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So who's getting Ridge Racer this friday? I actually waited for a PAL release and quite pleased i did, DOA4 has taken loads of my time, i also played PDZ last night and it's still brilliant! :D


My bro's getting NBA 2K6 Friday 27th. One question though! Is NBA Live or NBA 2K6 Better?


Which one is best graphically? Which one is best Playability wise?


Thanks in advance!


TV Update. My new re-ordered TV should be with me tomorrow now. Although i REALLY doubt it, everytime we ring up there stating different things! We live in Essex! The postcode is CO15 don't bloody send it to Hertfordshire again, it needs to go to IPSWITCH. Are you listening ARGOS!


God i'm going insane....

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NBA 06 is a pretty good game, it takes a while to get used to the new cinematic angle but after that it is definantly fun to play. It's no where near as bad as some of the reviews made out it was.


Theres a cinematic angle? I may rent this (if you can) to see how it plays etc..I have alkways bought 2K6 games though.


I thought they were pretty harsh on alot of the 360 launch titles. Espicially Amped 3 and Quake 4!



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I found the Basic Route fairly easy - I had to retry maybe one or two of those races. The later routes are solid, though. Trying to work out how to get those messages from Reiko now...


Oh, and DJ whatsisface from Tekken is funny to listen to. Totally unsuited to the game :-p

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I think the reason some games got so much stick is down them being not so different from this generation. So if you havent played NBA 06 or madden 06 etc you'll fidn them brilliant. Especially madden, it was the first time I had ever played it and now im hooked on NFL.

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Why couldn't FFXI have just used the Live service? I'm already jaded towards the game and I'm only half-way through installing it. Oh well, here's to bumbling around a world full of other muted players.


On a similarily bleating note, the magazine is terrible.


Moan, moan, moan...

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Ok, everyone who has DOA4 , get onto it tonight, and lets have a little session.


If you dont have me on Xbox live its : Fatrox


Me and Caris are on at the moment, and i know a few people who have it (rokhed, Jordan88) , so lets fight!

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yea the magazine need work, they started saying the cube had 2 god games and thats it, i no its an xbox magazine but the way they were going on was just gay.


Is this OXM we are talking about? Because LOADS of people have been saying the magazine is rubbish this month!


I don't like paying £5.99 for a magazine either really. When you think about it, it's nearly £10 (well kinda)!


I've decided i won't be buying any more magazines other then Gamesmaster, which gives me a reviews round-up of all games on every console and it ain't bad, it's still pretty cheap as well £3.25.


I've just put alot of my old CUBE mags in the recycling, all that money i've spent on them just seems a waste now.


You get most of the info you need on the net anyway don't ya? :grin:

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Is this OXM we are talking about? Because LOADS of people have been saying the magazine is rubbish this month!


I don't like paying £5.99 for a magazine either really. When you think about it, it's nearly £10 (well kinda)!


I've decided i won't be buying any more magazines other then Gamesmaster, which gives me a reviews round-up of all games on every console and it ain't bad, it's still pretty cheap as well £3.25.


I've just put alot of my old CUBE mags in the recycling, all that money i've spent on them just seems a waste now.


You get most of the info you need on the net anyway don't ya? :grin:


OXM 360s a waste of money anyway, before you even look at it. I used to buy OXM before, just for the demo disks, but now with the marketplace there's no point, it's just another crappy magazine with nothing going for it.

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Owen i demand u get Xbox live, u have loads of games, u need to get the full out of them on xbox live :P


I might yes. However it can only be when i change my broadband, AOL doesn't seem to work with anything. It will probably be at the end of the year, and i will need to do my research.


and then of course we have the lovely Revolution to pay for don't we???? :hehe:


Being a computer game fanatic is a bloody expensive hobbie really isn't it?



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