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News on the Nintendo _______


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BigTac I'm waitting to hear your answer in my private message!


You see you're not the only insider in this forum and you seem to know less than you say! If you don't answer - which means you know crap - I promise that you'll have the answer to my question in less than 10 days!!!!!!!!


If you really know things, then it's an easy for you.

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There's more then sony over here. I live in Washington and both Nintendo of America and Microsoft head quarters are only about an hour and a half away.


Seriously their head quaters are literally right across the street from eachother. Now that takes trust.

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No not trust, gun turrets. If I had a business and MS were next to me I would blackout all the windows and soundproof the whole place. Put a small amount of lead in the walls too so xrays arent a threat. Im not paranoid.

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No not trust, gun turrets. If I had a business and MS were next to me I would blackout all the windows and soundproof the whole place. Put a small amount of lead in the walls too so xrays arent a threat. Im not paranoid.


hmm. perhaps since MS set up second they are just there to spy on the compotition

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Capcom have a few titles up there sleeve. Based on some info they seem to have between 3-4 titles in development. Capcom reps have confirmed that they will have at least 2 titles at E3 in some shape or form.


Also new rumor. As you know Kojima is working on a exclusive Revolution title, and I have told you all the Mikami is working on a exclusive title. Their not the only big name guys that have something exclusive coming Nintendo's way. Some talk about Kojima, Mikami and also one other big name producer showing up in Nintendo's E3 show presenting their games.

I certainly would love to see this happen. It would be crazy if it did happen.


Oh by the way. At GDC there was lots of behind closed doors stuff seen and used between Nintendo and developers.

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Capcom have a few titles up there sleeve. Based on some info they seem to have between 3-4 titles in development. Capcom reps have confirmed that they will have at least 2 titles at E3 in some shape or form.


Also new rumor. As you know Kojima is working on a exclusive Revolution title, and I have told you all the Mikami is working on a exclusive title. Their not the only big name guys that have something exclusive coming Nintendo's way. Some talk about Kojima, Mikami and also one other big name producer showing up in Nintendo's E3 show presenting their games.

I certainly would love to see this happen. It would be crazy if it did happen.


Oh by the way. At E3 there was lots of behind closed doors stuff seen and used between Nintendo and developers.


Are u talking about E3 2005. Are you suggestign some may have seen the revo controller before TGS. Ah of course! Some did. I remember Moleneux giving soem hints and other developers too.

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My mistake that was a error on my part I meant at GDC there was lots of behind closed doors action going on between developers and Nintendo.




Pandemic's Resnick said that the studio was "enthralled" with the Revolution, but that it hasn't made any official announcements about games in development for it yet.

Meanwhile, Zeschuk from BioWare was every bit as optimistic, if not more so. "Well, the Revolution is a very different platform, and we've actually just seen some things behind closed doors that are just mind-blowing," he said. "Very, very exciting.They're doing something that's very different and unique."


Be on the look out at IGN. Sounds like Matt uncovered some very interesting info on Revolution hardware. I know most of you are probally in Europe but for those who aren't check IGN around 10:00-11:00pm eastern.


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*Thinks* Should i but into this debate? lol


if bigtac really is some cool insider to the games industry and wants to become a games developer then he must be pretty clever...I mean alot of games developers are cutting edge and are at the top of their field and often work using asembley code or some sort of binary stuff to get direct access to a processor or what not...so why doesn't he know which there, their and they're to use?


Tbh I recon its some kid just wanting some attention and to look cool.


Yeah...when I was at GDC I heard that aparantly Nintendo are going to make some sort of new mario game! :o no shit! lol

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Im not so sure they would use much assembly language progamming any more as memory not reallly a limitation now (bloat ware) and compilers are much better, maybe for a few small routines that are heavily used or time critical. It's too time consuming and error prone, and does not lead to porting without recoding. They definately would not programme in binary, absolutely no benifit.


Om probaly more qualified than Big Tac to apply for the job and I aint qualified enougth (electronic engineer/programmer), it's a highly specialised field and requires a lot of training in that specialised area.

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