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WWE WrestleMania 22


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I heard bret hart is going to make some sort of speech or something the night before??? anyone know anymore details about this?


That will most likely be when he is inducted into the Hall of Fame, all inductees (or someone on their behalf as would be the case with Eddie - RIP) get to make a speech.


I don't think this is broadcast live but i'm sure they'll show it during the Hall of Fame section of the actual Wresltemania event.


Now my turn for a question...haha, I was watching last nights Raw and noticed that the Wrestlemania Press conferance which happens on March 30th (or was it 31st?) will be live on wwe.com, is this a free to view webcast and it'll be at 1pm EST, whats that in GMT time?

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6pm i think. Since the clock change at the weekend things may have changed. And Bret Hart will be at the Hall of Fame but NOT at WM22 when all the inductees stand at the top of the ramp and receieve a round of applause from te live audience. The HoF event won't be on UK TV, but it's on the bonus disk of the WM22 DVD.

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Right, here's my predictions for Sunday night. In my eyes, this is the most difficult Wrestlemania to predict in many years:


WWE Championship: Triple H. If anything, I want him to win the title to give RAW a much needed change. Hunter has the experience of being champion ten times and can draw the crowds, he has the champion look about him. Plus, John Cena is a chav.


WWE Championship: Kurt Angle. Probably the most difficult to predict out the lot, WWE could put the belt on anyone and get away with it. I want Rey Mysterio to win not just for Eddie, but because the guy deserves it, he can hang in there with the heavyweights just as good, if not better, than any other superstar can.


McMahon vs Michaels: Shawn Michaels. He's been pissed on so much recently that he has to get Vince back on the biggest possible stage. Plus, Vince McMahon is 60 years old.


Money in the Bank: Lashley. These are always unpredictable, but throw in three of the best up and coming stars from each brand, and it doesn't make life easier. But Lashley is the next big thing, he's going to go a long way in the WWE and a furture WWE Champion for sure. Although I do love Finlay, because he loves to fight.


Casket Match: Undertaker. If Mark Henry ends the 13-0 undefeated streak of the Undertaker, then I'll strongly consider walking home in disgust.


Hardcore Match: Edge. Foley will have his Wrestlemania moment, but not his Wrestlemania win. This could steal the show.


US Championship: Chris Benoit. My favourite wrestler in the WWE is going to win this one and shut JBL up for good.


World Tag Team Championships: Carlito and Masters. I hope I'm wrong, because if WWE was a bit more 'realistic', then no-one would ever beat the champions. Ever.


Womens Championship: Mickie James to get the upset.


Boogeyman Vs Booker T and Sharmel: Boogeyman. I'm looking forward to this one more than the WWE Championship match. The Boogyman is probably the best character ever. Shame his wrestling is shit.


Playboy Pillowfight: The Fans.




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I am actually really looking forward to wrestlemania now, this is the first WWE show i have looked forward to in years, hopefully Cena will finally turn heel, he could have an awesome heel streak like the Rock had if its done right. Bring on Bret Hart!

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haha, CVD, i love your prediction for the pillow fight.


Anyway, watching Smackdown last was cool, the whole boggieman portion was awesome as well as Mark Henry's "funeral" for Takers streak, just seeing all the people Taker beat through the years.


Also while watching Smackdown i was hoping for a last minute addition to Mania of MNM in a Tag Title match, how could they not get a title defense at mania? MNM vs the Mexicools would have been a great Mania match

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i will get my moneys worth if HHH beats cena that i cant to see...at last cena back down in the mid-card area...HHH hasnt had the title in 2 years bout time he had it again HHH freaking rules


Most looking forward to matchs: Money in bank and Hardcore match :D

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I just played some of the matches on Day of Reckoning 2: here's what my Gamecube thinks will happen.


Triple Treat: I played as Rey, match ended with Orton hitting his 5th RKO on me then Angle hit Orton with his 4th Angle Slam then made Rey tap.


HHH vs Cena: I played as HHH, cena had the upper hand at the begining, even hit me with an FU outside the ring. I made a good comback, hit cena with an FU then a pedigree went for the pin cena kicked out so i hit him with two more pedigrees and won.


