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Hey everyone!


Don't you think my new site http://www.urlmaker.net is just great? ^_^ I do. And those who understand its purpose do too... ;D


But why would you wanna have a site which just makes the URL you paste into the text field clickable? Well, I'll tell you.


Let's say a friend on your instant messaging program sends you a link to a music video, in the QuickTime format .mov. If you're using MSN Messenger, you can just click on the link, not right-click and choose to save the file to your hard disc drive. So when you click it, it opens in your web browser and your web browser may be configured to play the movie inside the browser. And if you don't have bought the Pro version of QuickTime, you can't save the file to the hard disc drive... So instead of the file starting QuickTime and starts playing in the browser, you just copy the URL, go to URLmaker.net, paste it there and press the button. Done! You're no able to right-click on a link to the file which enables you to save the target to your hard disc drive! The IM friend/QuickTime/.mov scenario was just an example. You can paste links to all things that you want to right-click on! If you don't understand why it's good, then you will understand sooner or later when you need it. I hope you will remember URLmaker.net when that time comes. =)


There are other methods of making links clickable, like starting notepad and writing the a href code for the link, saving the file as html, open it in the browser and then use it. But URLmaker.net is still faster... If you have bookmarked it, just press the button, paste the URL, press the button and you're done!


So what do you think about the site overall? And the simple design? =)


Nice idea definitely. I can't count the number of times I've had to go write the code for the reasons you've stated above. But yeah, like DiemetriX, I'm using Firefox now so don't really need to use it. And I just think anyone who understands why they'd need to use it, might just find it faster to go write the code themselves.

Very very nice idea though, and the site looks really clean and simple but stylish at the same time.


I still don't quite get your idea (I'm probably just slow, or I've just never needed this particular thing) - but I do like the simplistic design, the colour scheme and the concept is obviously clever for those who need that kind of thing.


Thanks to the people who liked the design and idea. =)


but now i'm using Firefox and i have no use for Urlmaker.


What exactly do you do with Firefox? =O For example, when I click on an MP3 link, it opens in Firefox and starts to play there (with the QuickTime browser plug-in), without me being able to save it... Yeah, I know you can change the settings so it ask if you want to save it or open it but not everyone want to do that, or know how to. =P And that download manager thing is buggy to me. O_o


And I just think anyone who understands why they'd need to use it, might just find it faster to go write the code themselves.


Really? Is it faster to open Notepad, write "<a href="http://www.revo-europe.com/foo.mp3">foo</a>", press Ctrl + s, choose location, change file type to "All files", write "foo.htm", press Enter, go to where the file was saved, open it and yay there's the clickable link.... compared to: Click the URLmaker.net button in your bookmarks or write the simple url in the address field, paste the click on the text field, press Ctrl + V (if you have copied the URL, which I guess you have) and then press enter? I think the URLmaker.net way is faster and it should load instantly when you go to the site, since it's not very heavy. ;P


I think I've just understood the point of it. Your main example is really it's most likely use, if I wanted to link you to an mp3 in msn, and you followed my link, you wouldn't be able to then download the file. So would you intend that I would open your site, paste the URL of the mp3, create the 'clickable' link, and then copy and paste the resulting page to you?


If so, I have to make a suggestion. I would have a much more obvious 'result' page. That is, you should have the outcome of anything put through the form come out in its own area, perhaps larger and slightly clearer, and with an explanatory message. For example: Now right-click this link and select 'save link as'!.


I put through http://www.example.com/example.mp3. After hitting 'Make URL' I felt like I had just ended up on the same page, except now I had '...com/example.mp3' underneath, which as you know, I didn't really understand at firsrt. I think it would help to have a confirmation that it had been done, and an explanation of what to do next.


Shorty: No, not you posting the resulting page to the guy who you wanted to send the song to, but the one that got the link to the song. He copies it and pastes it into URLmaker.net to make himself the clickable link. I'm thinking of making a flash animation with a series of screenshots of a scenario where it would be useful, and voice acting the persons involved in the scenario. Or just a series of screenshots and explaining text, but that isn't as fun for the visitor as the flash. ^_^


And thanks for the suggestion, I'm gonna think about it! =)

What exactly do you do with Firefox? =O For example, when I click on an MP3 link, it opens in Firefox and starts to play there (with the QuickTime browser plug-in), without me being able to save it... Yeah, I know you can change the settings so it ask if you want to save it or open it but not everyone want to do that, or know how to. =P And that download manager thing is buggy to me. O_o


I use a plugin. And i would rather Have firefox ask me each time i open a file than go to another site to convert the link to a "clikky" and then download it.

