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WWE WrestleMania 22


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how can u say the boogeyman is awesome...he got beat down for a few mins...put worms in his mouth and then finished booker t with 1-2 moves :(


boogeyman better have a good match soon he just gets beaten up then does 1-2 moves at the end after showing worms :/



anyway i think the event was very good half of the matchs were too short thou....


WWE Championship: HHH made this a good match the crowd were amazing booing cena from start to finish (HHH had a awesome enterance where he is dressed like a king on a chair on the stage) such a anti climax at end thou with HHH tapping out....i thought surely cena has had the title long enough now ffs. HHH hopefully will get rematch at backlash. On the backlash ad halfway thorugh the show it showed people saying "at backlash i..." then at end it showed cena saying "at backlash i get back whats mine" so i thought he was gunna lose :(:(:(:(:(:( DAM IT!!!


WWE Championship: Good match too short thou glad to see rey with title he will make a good champ....is milking the eddie death a bit thou at the end pointing at the sky etc etc


McMahon vs Michaels: best match of the night really enjoyed it :) mcmahon got his arse kicked...and kissed ;). (HBK forced shane to kiss his arse hehe)



Money in the Bank: WAY TO SHORT...some really good bits but was 10-15 mins to short...RVD my pick won :D


Casket Match: boring...they should get rid of mark henry he has never had a entertaining match


Hardcore Match: amazing!! edge and foley pulled out all the stops to make it a wrestlemania moment...edge was a star willing to be put on the tacks..be hit with barb wire and spear foley through the ropes onto a FLAMING table


US Championship: boring under 5 mins long wtf...jbl is champ thou :)


World Tag Team Championships: pretty crap not as good as thought was gunna be


Womens Championship: Mickie won!! :D i love that girl and the crowd was cheering her all the time and booing trish hehe


Boogeyman Vs Booker T and Sharmel: wrost match of the night


Playboy Pillowfight: went to get food dont know who won


There my picks, watching this at 6pm tommorrow

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I'm pretty confident that if WWE had switched the two World Championship main events round, there wouldnt have been such a negative attitutde towards this years event. Overall, I can't way there was a match on the card that i disliked. That could be influenced by the fact I was watching it with 4 other wrestling freaks like myself, however I can see where a lot of this anger is coming from.


Can't wait for RAW tonight.

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I think you're a little confused, if Taker gets put in the casket he loses:hmm:


I also think it would be great if Bret Hart would interfer in the Vince/HBK match, it's so unlikely to happen that it just might and would certainly go down as a historic Wrestlemania moment.


Oh, just under 50 more mins:yay: :yay:


What I meant was Kane but Henry into the casket wins match, then puts Undertaker into that casket or bring out a different one, but that didn't happen.

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Rey winning was brilliant, he can hang with the heavyweights better than most of the roster, he at least deserves a small run to see how he can carry the ball. .

I think that he will lose the title back to Angle at the next PPV. Why? Because Angle beat him clean on Smackdown and he had Rey beat in the match (when he had the Ankle Lock on him). I like Rey and I'm glad he is champ but I really don't see it lasting too long even though I think he can hang with the bigger guys.


The opening match was nothing special but it did get the show off to a nice start. I was expecting Carlito and Masters to start fighting at the end to start a fued between the two.


Money in the Bank ladder match had loads of cool spots. A highly enjoyable match but it didn't seem to be on long enough.


I was a bit dissapointed with Benoit-JBL. I was expecting a much longer match and the finish was crap. I suppose it does set up a rematch between the two though.


Mick Foley vs Edge was the match of the night. It was brutal. How cool was the flaming spot?


Boogeyman = SHIT. What a waste of time this was. Although the backstage bit was funny with Booker T!


Mickie James vs Trish Stratus was a really good match up untill the botched finish. The crowd were totally behind Mickie was was strange. It's nice to see a new Womens Champion.


The Casket match wasn't up to much until that very cool Undertaker dive out of the ring, over the casket and onto Mark Henry. For a moment I thought he was gonna hit the casket!


I liked the Michaels-MacMahon match. Vince took some shit in this match. Loved the jump from the extra high ladder onto Vince who was inside a trash can!


The Triple threat was too short! Surely thi should have been given much more time? I enjoyed what little of it there was.


HHH tapped out? This was actually a decent match. What was with the n

entrances? Triple H looked stupid and Cena's was just lame.


A good Wresltemania overall.

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I thought it was a great event, not the best ever but still enjoyed 95% of it.

I only just finished watching it now, ended up startin late cuz me cousins who were coming to watch with me were very late:mad:


World Tag Champ: I was very dissapointed with this, far too short and they could have done a lot more with it. was hopin C&C would win, it's cool havin Kane and Show as champs but like i said before they have no real competition in the tag division.



Ladder Match: Great match but could have been longer, big up to Rick Flair for comin back to the ring after doin his knee in. And is it me or does Benjermin only have a good match if it's a Ladder match? He pulled off 2 great moves. RVD winning was cool, hope he doesn't wait too long to use the title shot though.



US Title: Decent but didn't like the ending, i actually don't think JBL has won a title match fairly ever, i was hopin this would be it. Good to see him with a belt again though.



Edge vs Foley: Great match, really enjoyed it, some hard bumps, the barbwire hidden under Foleys shirt was classic and the fire finish OH MY GOD, i was expectin to see Foley jump up with his hair on fire. Edge won but i still think Foley should have, if that match was to give him his defining Mania moment i don't think he got one despite it being so good.



