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Red Steel -1ST Rev game screenshots in gameinformer


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This has been one of the most hilarious, exciting and down right entertaining threads I have read in ages. I saw Guarnas post earlier this evening and thought it sounded interesting but probably fake. Never in a million years did I expect to find this insanity. Guarna, I am sorry for ever doubting you, if I ever meet you I will kiss you and yes maybe even lick you. Those screens, when I saw them I actually threw up in pure wonder. I mean, just WOW, you can rotate the goddamn gun in game for christ sake.


As for why Nintendo would allow screens to be released now, before E3, it's obvious. Just look at the response, people would be willing to sell there virginity for more screens and information now. Hell, I'm chewing my laptop just to get the maximum amount of flavour from this information.


Possible tagline for E3:

E3 2006- Millions of servers will die.


Including this one. Goddamn, E3 is going to rock. This place is going to be absolutely buzzing. Man, i'm so excited!


I'm also excited about this game. I was worried that third parties wouldn't use the controller effectively. But, we're seeing some brilliant ideas here. I just can't wait to see what else is on offer.

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…not to assign any personality to the main character. You are the hero in Red Steel, and this is your adventure. The only backstory to the protagonist is that he is an American male who is engaged to a Japanese-American woman named Miyu. On the night that you are supposed to meet Miyu’s father for the first time, she is kidnapped from the posh Los Angeles restaurant you’re dining in. You quickly learn that her father is a Yakuza boss named Sato, who is in possession of an important ceremonial katana. A younger, more ruthless Yakuza faction led by a man called Tokai attempted to steal the sword from Sato to shift the balance of power within the organization. Sato thwarted the attempt to steal the sword, but was mortally wounded in the attack. Tokai’s men kidnap Miyu in response, hoping to trade her life for the sword. But Sato refuses to hand over the sword to Tokai, instead giving it to you, with the instructions to use it to find his daughter. Sato dies soon after giving you the sword, leaving you all alone and untrained against Tokai’s men. Armed with the katana and a selection of firearms, you must follow Miyu to Japan and defeat Tokai, but first you must gain the skills necessary to confront him.


According to Expert, the first third of the game will be more brutal by necessity. When you are first learning to use the Revolution controller, you will be less precise and favor more devastating…


…a series of headshots, it is often more beneficial to take a non-lethal shot, such as shooting a gun out of an enemy’s hands. In many situations, there will be a higher-ranking enemy who commands the others in the area. By defeating him and sparing his life, he will offer you his respect and help. The enemies he commands will surrender their guns and the boss may offer you a new weapon, a special path through the level, or other reward. Any time you spare an enemy, you will be rewarded, as it always takes more skill to spare a life than to take it.


Freeze shot adds a lot of depth to the gunplay and is a natural fit for the Revolution controller, but isn’t the only way that Red Steel adds spice to the combat. After all, why would you carry a sword through a game if you couldn’t use it? Although the majority of Red Steel’s gameplay will stress ranged combat, there will be times you need to get up close and personal. You can switch to the sword at any time, and if you can get close enough to an enemy, you can use it for one-hit stealth kills. In other moments, you’ll find yourself locked into intense one-on-one sword duels. Any time you face an enemy with a sword of his own, you’ll need to take yours out right away, or his blade will make short work of you. Swinging the Revolution controller in front of you, you will see the sword…

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Im thinking that we can expect graphics that are on with Doom 3 for PC. Or possibly even better. I dont want to expect too much, Doom 3 graphics look great. E3 looks like it could have a few Megatons in store. I just hope the fanboys will be able to survive it all.


hell yeah . i think the average game will look up to par with doom3 ,with all effects on and on its best pc .. this game looks amazing .. i think it would be unfair to say that there isnt a difference between the graphics in this game and xbox 360 titles .. there is a difference , but its not too noticable ..and i'll never own a hd tv to find out anyhow ..

doom3 + graphics works fine for me..: peace:

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Wow, what a thread. It appears as if people are excited :P.


So they should be, as people have previously said, Nintendo did say that the graphics would make people say 'wow', and indeed they have.


Furthermore, I'd assume that it was a result of Nintendo continuously downplaying the graphical aspect, as the hardware didn't appear as powerful as the competition.


*Sigh*, I can only begin to imagine what a Golden Sun Revolution will look like. Finally having a place to use the clear data at the end of The Lost Age.


It's also brilliant to see Ubisoft supporting Nintendo, and even better if they are in fact collaborating with the title.

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Ahhh I just woke up, did I miss anything :indeed:


What a lovely morning! Certainly gives the Revo doubters a good power shot to the head!!! :yay:


BTW forgot to add, I'm loving the gameplay details (Being able to twist the gun and lob grenades sounds Fucking Sweet!!!)


sniff... I think I need a hug...

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Looking at the game... Do you think this is a full on FPS or an on-the-rails style shooter?


From the images of the people playing it, they are also holding the second part of the controller, the analogue stick. So id take a guess and say its FPS.

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As of Revolution System????: peace:


By George, he's got it!


Looking at the game... Do you think this is a full on FPS or an on-the-rails style shooter?


Look, let get this straight once and for all!


It is not on Rails, it's a "full on FPS" - confirmed by a Ubisoft employee.

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I know many were skeptical saying sword games wouldn't work. They said it was simply not possible yet. However you only have to look at Star Wars Arcade that came out years ago. The lightsaber fights in that rocked and it was as simple as dodging from left, right and middle attacks. It was effective enough and look how far we've come since then, i'm looking forward to more information on this game

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funny how you picked me out when i never said anything to doubt him...


anyway cheers for writing the article gurauna :)


You just seemed to seriousely doubt him at the start then say "nice pictures" or something without thanking Guarana. You have now, so you're forgiven.

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Online multiplayer :yay:



The publication also states that gamers will be able to jump over and take cover behind objects with the flick of the Revolution controller. On top of everything else, the mag promises that Red Steel will not only support an online multiplayer mode, but arrive as a launch title later this year.[/iGN]

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