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How much money will I get if I trade in these...


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Hi Everyone, I need a bit of your help. Could some of you please tell me the best shop for trade-ins:

Game/Gamestation and how much money I would get if I traded in these games because I really want Animal Crossing Wild World:

(All games boxed and have game manuals plus no scratches... if that makes a difference?)

- Project Rub (DS)

- Yoshi Touch And Go (DS)

- Star Fox Adventures (GC)

- Star Wars: Rebel Strike Rogue Squadron III (GC)

- Resident Evil - Remake (GC)

- Pikmin (GC)

- Wave Race Blue Storm (GC)


My aim is to get £30 but I know that's hoping for a bit much as all these games are old ;)

Thanks for your help! :)

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- Project Rub (DS)

- Yoshi Touch And Go (DS)

- Star Fox Adventures (GC)

- Star Wars: Rebel Strike Rogue Squadron III (GC)

- Resident Evil - Remake (GC)

- Pikmin (GC)

- Wave Race Blue Storm (GC)


All guesses. I work at Game but don't often win the "guess the trade in price game


1. £12

2. £1 (pretty sure it sells pre-owned for £5)

3. £3/4

4. £5

5. £5

6. £1/2 (oooold)

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i traded in Yoshi touch and go and Project rub yesterday for Odama, i got £16 for yoshi and £6 for project rub.

That was at gamestation. I also got £20 each for warioware, kirby, mario ( much more than i would on ebay) last month which a was suprised at.

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