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E3 2006 Hype/Discussion

Atomic Boo

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It's supposidly called Trauma Centre second opinion, so I can only imagine it'll be for the DS.


I'm not staying up till midnight to watch Sony well and truly shaft Nintendo (I have a reallt bad feeling they will, heres hoping I'm wrong though), I'm going to wake up early and watch it tommorrow morning.


The rumors going round really suggest Nintendo is NOT going to put all the focus on Wii.


EDIT: By the Gamespot clock the conference starts at 12 UK time.

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Yeah, most of the interviews say that its all about DS games and Wii.

But its not all about nintendo's console is it? The PS3 controller has yet to be fully unveiled. Its a bit un-nerving. They surely wont keep the boomerang cause that looks crap, its un-neccesary, and it'll take up too much space in the games cupboard.


My fears have been confirmed

Oh dear sony, what did I tell you guys?! I said i was nervous about them revealing their controller. OK its not as bad but....

The thing that is pure rip - they said nintendo's controller was just a gimmick but their one is a 'fantastic innovation' How does that one work out?

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It's supposidly called Trauma Centre second opinion, so I can only imagine it'll be for the DS.


I'm not staying up till midnight to watch Sony well and truly shaft Nintendo (I have a reallt bad feeling they will, heres hoping I'm wrong though), I'm going to wake up early and watch it tommorrow morning.


The rumors going round really suggest Nintendo is NOT going to put all the focus on Wii.


EDIT: By the Gamespot clock the conference starts at 12 UK time.


Nintendo better put all the focus on the Wii otherwise i will go mental. How long do they expect us to wait?


I want a release date announced today as well, for the Wii and Zelda.


Sony's done it, Nintendo better go into battle as well!


I can't wait any-longer, otherwise i will just be fed-up of waiting.

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Gamespot was pretty solid for the PS3 conference it only crashed once.


Thats because hardly anyone was watching it! :laughing:


No in all seriousness, i believe the server won't be able to handle Nintendo's conference.


I just hope my internet doesn't feck-up! Please god not today! :hmm:

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Thats because hardly anyone was watching it! :laughing:


No in all seriousness, i believe the server won't be able to handle Nintendo's conference.


I just hope my internet doesn't feck-up! Please god not today! :hmm:


I am staying on the net all day as sometimes mine knacks up when I knock it off then back on again later. Im just sitting playing on my DS in front of the pc.

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I think it'll be a good conference for Nintendo but not an all time greatest e3 press conference contender. The big criticism for the Wii after the conference will probably be its inferior graphics, after game play footage is shown, a lot of people could end up being rather annoyed with the realisation of this, even though it has been clearly stated already that the Wii will only be 2 to 3 times more powerful than Gamecube. No one thats actually seen footage has said that they are particularly good visuals, nothing special, slightly better, is this because they are obligated not to hint anything whatsoever under NDAs?


In regards to these alleged additional secrets, I think no UNBELIEVABLE/REVOLUTIONARY features/secrets will be revealed to the disappointment of a lot of people, myself included. Instead I think they'll just be things such as the console being region free, additional functionality with the controller [as Wii is all about the controller, or so we think, this might change?] earlier than expected launch with release details and possible pricing structure, full breakdown of the Virtual console with certain free games on the Virtual Console and a slight console modification with it being smaller amongst other things.


Of course there'll be plenty of Wii & DS games along with suprise games announced for both Wii and DS, but i'm just preparing for the worst in case it ends UP being somewhat disappointing. If Nintendo ends up unveiling an ABSOLUTELY UNBELIEVABLE feature of the console that is better than the controller itself, I will literally eat hat.


Either way though, Nintendo will own Sonys Press Conference...

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Look its very early on in the process! Iwata said the 'revolutions graphics will make you go 'wow''

so they must be pretty good

Edit. To the person who asks who runs it, Reggie does do a bit, but Iwata and shigsy and a couple of others run it as well.

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Look its very early on in the process! Iwata said the 'revolutions graphics will make you go 'wow''

so they must be pretty good

Edit. To the person who asks who runs it, Reggie does do a bit, but Iwata and shigsy and a couple of others run it as well.


Thanks, that was me. People have stated that if the graphics shown on the FFCC trailer were in game then we have nothing to worry about it. Nothing is going to dampen my spirits for this event. I just hope we don't see too much of brain training or new mario DS, infact anything than is coming out in the next couple of months.


I've spent most of my time in class today thinking what title we are actually going to see.


Not that I'm bothered about the ps3 controller but I hope Reggie gets a few digs in. Lee than an hour OMG I think I may burst!

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Was there any annoucements from Camelot making a new Golden Sun?

There was a talk about this some where before and people were assuming that it'll be on Wii. Can't remember where i saw it. I was really looking foward to seeing a new Golden Sun, 1 & 2 were Great games.

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