Edge vs Foley(mankind): I played as Mankind, needless to say i left Edge in a bloody mess, finished him on the ramp with a running sledge hammer hit.


Tag Title Match: I played as C&C and won with the Masterlock on Big Show, haha, though in all likely hood that's prolly not how the real match would end but hopefully it'll still have C&C walkin out as champs.


Also while thinking of some possible twists that might happen at the show i got the idea that it would be so awesome if Bret Hart interfered in the Vince/HBK match to help HBK win that would definatly be a Wrestlemania moment

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Wow It's not exactly a great card is it? I'm not really looking forward to it. Sad really considering it's Wresltemania:sad:.


WWE Championship: Triple H to be crowned the new WWE champion. Cena sucks. I wonder how good this match will be? I'm not expecting a classic but I'm sure Trips can carry Johnny boy to make it a decent enough match.


WWE Championship: Kurt Angle. Well this will be an interesting match. I don't see Angle losing the belt just yet but you never know. Rey may just pull something out of the hat and pick up a huge shock win. Don't see Orton winning as I don't believ he belongs in the main event.


McMahon vs Michaels: Shawn Michaels. Don't see HBK losing to Vinny Mac. Do we really need to see a 60 year old man wrestle? Really? This fued is no where near as good as the Austin vs. McMahon fued.


Money in the Bank: RVD. He deserves to be at the top of the card so it would be nice to see WWE give him the push he deserves. This will be an excellent match with loads of sick bumps. Probably the match I'm most looking forward to.


Casket Match: Undertaker. I cant see this match being very good. Henry isn't gonna end Takers streak.


Hardcore Match: Edge. Looking forward to this. You know it's going to be brutal!


US Championship: Chris Benoit. Will be a good match and it's one I'm looking forward to.


World Tag Team Championships: Carlito and Masters haven't been booked like they can win and plus Big Show & Kane are an unstoppable team. But I can see Big Show and Kane turning on each other which will lead to Carlito & Masters getting the win.


Womens Championship: Mickie James. Good build up to this match. Should be one of the best ever Womens bouts. Im actually looking forward to it.


Boogeyman Vs Booker T and Sharmel: Boogeyman. My god the Boogeyman sucks. Please let this be short because I don't think I could stand it! Enough with the worms already! Why Booker T got stuck in this match I don't know.


Playboy Pillowfight: Who cares? Lets just enjoy it and be grateful their not making them have a "proper" wrestling match.


Oh and JR is calling the RAW action! It was so good to hear him on SNME and it just shows WWE made a bad decsion by taking him out the announcing booth.

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The Hall of Fame ceremony took place last night, i've just been looking through the photos of the event, hope to see some good moments on video when i watch Mania, i've just ordered the event, gonna try stay up and watch it but i gotta get up for college in the morn so i'll have the recorder on just in case. Below are some choice photos from the Hall of Fame incudtion ceremony 2006.


The Black Jacks inducted by Bobby "The Brain" Heenan




William "The Refridgerator" Perry (Celebraty Wing of the Hall of Fame) inducted by John Cena




Gene Okerlund inducted by Hulk Hogan




Chris Benoit, Chavo Guerrero and Rey Mysterio induting the late Eddie Guerrero




Eddie's Wife and children accepting his induction award.




Eddie's Mother and Sisters




Stone Cold inducting Bret "The Hitman" Hart




Bret "The Hitman" Hart




The Hall of Fame Class of 2006:Left to Right: Sensational Sherri, Eddie Guerrero (Represented by his Wife), The Black Jacks, Bret "The Hitman" Hart, William "The Refridgerator" Perry, Tony Atlas, Gene Okerlund, Verne Gagne





Now bring the Event...in the words of Ric Flair - WOOOOOOOOOO

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I would like to see the Hall of Fame (I think the first 2hours are on wwe.com). I'm sure we will see some highlights at WM with the inductees coming out during the event (It happened last year, did it not?).


I heard the John Cena got loads of boos at the Hall of Fame. There was also a "F**k you Cena" chant! Boy, people really hate him.


I will be recording WM tonight as I can never stay up late.

