28, 2007 Posted February 28, 2007 AWESOME!! Raiden 4 is coming out! I remember playing the second one in the arcade, it rocks hard! I hope this is for Live Arcade! And here is a video of the arcade version:
Guest Stefkov Posted February 28, 2007 Posted February 28, 2007 Hmmm I am really tempted to get Alien Hominid. I have 1220 points. I thought I only had around 800 for worms when it was coming out. Damn dont know whether to get it or not. Worms will most definitely be 800 points, I'll need another 200 points. I caved and got it..
theguyfromspark Posted February 28, 2007 Posted February 28, 2007 Hmmm I am really tempted to get Alien Hominid. I have 1220 points. I thought I only had around 800 for worms when it was coming out.Damn dont know whether to get it or not. Worms will most definitely be 800 points, I'll need another 200 points. I caved and got it.. So is it worth the 800 points? I'm considering getting it tonight after work.
Guest Stefkov Posted February 28, 2007 Posted February 28, 2007 So is it worth the 800 points? I'm considering getting it tonight after work. I've only played the first level up to now, but I took up all my lives so now I gotta start from the first level again. Its just as hard the pc version, if its not hard on the pc then I'm really crap at the game. It really fun, run and gun action. I only know what the first level boss is like so when I ot to the second level I was like wow whats this. On easy its quite hard to dodge/watch everything on screen at once. The story has 15 missions, which I'm guessaing means it goes up like mario, 1-1, 1-2, thats only a guess. If mulitplayer is any good, then I'd say its worth the 800 points, but first make sure you play the free trial. I dont want you to waste 800 points on something you might not like. hmm I dont see a mulitplayer option on the screen...if there is no online then I dont think this is worth the 800.
Guest Jordan Posted February 28, 2007 Posted February 28, 2007 Theres no multi, its a direct port of the console versions. Personally i've wanted to pick up AH for a long time, so i'll be buying this after i played the trial earlier.
theguyfromspark Posted February 28, 2007 Posted February 28, 2007 There's live multiplayer in the mini games though, but not in the main game
Guest Stefkov Posted February 28, 2007 Posted February 28, 2007 There is no multiplayer but it says 2-4 players, I'm guessing this is just for mini games and I saw a press start on the single player game so the single player it 2 player. For the limited amount I personnaly think now its only worth about 600 points at the most.
rokhed00 Posted February 28, 2007 Posted February 28, 2007 Tried the trial version, didn't think it was worth 800 points.
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