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Rate the Above Poster's Avatar and Signature


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av: i'm personally not much into comics, but thats a very cool av, the splotches around it is a nice addition. Really colourful, and nicely put together. One of my favourite avatars on the forum. 9.9/10.


Sig: Someone did mention that it was a little busy (which i would be in agreement with) Towards the middle I'm not overly sure what I am seeing.. but you get away with it because the quality is top notch. If it was badly put together it would be a horrendous mess, it works pretty well. And the little balls addon on the right is awesome (self plug = yay). Also the quote is very fitting of your character. 10.5/10, for awesome levels exceeding the norm :heh:

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Not really a fan..it's too wishy-washy. And I'm an overly huge fan of anime when not in motion. It's beautiful to watch, but I'm indifferent when it's just an image.





WAY better than before! I like the transparency, but it's a little busy, rather than smooth, like it "should" be. That purple plodge near the top right could go, as could the overhanging bit of line at the bottom.

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I love a good black and white avatar. :heh:






It's a bit...unclear. I'm not really sure what it's on about. Sorry.




My Sig has...well, become a bit of a Frankenstein's monster...A real concoction of my old sigs.

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Daft, use the green one. If you do, it's 10


Paj, I don't really like it tbh seeing as the text is rather impossible to read (however much it doesn't need to be read, if there's text there I'm going to want to be able to read it without staring at my screen for god knows how long)


Sig 5

Av 7

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I prefer your old one because it was just awesome and it looked like someone dancing. Having said that I like your new one.


9/10 : peace:




It's crude and slightly mysterious and I love it!




Nothing like a bit of MS Paint to make something feel homely. :D


Same. 10/10


However, the sig thing doesn't really work. I'd stick with just the one.




Yeah, you're right. I was trying to keep Danger in my sig. Oh well, HE WILL RETURN!!! Someday... :smile:


Daft, use the green one. If you do, it's 10


It's wicked isn't it. All thanks to Eddage. Links to my new site as well. * shameless plug* :heh:

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(Skip me)


Sig: I'm just not feeling it. I don't like the colour of green.


*Demolition ball swings through building, crushing Chair in the rubble.


A man wearing a black suit and glasses, pulls a lime green tinted rose and throws it at Chairs lifeless body.


The man walks off proclaiming "lolz"*

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I'm going to have to deduct points for it's shape. I like squares.





I like it a lot but the letters would stand out more if the colour was a lot more different from the background. Maybe a purple to match your top.



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Love it. Love her. Love the pose.


I've going to have to take away a few points because I like squares.






It rocks my eyes.






Wowzas. Awesome contrast between the bright colours and the black. Cool 'cyber soldiers' too. Heh, should I know what they are? who knows!




I'm not sure if you're joking but I'll tell you who they are even if you are because that is a sick sick joke! :p


They are Daft Punk. :D



(Skip me....omg omg omg the colours on Dafts sig are the best thing in the world. Needs epic borderage though)


I was pretty amazed how it turned out. Only took me a couple minutes to do as well. It glitters like Daft Punk do in my mind. :heh: (That last bit sounded weird...oh, well.)


I swear I put a border...is there an easy way to do a line boarder on photoshop. I discovered it once but I've forgot. :heh:

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I swear I put a border...is there an easy way to do a line boarder on photoshop. I discovered it once but I've forgot. :heh:


Ctrl A, or select all whatever, then new layer, then edit > stroke. I usually do like a 3 pixel stroke or 5/6 inner stroke of white or black and then outter of 3 or whatever...but it depends.


I think a multi coloured border of the three main colours in the sig would look good, couple of linear burnt layers, and then scratched rubbed out....but I don't want to put thoughts in your head. But yeah strrrokkkeeeeee dat sheeet.

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Ctrl A, or select all whatever, then new layer, then edit > stroke. I usually do like a 3 pixel stroke or 5/6 inner stroke of white or black and then outter of 3 or whatever...but it depends.


I think a multi coloured border of the three main colours in the sig would look good, couple of linear burnt layers, and then scratched rubbed out....but I don't want to put thoughts in your head. But yeah strrrokkkeeeeee dat sheeet.


Awesome, cheers!! I need to improve my photshop skillZ! :heh:


Ah yes. I wasn't joking :( didn't recognise. Don't worry, I hate myself enough for it! :heh:


Go get their album 'Discovery'. It is awesome. You'll probably recognise them. :smile:

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I tried to follow your instructions...urrmmm I could only get two colours on the border and I couldn't find anything about burnt layers...:heh:


I wanted to get a bit of orange in the middle of the other two colours in the boarder but couldn't figure out how. Granted I didn't spent that much time looking.


I only have Photoshop Elements 3...dunno if that makes a difference...


I changed it to this though. Looks a bit better I hope.

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