Julius Posted September 13, 2023 Posted September 13, 2023 Just completed NG++ and got the third ending, and all I can say is: wooooooooooow. Love the approach they took to the other endings in this. Obviously it's down to the game being mission-based, but when the paths diverge on subsequent playthroughs, they REALLY diverge, and that means a whole host of new missions and so much more context. That final boss fight had me grinning from ear to ear beat it first time, too! All that remains for my Plat is to get the rest of the collectibles (through replaying the NG and NG+ missions for Chapter 5), and then it will be a case of getting S-Ranks, and that'll be that. I'll make a longer post with more cohesive thoughts on, and videos of, my time with NG+ and NG++ once it's all wrapped up, but yeah...hell of a game! 1
Julius Posted November 10, 2023 Posted November 10, 2023 (edited) Me and my friends weren't in the mood for BG3 tonight, so all ended up doing our own things. One of my friends ended up on AC VI and the next mission he had to do ended in Balteus, so him not knowing this, I asked if I could watch him via Share Screen. He hasn't played a From game before this, and while very different from their other offerings, I think the customisation and mechs is exactly why he was willing to pick it up after my recommendation. Took him a while, long enough for me to redownload the game and beat it with my NG+/NG++-clearing build, and then again with the build I used the first time around, both on my first attempt. As he was having trouble and another friend was watching I had them watch me beat the fight - no pressure, right? - and I beat it first time again, and shared a bunch of tips with them, and showcased how aggressive and in-your-face fighting just seemed to work out better. He then did it on his next attempt, so I'm pretty proud of him So, just bumping this to give the game some more love. I ended up getting the Plat a few months back after around 54 hours with the game, and while I think there are better quality games which have released this year, I think it's my personal GOTY. The fact that I'm thinking of going through it again after just seeing and replaying the same missions a few times tonight is testament to that, I loved it! Edited November 10, 2023 by Julius 1
Julius Posted November 19, 2023 Posted November 19, 2023 Vaati has uploaded his first video on the lore of AC VI, and it's a doozy! Man, I love this game Must...resist...the urge...to play again...
Hero-of-Time Posted November 19, 2023 Author Posted November 19, 2023 I was hoping to pick this up in the Black Friday sales but sadly there doesn't seem to be any retailer that has discounted it. Same goes for Lies of P. 1
Julius Posted November 19, 2023 Posted November 19, 2023 24 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said: I was hoping to pick this up in the Black Friday sales but sadly there doesn't seem to be any retailer that has discounted it. Yeah, so far I think the lowest I've seen it at so far is £40 for the PS4 version, and that's how it was before the sales started to kick off fingers crossed it drops somewhere in the coming week for you! Would be super interested to hear your thoughts on it The Black Friday sales stretching out to more than a week before the actual day really makes it hard to get a read on the best deals this time of year, guess the corpos know what they're doing there though 26 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said: Same goes for Lies of P. Man, the reviews and pre-launch impressions for Lies of P have me really curious, but I'm trying to resist by burying the thought of playing Lies of P behind wanting to play Bloodborne again and forcing myself to play anything else to get my mind off doing just that. That being said, I did re-install Bloodborne on Friday, so I'm not sure how well that's working out for me
Hero-of-Time Posted November 19, 2023 Author Posted November 19, 2023 6 hours ago, Julius said: Man, the reviews and pre-launch impressions for Lies of P have me really curious, but I'm trying to resist by burying the thought of playing Lies of P behind wanting to play Bloodborne again and forcing myself to play anything else to get my mind off doing just that. That being said, I did re-install Bloodborne on Friday, so I'm not sure how well that's working out for me There's a stupid amount of praise for the game. Been catching up on various threads on here and see @RedShell also loved it. I could do with another Soulslike game. I recently played Wo Long and really enjoyed it but it lacked the dark and depressing feel that the Souls games bring to the table. Lies of P looks to capture that perfectly.
