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The Cold War In Vietnam


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Well Vietnam was linked to the Cold War because Russia was funding the Vietcong and supplying them with those oh-so-easy-to-use AK47s. America of course, didn't want the Reds getting a hold of 'Nam, so they went and invaded.


That's about all I know.

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Well Vietnam was linked to the Cold War because Russia was funding the Vietcong and supplying them with those oh-so-easy-to-use AK47s. America of course, didn't want the Reds getting a hold of 'Nam, so they went and invaded.


That's about all I know.


The same way the USA suplied afganastinies (spelt wrong) to fight the soviets.

And did you know that france was trying to conalise vietcong(of all places), (just beofre the vietnam war)-Of course they failed badly.

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About Vietnam, America orignally got involved purely becasue the French couldn't handle the Vietcong (they'd just inherited the land back after WW2 as part of their lil Frenchy empire)

So the Americans helped the French, as they were firm beleivers in the Trueman Doctrine. However, the French then fell and America saw if the Vietcong took over then Communism would spread due to Domino Effect.


Interesting fact, at a convention (either France or Geneva, I forget which) America unwittingly agreed that there would be free elections in Vietnam. However, afterwards they soon realised if there was the Communists would be voted in as the North was allready Communists so everyone would be forced to vote Communist and a 1/5 of South Vietnam supported Communism.

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