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What is it with all the "bees" references in this series. Will it be explained or will I had to have watched very single old Who episode, and all of the spin-offs and all the Confidentials?


Bees are actually disappearing apparently.

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Considering she had to watch DVDs to remember how to act like Rose, I doubt it.


Nope, honestly its something to with her having to act a scene without knowing the info and having been through alot or something... anyway people who have seen Ep12 say its back to normal?


And a fish face to boot.


I really really think shes hot, bell de jour or w/e it was, was a fucking sexy programme.


What is it with all the "bees" references in this series.


Bees really are dissapearing... also:


Wilf wields a cricket bat.


Davros has been harvesting bees into a new army of Daleks.


The Daleks know the identity of a certain former Prime Minister.


Captain Jack becomes angry at Paul O'Grady's effect on Ianto Jones.


A certain body part in a jar is bubbling.


A Dalek exterminates the Torchwood pterodactyl.


The fate of a character from 'Voyage Of The Damned' is revealed.


Wilf was banned from using a webcam as there were suspicions over what he might use it for.


Project Indigo holds the key to salvation.


The Doctor's daughter Jenny is trapped near a black hole, but K-9 is sent to rescue her.


A Dalek speaks to Mr. Smith.


The Time War was 'time locked', or so thought The Doctor.



3 of those things are fake, the rest actually happen.....




In a shock development in the final episode, a Dalek casing opens to reveal Harriet Jones, played by Penelope Wilton, the mother of all the new Daleks.



If thats true..... well.... bugger.

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No no, by all means, you can wrap spoiler tags around anything you want, then I know to avoid. But eventually, someone WILL just join the discusision without such care, and blow open plots to the wandering eye.


Yup, happened with Davros so that's why I'll remove them. ;)

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Nope, honestly its something to with her having to act a scene without knowing the info and having been through alot or something... anyway people who have seen Ep12 say its back to normal?


And who are the people who say this, TV critics, well they can surely be trusted to be honest, can't they?


I really really think shes hot, bell de jour or w/e it was, was a fucking sexy programme.


Each to his own, over inflated lips just don't do it for me.


Wilf wields a cricket bat.


Davros has been harvesting bees into a new army of Daleks.


The Daleks know the identity of a certain former Prime Minister.


Captain Jack becomes angry at Paul O'Grady's effect on Ianto Jones.


A certain body part in a jar is bubbling.


A Dalek exterminates the Torchwood pterodactyl.


The fate of a character from 'Voyage Of The Damned' is revealed.


Wilf was banned from using a webcam as there were suspicions over what he might use it for.


Project Indigo holds the key to salvation.


The Doctor's daughter Jenny is trapped near a black hole, but K-9 is sent to rescue her.


A Dalek speaks to Mr. Smith.


The Time War was 'time locked', or so thought The Doctor.



3 of those things are fake, the rest actually happen.....


Excuse me whilst I piss myself.




In a shock development in the final episode, a Dalek casing opens to reveal Harriet Jones, played by Penelope Wilton, the mother of all the new Daleks.


I think I should go round inventing some spoilers on other websites, considering the preposterous stuff some people are willing to believe.



If thats true..... well.... bugger.

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Oh no theres a cheap backpack on Donna's back! Budgets eh?


Rest wasn't too bad. Always nice to have an alt. universe thing. And the destruction of London reminded me a bit of Jericho.


And as far as Billie Piper, she looked quite good in Secret Diary but yeah in Doctor Who...not so much :/

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The Stolen Earth is so called because the Daleks/ Davros move it to a different part of the universe, where not even the Doctor knows where they are. Also there are dozens of other planets (that explains the Lost Planet-arc through the series). However the TARDIS doesn't move and stays where the Earth was.


Sarah Jane learns from Mr Smith that everyone is looking for the Doctor


Martha is with Unit in New York when an earthquake hits and the Earth is moved.


There is a BIG shock ending...


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I saw an ep (1st one I suppose dunno) of this the other day. How the fuck can you people like it? I know, I know, coming into a dr who thread in a mainly UK forum isn't a good idea, but... I dunno, I feel like I have to say something. Does it get better? Like exponentially? What's great about it? I mean, I was always curious about it, loving Sci Fi and all, and then... this. Convince me n-e.

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BBC New Stolen Earth Preview Clip



Blue Peter: Journey's End Clip


In the episode "The Sound of Drums", an object or location called "the Cruciform" is mentioned, as having been captured from the Time Lords by the Dalek Emperor. It is presumed to be something of great importance, since the Master considered losing it tantamount to defeat in the Time War, but no specific information other than that name has been given.


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Doctor Who is one of the longest running British serials and is great because it isnt afraid to mix emotions with sci fi plots. Im sure lots of people dont like it because it does both> But, for me, ordinary science fiction is just yawnsome, at least dr who doesnt take itself seriously! Plus it has killing pepperpots.


Oh, and it depends what episode you saw! Some are far worse than others lol but some are excellent in my opinion

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I see a lot of sci fi that mixes with emotions so that isn't the problem, I saw what I believe are the first two eps, including a fantastic being which is supposedly the last human alive and is a piece of skin stretched. What I think is that it tries to be light hearted and funny (somewhat like hitchhikers guide) but fails. So it isn't funny, serious or interesting. I really don't care if it's long running or not. I'll see if I catch better episodes, but I'm not really holding my breath.

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I think you saw casandra, shes a stretched piece of skin.


Some people dont like Dr Who, my missus only likes the new ones. I like them all and am slowly working through every single one :D


Pertwee/Baker era are the best.


New ones aren't a patch on them despite the high production values.

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Got 4 baker episodes on Sky + atm, looking forward to them when my missus has gone to sleep :P


The only ones iv managed to watch so far is the very first episodes and the dalek movie (based on the first episodes).


Which Baker episodes you got to watch, is it a whole story? Probably a good one anyway, most of them were.


The Peter Cushing movie isn't bad, the depiction of the TARDIS is a bit of a joke though, on the inside that is. It's based on teh second story though, not the first episodes though, they went back to the stone age for those ones.

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