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ehm you obviously know nothing about history


Germany surrendered before the A-bombs were dropped on Japan


Whoops my bad, I'll just shut up next time.

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Imagine if they did have enough man power though :hmm: Doesnt bare thinking about, the Germans had some scary technology in the works at the end of WWII including the biggest tank ever made (it was basically an aircraft carrier on tracks)


Compare that the the ruskies idea of a super weapon: a mine attatched to a dogs back...

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we all know scousers are stupid neways :indeed:


and we all know the geordies are getting stabbed at the n-europe meet up :)

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Was looking for a cheap 360 game in town today, ended up buying Jedi Academy (Xbox 1) for £11 second hand.


Got home to a nice surprise, theres an unused 2 month Live trial inside! Thats worth about a tenner on its own :D

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Can someone fill me in on what is so great about Devil May Cry? I haven't played any version of the game but it just looks like a pretty, linear hack'n'slash...

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and we all know the geordies are getting stabbed at the n-europe meet up :)


not before i burn a liverpool tshirt

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Can someone fill me in on what is so great about Devil May Cry? I haven't played any version of the game but it just looks like a pretty, linear hack'n'slash...


Well to complete a level is hard to do and its all about the bosses like cerburus and the twin brother guardian statue things from DMC3. It has puzzles and Dante is one of the coolest gaming heroes ever conceived.

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Well to complete a level is hard to do and its all about the bosses like cerburus and the twin brother guardian statue things from DMC3. It has puzzles and Dante is one of the coolest gaming heroes ever conceived.


Cool, I hope there is a demo I can check out!

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Cool, I hope there is a demo I can check out!

Me too, I hope for a demo.

I've been thinking of picking up the first 3 for the PS2. I've heard good things of them.

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Tbh, I've never really got into the DMC series....I find them pretty boring and uninspiring.


But there's no doubt Dante is one of the coolest character in videogaming.

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and we all know the geordies are getting stabbed at the n-europe meet up :)


Not before getting their valuables nicked eh? :D

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Maybe i'll just quit videogaming.


It is retarded when they've been going on about the PS3 price.


Me too, I hope for a demo.

I've been thinking of picking up the first 3 for the PS2. I've heard good things of them.


I've been thinking about DMC3 for PS2. But not before God of War. And I also want Ratchet and Clank. I think I'm done with next gen games for the next couple of months now. I'm going to play through stuff I still want to and then go back and get some of the PS2 games I want to get.

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Dante is one of the coolest gaming heroes ever conceived.


Dante is the most try hard cool guy in the world. It's embarrassing to watch the cut scenes in the game. Just plain corny.

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My prediction = GTA IV announced exclusive to Xbox 360 tommorow


My Prediction = Final Fantasy to come out on the 360


But didn't someone say that the announcement would have nothing to do with the 360??

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Just been thinking Microsoft are acting alot like Germany in WW2. What I mean by that is they will have 3 seperate SKU's one to battle the wii (aka europe) and one to battle the ps3 (aka russia).


And the third one?

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Dante is the most try hard cool guy in the world. It's embarrassing to watch the cut scenes in the game. Just plain corny.


He doesn't need to try hard being cool he is though cocky cool.


And the third one?


Well if I told you, I probably would be banned - but anyway leave it to your imagination,


Main 360 = berlin

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omg, somebody overheard me talking about selling my 360, and all of a sudden he actually wants to buy it for $350! And he's kind of spoiled and has a lot of money so really good chance of it happening! SCORE 360 Elite here I come. Or in a month anyways. :D

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Personally Takeo, Bioshock looks like every moody FPS though. What I want is collectors edition of Overlord with a plushie imp to be included.

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Personally Takeo, Bioshock looks like every moody FPS though. What I want is collectors edition of Overlord with a plushie imp to be included.


Overlord being? . . . .


I think its the whole free form part of Bioshock that really appeals to me, and i think it'll be different to pretty much every FPS game when its released.

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