Womens Title: I was actually very surprised by this one, it was much better than i thought it would be (minus the mess up in the finish), and Micky grabbin Trishs' croutch:D was something to behold. Micky winning is a good change for the womens division. Below is prolly my fav pic of the night and will most likely feature in my dreams tonight :D



Boogyman vs Booker T: I enjoy watchin the Boogyman i like his character, though i do agree he could do with improving his in ring moves i'm sure he'll get there soon enough.



Casket Match: Was hopin Taker could have done a bit more with makin Henry seem good but hey what can you do::shrug: , when taker leaped out of the ring, over the ropes, over the casket and took out Henry i thought he was gonna smash his knees off the edge of the casket, luckily he cleared it. And when he did the last ride on Henry i thought his back was gonna blow out. Taker 14 - 0 now:yay: And on the pic below...OH MY GOD look he's like superman or somthing



HBK vs Vince: Awesome match, Shanes involvment was very good and it was awesome when he got chained up. HBK really took it to vince and the OH MY GOD that leap from the extra high ladder was amazing. (although some more blood would have been welcome, HBK wasn't even cut open)



World Heavyweight Title: My fav match of the night, very exciting, though didn't like how Kurt got both Orton and Rey to tap and both times the ref didn't see it. I think Rey winning by pinning Orton was good and will definatly lead to a proper Rey/Kurt fued.




WWE Title: I thought the entrances were great, especially HHH's, was a great match, although i wanted HHH to win i think havin Cena win with the STF and makin HHH tap was really good, it help build up Cena's "wreslting" credentials, forces HHH's character to acknowlege Cena as a top wrestler and I'm sure HHH will win the title at Backlash.





But i do agree that they should have had the Triple Threat match last, that way they could have given Rey a good fireworks display to close the night like Benoit and Batista got in the previous to years.


My top 3 matches: Triple Threat, HBK/Vince, WWE Title


My top 3 enterances: Triple H, John Cena, Undertaker


Moment of the night: HBK and that suicide leap.

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Did you see last nights Raw?


I didn't see it (set the timer wrong on the recorder)


Anyway i took a quick look at WWE.com, below is spoilered for those waiting to watch Raw on Thrusday



holy crap, two of the Spirit Squad won the Tag Titles (with help of the other 3).




If any two people deserved to take the Tag Titles from

Kane and Show it was Carlito and Masters, the spirit squad are useless,

what have they done to deserve this?

Even worse it looks like Carlito and Masters are gonna fued,

Master had a match and Carlito came out when it was over and attacked Masters.

Now although i think they will have a good fued, prolly with Carlito going Face,

they scould have saved that for a little further down the line,

they should have kept them together as a tag team,

cuz damn they'd make much better champs than "whats his name"

and "whats his name2" from the

"oh my god i can't tell them apart and to make it worse their names all sound the same"

spirit squad.


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Mokong: If you watch RAW you will understand why that happened. Yes, if WWE were real life then that would never happen, but anything can happen in the WWE. Just wait until you see what happens, then see if you're so angry about the outcome.

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spirit squad = grandmaster sexay fans? they all act like him :S


that new cuban manager i was finding it pretty hard to figure out what he was saying....o and that new umaga guy is a freak of nature hes huge....but does WWE need a person like that

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I ended up watching this at my uncle's house. mick foley/edge was one of the best matches Ive seen in a long time, except the lighter fluid was a bit over the top. Also the mr mcmahon one was quite jolly. Good old blood shed :)

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sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo at the next smackdown PPV is it gunna be a triple threat (HHH VS EDGE VS CENA) or are they gunna have a no1 contender fight soon :)

i would prefer to see a triple threat myself as it is then 2 people beating the crap out of cena instead of one :)


o kudos to the raw fans booing cena that was great stuff


that .gif above cracks me up that ref is walking backwards and forwards on it ;)

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Mokong: If you watch RAW you will understand why that happened. Yes, if WWE were real life then that would never happen, but anything can happen in the WWE. Just wait until you see what happens, then see if you're so angry about the outcome.


Just seen it, still angery bout it, Carlito and Masters much more deservin of the tag titles, but now it looks like they gonna fued...wonder which one will turn face?


Hope it's Masters, Carlito works too well as a cocky heel, like Christian (miss him)..though i have a feelin it just might be Carlito that goes face

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smackdown spoiler







WHO was that massive guy attacking the undertaker on smackdown ive seen him on TV before just cant picture where....man hes HUGE!!!! at least 7"3 400bls+ :o


o for those who dont know randy orton got suspended for 2 months (on wwe.com) so the kurt vs orton match will have to be changed

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smackdown spoiler







WHO was that massive guy attacking the undertaker on smackdown ive seen him on TV before just cant picture where....man hes HUGE!!!! at least 7"3 400bls+ :o


o for those who dont know randy orton got suspended for 2 months (on wwe.com) so the kurt vs orton match will have to be changed


When i saw that guy comin to the ring i thought "he looks big but when he's next to Taker he prolly won't be that big" but he towered over taker by at least 1/2 a foot i think, DAMN. (Taker will still kick his ass)


And on Orton, what did he do? All i can see on wwe.com is "impropper behaviour" or something like that, but nothing on what he actually said and/or did.

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He's still scheduled for the King of the Ring tournament next week on Smackdown, so I don't know what the WWE are doing with him.


Apparently he was pissing off the Undertaker and Ric Flair backstage at Wrestlemania, saying stuff like "I'm in the main event, what about you?".

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