If you made this 1year ago i would have used it :)

If you made this 1year ago i would have used it :)




As I kinda said before, people who understand why they need this probably already have a solution for it now (like the firefox plugin I have too)

Definitely go with shorty's idea though and show people why the site is useful. I think you'll do great with this as long as you target the people who don't yet fully understand why they'd need something like this. It's like they'll see it and go OMG THAT'S AWESOME! But when I see it I just go 'oh right yeah, cool idea but a bit late for me'


Still loving the site design though. So simple but so awesome :)


Shorty, I think the idea is that on occasion you will get a link to a file that when you click it, it automatically opens and plays, and the link isn't right-clickable so you can't choose 'save as'. With this you can copy the link, create the right-clickable link then you will be able to right-click and 'save-as'.....I think that's its purpose anyway....


EDIT - Just found a use for it! I got a link in a hotmail to a thread in a forum and hotmail won't let you shift-click it to open in a new tab in firefox so i whacked it into the urlmaker and then I could! hurrah!

  • 1 month later...

zomg old thread!


EDIT - Just found a use for it! I got a link in a hotmail to a thread in a forum and hotmail won't let you shift-click it to open in a new tab in firefox so i whacked it into the urlmaker and then I could! hurrah!


I don't like hotmail for that very reason.


I have Firefox save every file I click to Firefox/Downloads. Even if I have no particular use for saving it on my computer, the download speed is pretty quick anyway so it takes just about as much time as loading it in the browser would. To anyone still using IE I'd recommend Firefox, but I really like the design and the idea is awesome for those who are still using IE. Nice job.

  • 5 months later...
What do you think of the new improved URLmaker.net? =)


i thinl your addvertizing if its your site and unless your a sponser of n-europe this thread should be deleated :geek:

i thinl your addvertizing if its your site and unless your a sponser of n-europe this thread should be deleated :geek:


Hm, I don't see that in the rules anywhere? ;) This thread is for creative feedback on his site. The design, the coding, the ease of use, the practicality... that kind of thing.

- Aggressive advertising is not allowed. Only advertising allowed is a one line advert in your signature in regular size and face font.


i think a thread is bigger than one line of text (found in general behavior thread)


Q. Can I advertise for my site here?

A/ C-E constantly have advertising deals with different sponsors. If you wish to become a sponsor the please e-mail Tim. Free advertising is prohibited. If you advertise your site your thread will be deleted (not locked). We do however allow a very short add for your site to be kept in your sig. This add can however only include one line or writing and no images. Just say "Come visit my new Zelda site at http://www.zeldarules.com" or something like that.


i've never seen anything rule that justifys a feed back thread for your site. (found in faq thread)

i think a thread is bigger than one line of text (found in general behavior thread)




i've never seen anything rule that justifys a feed back thread for your site. (found in faq thread)


Meroigo is not making any money through his website. He has made it specifically to help people. There is no sponsorship, no banners, no charge for the service. In fact, he has paid for the webspace and the domain name and asked for not even a donation in return, yet you seem to be going out of his way to over-enforce rules by the book? Do you want me to close the thread? Ban him perhaps? He has not forced his website on us, he has not slammed us with slogans or even tried to convince us to use his website, only described its use.


You've read the frequently asked questions and guidelines, well let me tell you something. I'm a moderator of these boards, I haven't been ordered to follow those rules, but I, like the other mods and admins here, have been trusted to make the right decision using them as guidelines.


Meroigo is a long-time poster and an intelligent contributer, he closed his post asking for feedback on his design. If nobody posted a thread showing their work and asking for opinions, this board would be 5% of the size. I don't see you on tie.nano's thread, accusing him of advertising his Windowblinds skin? Why is a website deemed advertising and not a skin?


There may be a lot of question marks in my post, but I assure you they are all rhetorical questions. This discussion is done... if you want to question my choices any more, feel free to PM an administrator. This thread stays open but any more posts on the subject of advertising will be removed.


Big thanks to you Shorty, now I don't have to answer some people in this thread. And I appriciate your kind words about me... =)


Funny that this half-year old thread was bumped. XD


On topic... I was planning on not paying the domain bill next time because if you pasted an URL into Google's search field it had exactly the same effect as URLmaker.net (like, it said "visit [the URL]" or something like that and the URL was made a link you could click on). But some weeks ago when I tried that in Google, it didn't work anymore! So now my site is useful again and I think I'm going to continue paying for the domain, haha...


Not many people use the site because most of the people don't know about it, but I've seen it being linked from japanese sites and weird forums etc, so it gets a little spread after all, yay. There are few people who come back regulary and have big use for it and really appriciate my work, and that makes me happy - and maybe that's why I think I'm going to continue pay for the domain. =)

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