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Good news for people who intend to buy it, but like I've beens saying lately, Sony is really disoriented.

"There's no need for a hard drive!", later "PS3 will have a hard drive!"

"We won't make a unified online system.", later"We'll have a unified online system."

"This is the controller, the final design will be very similar.", later"We're redesigning the controller."

Get a grip Sony!


I do think Sony have planned poorly for the next generation. I think this goes back to E3 of last year, where they unvieled the console and didn't really get much of a reception. That was priceless.

Atleast it's region free. That makes me super happy. I can now play RPGs without having to have a mod chip! WOOOO!


I though it was like the xbox, publichers could put regions on games if they wanted, but the option for region free is there. At least thats the impression I got from there speech.


I think that sony under esstermated what the compertition would produce, and are now trying to "fight" on to many fronts. Adding a HD was a silly move as it will put the costs up even future. Online was a good move, and redisgning the controller is a good move, they should keep it in the style of the ps2 pad, but make it more comfortable.

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