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I would like to see the Hall of Fame (I think the first 2hours are on wwe.com). I'm sure we will see some highlights at WM with the inductees coming out during the event (It happened last year, did it not?).


I heard the John Cena got loads of boos at the Hall of Fame. There was also a "F**k you Cena" chant! Boy, people really hate him.


I will be recording WM tonight as I can never stay up late.


I just finished watching it, was good, but why wasn't the last hour shown in full? There's like a 4 min highlight of it which isn't right, since it's that part with the two inductions most people looked forward to, Eddie and Bret.


Anyway was a good show, i loved the begining when Bobby "The Brain" came out and said he was gonna make an annoucment on behalf of the WWE, they have hidden a red envelop under one of the fans seats which contain 2 backstage passes for Wrestlemania. Of course everyone starts lookin under the seats then Bobby goes, "Oh that's right it's April 1st"... haha brilliant.


I thought when Cena came out things went a bit too far, it kinda turned into a promo for his match with HHH, at one point the crowd chant "Triple H" and HHH stands up and says "One more night", the crowd was really divided 50-50 with liking and not liking Cena, and it really took away from the reason of the show. But i thought Cena handled it very well and his induction speech for William Perry was very good.

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I think that Cena will turn heel no matter the result tonight, he needs to do it to prove his true quality, any wrestler can play a face well, but only the best can play the bad guy well.


e.g. Angle, HHH, Bret Hart, Rock, Austin, Taker

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WWE Championship: Triple H . Nothing else to say.


WWE Championship: Kurt Angle Nothing else to say.


McMahon vs Michaels: Shawn Michaels. I can see linda screwing Vince out of a victory maybe even Bret Hart or even Stone Cold to get involved.


Money in the Bank: Ric Flair. It has to be the Flairster sets up a great feud for WWE Championship.


Casket Match: Undertaker. I reckon that Kane could make a save for his bro and put Undertaker into the casket.


Hardcore Match: Mick Foley. Wouldn't it be great if the Rock came back and beat the hell out of Edge using the Rock 'n Sock Connection


US Championship: Chris Benoit. Will be a boring match.


World Tag Team Championships: Big Show & Kane. Can see them winning in about 5 minutes.


Womens Championship: Mickie James. Just gives a chance for a new change of things.


Boogeyman Vs Booker T and Sharmel: Boogeyman. The Boogeyman is one of the best guys on Smackdown can see him replacing Undertaker when he retires.


Playboy Pillowfight: Torrie. Why? Because the other one sucks.


There my picks, watching this at 6pm tommorrow

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Casket Match: Undertaker. I reckon that Kane could make a save for his bro and put Undertaker into the casket.


I think you're a little confused, if Taker gets put in the casket he loses:hmm:


I also think it would be great if Bret Hart would interfer in the Vince/HBK match, it's so unlikely to happen that it just might and would certainly go down as a historic Wrestlemania moment.


Oh, just under 50 more mins:yay: :yay:

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I concur with the above, only decent matches were HBK vs Vince, Edge vs Foley and Ladder Match. Seeing Taker bury Henry was satisfying, but watching Cena beat Triple H with a submission just left a bitter taste in my mouth. Wasn't happy with the Heavyweight result either. Oh look, more Eddie Guerrero bollocks. He's dead, I think we get it now.


Best part was seeing the Million Dollar Man doing his trademark laugh again. Boy, he's put on some weight.


I'm now going to bed.

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I disagree. The tapping out made sense. Making that match the main event didn't however. Rey winning was brilliant, he can hang with the heavyweights better than most of the roster, he at least deserves a small run to see how he can carry the ball. And seeing vickie and chavo guererro come out at the end brought a small tear to my eye. But man, even when it's played live, his theme is horrible.




seeing mark henry fall on his head into the casket was worth sitting through the taker match.


the goriest wrestlemania of all time, and in my eyes, a contender for the best ever.


Now, it's half five, I better get some shut eye.

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Rey winning is cool, cant belive Cena is still champ. Downloading Foley - Edge, Hbk - Vince and Money in the bank now =)


Just watched em now, money in the bank was very dissapointing, the foley - edge match was alrite, the fire table spot at the end was cool. hbk vince sucked apart from the insane ladder jump and chair shot on vince

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