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Red Steel -1ST Rev game screenshots in gameinformer


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it says nintendo wanted ubisoft to unveil the world to revolution through this game

Very good move on Nintendo's behalf if you ask me- excuse the crude metaphor but this is rain of news in a huge drought from Nintendo.


in the interview

phil harrison is asked how many games will launch for revolution ?, he says "probably around 20" ,

how many from nintendo ?

"maybe , a third."

Well a third of 20.. that's about 5 titles. I reckon we'll see a Mario title for sure, Super Smash Bros. Zelda, and 2 perhaps 3 more. We've had hints of another WarioWare: Pushed! Luigi's mansion.. and the new Miyamoto creation.

Very cool indeed.


Just a thought to everyone, now that the first screens have been revealed its most likely we'll see more and more developers showing us screens!

Also Nintendo Power said that there is going to be a suprise next issue, it will most like be this but hopefully more.

Don't forget Official Nintendo Magazine in the UK who appear to have had some content delayed


mag in shops on 20th April

Everyone hear that? 20th of April. This one's worth buying.


It looks like that leaked list was true, looking at the Rayman 4 and BiA3 announcements. Revolution games on those list were:


- Rayman 4 (november 2006) -> launch

- Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 5 (november 2006) -> launch

- Brothers in Arms 3 (February 2007)

- Assassin (March 2007)


+ Killing day was announced last year and we'll probably get Splinter Cell too. Both at launch btw.

Phat, that's pretty concise- I think that's pretty much exact dude.


Man I really wanna pre-order rev stuff now.

Would it be embarassing if this Red Steel game outsold Mario on launch? Because seriously.. they need to pick up the ball and run if they're gonna do it. This game PWNS


I don't think they are renders!


Also 'gameinformer' have actually played the game!

Me either actually, I hope they haven't rushed this game though, it looks amazing but the story of it better hold up.


It's mor rounded at the top and you can see the sensor aswell
I'm gonna assume this is for the dev kit because the final industrial design team haven't finished.. or perhaps the hardware need to be more accurate for designing the games than playing and it's a different model entirely.


Some side notes: with such an awesome control scheme that is no doubt going to be smooth very much so we're going to be playing like in the movies where highly skilled stunt actors choreograph scenes months in advance.

Our skill at killing is going to increase 10 fold and that's going to be noticeable in the FPS community.


Revolution no doubt will become the 'standard' for third party accesory makers and they'll copy the crap out of it and try to bolt it onto PCs to make it work with Counter Strike. Good luck.


Anyway things I'm worried about - AI, Revolution is going to need exceptional AI because we can shoot so much more accurately unlike with analogue sticks. On top of this our health ability is going to need to be balanced extremely well.. I'd personally like to see an FPS where if you get shot in the head, you die there and then- more responsibility, action and involvement that's how to get an immersive game.

This game also needs surround sound because bullets will be flying everywhere, the game looks great and I hope it sounds as good.


We really need to think of an organised structure for E3.. because seperating it by console (DS, Revolution, PS3 and 360) wont work.. well it will for PS3 and 360.. but Revolution and DS will be intertwined at the Nintendo event.


I think to avoid a crazy thread like this it would be wise to organise it by


and then into individual threads for games.

obviously we can't make a thread before the game gets announced but there are some we know are coming.. so a few days before E3 we could have the official twilight princess thread, the official Mario Revolution thread, the official hardware thread etc..


This will avoid someone coming in with a hot exclusive posting a thread before looking at the others to see if it had already been posted.

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return of kid icarus?


Nintendork how you work out a third of 20 as being about 5?

Pfft, maths schmaths.

I did two 10s.

a third of 10 is 3, and then times by 2 is 6.

Sounds like a lot to me, too many in fact, and the guy said "about" a third.. which would suggest to me, that's best case scenario.


I think Kid Icarus is likely.

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Pfft, maths schmaths.

I did two 10s.

a third of 10 is 3, and then times by 2 is 6.

Sounds like a lot to me, too many in fact, and the guy said "about" a third.. which would suggest to me, that's best case scenario.


