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Like many, I have an Xbox 360 and i'm getting attleast one Revolution at launch. I hope that Revolution wil be my main console but 360 may steal it's place. I will buy a PS3 just because i think i have to.


[the gfx power of the revolution dosn't make my opinon change one bit]

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But I often forget I'm controlling a game with a controller when using the GC pad but the PC never lets me forget the keyboard + mouse set up.


so what do you mean? you prefer the controler or the mouse and keyboard?


Oh, sorry, I didn't make myself clear. I like it when I'm forgetting I'm still holding a controller, therefore doing things unconciously and only concentrating on the on-screen action. So I like the pad better, but I only have this experience with the GC pad. The button layout of the GC feels so natural to me, sometimes I don't have to read what the controls mean but instinctively choose the right buttons and that even applied to the launch games (got my GC at launch).

So I have high expectations for the FHC.

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Th power of a console has never influenced me to buy it, for me it has always been about the games and that is why I will always be a Nintendo fan. I have a 360 for my realistic games and Live and no doubt i will get a ps3 as Sony usually always get support from the big Japanese developers but the Revo has Nintendo games...Nuff said.

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I dont play the games with best graphics. I play the games with best gameplay. I actually turn down the graphics in some games, so that they will play better on PC. And believe it or not, it doesnt get less fun because of that.


I can understand people wanting to be wowed by realistic graphics. It is a lot of fun. But for some reason, I dont care much about the other 2 machines. Maybe its because Ive played too many games. I do have a taste for Nintendo though.


Word, lol. Xbox video

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I'll probably buy a revolution first with a PS3 a few months after the launch and then a year later XBOX 360


But I gotta get my premodified PStwo console first and all the brill games for that - god this is the fist time in years when I am going gaming hardcore

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360 is my main, i think microsoft have helped entertain me the most, the games are gud, and xbox live cant be beaten at the moment, and i doubt it ever will..


But nintendo i have played for years, and every nintendo console has been gud, well the gamecube was a bit of a let down compared to others ( n64 + snes), and revolutions whole idea is gud, as said above, its a new way to play games, and it looks like a good way to me.

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Revolution all the way.


Though i do own a 360 and will be shelling out for a HDTV just for it.. =/ Thats just my lust to play PD0, Kameo and other upcoming games in sweetness.


That being said, it doesnt bother me too much. I need a new TV anyway (tiny DVD combo TV just doesnt cut it anymore) and im all about innovation and new ways to play games.


I will never buy a PSP, and never in my dreams even consider a PS3. I dislike Sony, i dislike what they've done and what they're trying to do to the games industry. Its disgusting, it really is.


I really hope the PS3 fails, they go bankrupt and cant even sell steroes and TVs anymore. They dont deserve the right. Samsung seem to be leading the electronics departments these days so, who knows, maybe it will happen.


Die Sony, do us a favour and just die. Either that or just leave the games industry to the masters who actually try and entice new ideas and innovation so it grows instead of merging with other pointless media. Gaming doesnt need any help to be popular.

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