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Doctor Who


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I see where you're coming from but I think it's a fairer overview of who actually watched the episode. Not many people will have watched the first broadcast and the repeat. I think it should count iPlayer too because I always watch Dr Who on iPlayer. It's just so much more convenient for me to watch it at my own leisure rather than have a set time.

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I don't know why you're obsessed with this show failing.


Repeats and demand services are becoming far far far more important these days. Especially on demand. I mean... students especially hardly EVER watch things live, and Doctor Who probably has a big student following.

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Isn't it cheating adding viewing figures from repeats and on demand services, next they'll be adding on DVD sales too.

No. It's not adding repeats. Repeats are part of a bigger figure called "Reach", which also includes iPlayer


They've always included recording devices in it, ALWAYS. It's anyone who has watched the episode in the week since it aired. As television habits change, more and more people timeshift most shows, with popular shows such as Doctor Who getting more drastic timeshifts.


In the last 5 years, more and more are getting devices capable of it. I believe many standard freeview devices have the capability of it, and as such...especially with Doctor Who continually airing on Bank Holiday Weekends (I believe there were 3 of them during this 7 week run), and on really nice days and in the case of the mid-season finale; against an England football game and the Britain's Got Talent Final (which, as event television, people tend to watch live and so it has negligible time shift). This shows that Doctor Who is doing even better than most. If people didn't like it or enjoy it, they wouldn't bother to record it.


As said earlier, timeshifts have always been included and the amount has been increasing gradually. Last year, the timeshift average was 1m, during Season 4, it was about .7m and going back to the first series, it was a smaller amount. If the ratings didn't measure this, they'd be totally disregarding the way television is watched today.

Edited by Serebii
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Still sounds a bit suspect to me, how can they tell how many people recorded it?


How can they tell how many people watched it at all, what gives them those figures? If it's being recorded then the 'stream' (or whatever you wanna call it) is still being played and 'viewed' by the DVR.

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Pretty sure they have a control group and record what they watch, then just multiply it up to give an average.

Yeah, but you can't use that against the show as it's the case for every single show on every single channel in every single part of the UK

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Yeah, but you can't use that against the show as it's the case for every single show on every single channel in every single part of the UK


I wasn't trying to, just saying it's a shit way to record viewing figures, I expect the people who recorded it were measured in the same way by the same group. You'd think in this day of two way digital TV services there would be a way to give a more accurate meassure of peoples viewing habits.


Looks like series 7 won't be happening till 2013 now.



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Seems like BBC are fucking about


Doctor Who will not be returning for a full series in 2012, it has been revealed.


The Matt Smith sci-fi drama was recently renewed for 14 new episodes, although it was also suggested that only some of the commissioned episodes would be transmitted in 2012.


BBC One controller Danny Cohen has now confirmed at the Church and Media Conference that Doctor Who will not be back for a full-length series next year.


It was later clarified that some episodes will still go out in 2012 while others will be aired in 2013, potentially as part of a "special run" of anniversary episodes.


"Danny Cohen says there won't be a full series of Doctor Who in 2012, but a special run for the anniversary in 2013," BBC Merseyside's Religious Editor Wayne Clarke tweeted.


BBC reporter Lizo Mzimba later confirmed the news, posting: "The BBC has, of course, commissioned 14 new episodes of Dr Who (hurrah) so looks like some will go in 2012 and remainder in 2013.


"Don't know how many 2012 eps or what time of year they'll be broadcast. No further details about what more's happening in 2013 yet. But it's the 50th anniversary, so of course there will be some great stuff!"


Doctor Who showrunner Steven Moffat recently confessed that he did not know when the 14 new episodes will go out.



Considering it's their highest rated non-soap and provides them with a massive amount of extra income through merchandising, you'd think they'd show it respect.

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My thoughts.


Series 7 will be 13 eps long... 7 eps in Autumn 2011, 6 eps in Spring 2012. In the middle of that will be a Christmas special. 14 episodes of Doctor with Matt Smith.


Then in Autumn 2012 they'll probably do a 2-part special or something like that for the anniversary POSSIBLY featuring Matt Smith and David Tennant (the only Doctors I can imagine doing it) and possibly Matt Smith's regeneration.


That's what I expect... but yeah... they're not giving us enough info. I wouldn't worry though. Doctor Who IS safe... it's not gonna get cancelled anytime soon, I can guarantee it.


I blame Moffat, word is he wants to spend more time on Sherlock.


"Word is" in other words mean someone on some other forum plucked it out of thin air and now it's become concrete fact.

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Meh, i hope it isn't just specials like it was before Matt Smiths era, there is something just not as good about them imo!


I agree. The use the word "special" very loosely.


I still have not recovered from The End of Time. The only good bit was Matt Smith's scene at the end.


I don't quite get the anniversary reasons. The anniversary will be 23 November 2013. There shouldn't be any good reason for them to split up the 2012 series.


Perhaps due to the anniversary, the production team want to put out more episodes in 2013, like a mini-series of specials, but due to budget they have had to sacrifice a full series in 2012.

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"Word is" in other words mean someone on some other forum plucked it out of thin air and now it's become concrete fact.


It came from the same source that said River was Amys unborn daughter at the beginning of the series, and that has said that


River is the Doctors wife, or will be, depending on whose timeline you are following.



So, probably pretty reliable.

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the bbc are in self destruct, they are cancelling/not renewing and delaying popular programs etc and replacing them with, well i have no idea because all i see when i look in the TV guide is soaps and news on the bbc i know they are claiming to be hard up because they can't raise the licence fee to £170, but producing shit and not enough good programming will only reduce viewing figures and hurt them overall.


just like all the pubic sector they are top heavy with too many managers etc and when it comes to budget cuts they decide, and they won't sack themselves will they or take pay cuts

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Wasn't Series 1 partially funded by a Canadian channel?


Moffat's said on Twitter not to worry, as there are big exciting plans concerning 2013 which are causing this... but obviously half way through Series 6, it's a bit soon to start discussing details of Series 7 and 8.


I still don't think Doctor Who is in trouble... it really does bring in a huge amount of revenue. Plus RTD DID promise that if the show ever looks to be cancelled he'll drop everything and make it his priority for it not to be. :P

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