I think Kid Icarus is likely.

lets hope they go for 6 or 7 not 5 eh :yay: , the more the better!

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This is why its called Mario 128:


Mario 128


It was used as a demo trying to show off the GameCube powers.


That was just a Cube tech demo.


Mario 128 is just a working name. The name will change.

It's the "sequel" or spiritual sucsessor to Mario 64. Mario 128 reffered to the bits...

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I was just thinking about how in Red Steel you can change at will between sword and guns. Now with the Rev controller whats the best way to do this? Buy pushing a button like with previous generations? NO.


Imagine that the main character carries the sword in it's seth(sp?) on his back (like Link in the Zelda games does), and has a holseter for his pistol (as an example) on his side. So how would you switch between them. Say you're holding the pistol already and want to switch, you have to put the controller to your side "pretending" to holster your pistol. And then you "reach" over your shoulder to "grab" the hilt of the sword to draw it out.


OH MY GOD, if it worked like that it would be even more mind blowing.

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I was just thinking about how in Red Steel you can change at will between sword and guns. Now with the Rev controller whats the best way to do this? Buy pushing a button like with previous generations? NO.


Imagine that the main character carries the sword in it's seth(sp?) on his back (like Link in the Zelda games does), and has a holseter for his pistol (as an example) on his side. So how would you switch between them. Say you're holding the pistol already and want to switch, you have to put the controller to your side "pretending" to holster your pistol. And then you "reach" over your shoulder to "grab" the hilt of the sword to draw it out.


OH MY GOD, if it worked like that it would be even more mind blowing.

Don't forget how you'll reload while running around the corner and how you'll cock back the shot gun.

The stealthiness of this game is going to be cunning.. and because the Splinter Cell team are involved sound I'm betting will play a dominant role in the combat.


If we're talking about a martial arts game I'm all in favour of that.. but I think there's something wrong with society.. we play too many games and watch too much TV.

I don't want Revolution to infringe on my lifestyle.

I would much rather go to a martial arts class and learn it myself.. sure Revolution could be used as a too for practise- but it isn't the same.


I don't want a golf game to be a substitute for real life golf (not that i could afford it probably) and I think we shouldn't want Revolution to make our dreams come true on a TV screen.

That's far too easy.

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just on the HUD topic:


Why would the lack of a HUD indicate its a render?, i think the idea of this to imerse you so much in the game that you become the character, as evidence by the whole angle of the gun/angle of controller thing. A HUD would remove from that imersion. Also has nobody noticed the aiming cursor? does that not count as part of a HUD?

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just on the HUD topic:


Why would the lack of a HUD indicate its a render?, i think the idea of this to imerse you so much in the game that you become the character, as evidence by the whole angle of the gun/angle of controller thing. A HUD would remove from that imersion. Also has nobody noticed the aiming cursor? does that not count as part of a HUD?


Yeah i noticed alack of a HUD i hope they go for a fight night ROund 3 kind of thing with no health bar but u judge how u are by your speed and moblility ect who noes there could even be blood on his arm to help your judge.

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Guest Stefkov

wow about 10 pages popped up over night! it was only on 7 pages when i logged off at about 9 ish.

if this is only for one game icant imagine what the E3 thread will be like. i think maybe we should limit peoplee on the E3 thread to 2 posts on a page or something, then it owuld stop people typing one thing, then somoene saying another then that first person tpyes another ting. it could just be a converstation on the forum or something


however on topic this game looks stunning, read through the info on the front page, and i cant wait for this. maybe the name red steel is just a very wierd coincidence that it resembles the rev's name.

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Yeah I'm all for that.. even something simple like in King Kong where your heart starts beating and you can see the blood in your eyes pulsing as the T-Rex eats your ass.

I'm more into immersive games.. it's not to say that you can't push a button to drag up the HUD and then it fades after a couple of seconds and you've checked your ammo.


I think they've made a good call on this one.

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I don't want a golf game to be a substitute for real life golf (not that i could afford it probably) and I think we shouldn't want Revolution to make our dreams come true on a TV screen.

That's far too easy.


very good point. I dont want the games to be activities that i can do every day (say tennis),

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