RedShell Posted November 20, 2023 Posted November 20, 2023 21 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said: There's a stupid amount of praise for the game. Been catching up on various threads on here and see @RedShell also loved it. I could do with another Soulslike game. I recently played Wo Long and really enjoyed it but it lacked the dark and depressing feel that the Souls games bring to the table. Lies of P looks to capture that perfectly. I did indeed love it, game is an absolute no-brainer for anyone that enjoys the Souls formula. BTW, you just reminded me that I need to try and get back to Wo Long at some point! Not played it in a few months, but was pretty far into it I think.
Hero-of-Time Posted November 20, 2023 Author Posted November 20, 2023 3 minutes ago, RedShell said: I did indeed love it, game is an absolute no-brainer for anyone that enjoys the Souls formula. BTW, you just reminded me that I need to try and get back to Wo Long at some point! Not played it in a few months, but was pretty far into it I think. I appreciate Team Ninja's approach to the genre. If Nioh was their attempt at a Souls game then Wo Long was certainly them having a stab at making something like Sekiro. 1
Hero-of-Time Posted November 23, 2023 Author Posted November 23, 2023 I see Smyths have knocked the price down to £29.99, which is what I was looking to pay. I may check the store that's on the way back from work and pick up a copy. 1
Julius Posted November 23, 2023 Posted November 23, 2023 14 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said: I see Smyths have knocked the price down to £29.99, which is what I was looking to pay. I may check the store that's on the way back from work and pick up a copy. 1
Julius Posted December 2, 2023 Posted December 2, 2023 (edited) Booted this up again tonight as my friend has slowly been chipping away at it and unlocked Nest, the online PvP mode. Wiped the floor with him with my Tristan MK-I build for well over an hour, but eventually he figured out that a tanky build might work best (I'd mentioned before about the tanky builds being broke, the Songbirds and to fly up when using them, etc.), and yeah...it was no longer as intense or as fun for either of us the only way to combat it, really, was with a tanky build of my own, so we were just there like a bunch of little kids bashing these big ol' goofy mechs against each other the high HP, high defense stats and being able to fit the hardest hitting weapons to it really makes the game play so differently, in a way I personally didn't enjoy (not because I started losing, but more because there was very little skill involved when we both landed on the same tanky build). While I absolutely loved my time playing through Armored Core VI with a very speedy build, it simply doesn't translate to PvP well, where tanky builds - like in the main game, I guess, seeing some of the meta builds after I beat the game - reign supreme. By all means, the adage "play how you want to play" applies perfectly here, and I think it will help my friend to push through the game some more and hopefully face a bit more of a challenge with some of the bosses, which would be cool. I just think that with the next game they should really try to balance things a bit more. The trade-off feels like it should be that the faster build is equal in that though it has less health it can dodge the attacks easier and more consistently, but the area of effect of some of the shoulder weapons are insane and just make it a bit of a no-go, so it doesn't work out that way, and so you end up unable to keep up and have way less health while doing so. I beat him a couple of times in the end and had some close run-ins but it wasn't anywhere near as fun as the more skilful battles we had early on with both of using lighter mechs Anyways, our different approaches to the controller is also very funny, as I can his button-mashing while I'm calmly going through the motions on my end I think I'm going to give an anti-tank build some thought and testing, though, so if nothing else, this seems a brilliant excuse to return to the game here and there Edited December 2, 2023 by Julius
Julius Posted May 8, 2024 Posted May 8, 2024 VaatiVidya is release a 5½ - no, that is not a typo: FIVE AND A HALF - hour long lore video for Fires of Rubicon later this week: Quote The full, 5.5hr lore video for Armored Core will finally be released this week! As someone who LOVED ACVI...GIVE IT TO MEEEEEEEEEEE 1
Julius Posted July 25, 2024 Posted July 25, 2024 The game has officially sold over 3 millions units – making it the best-selling game in the series! This comes following Rusty's and Pater's Japanese VAs reporting that the game had sold 2.8 million units, which they'd heard via From, in October of last year. Great stuff. I really, really loved this game, and given its mission-based structure and the fact that past numbered AC titles have typically been followed up relatively quickly by a non-numbered title in the same "generation" (that's AC generation, not console generation), I think there's a decent chance that we could see another game in the series next year. Bonus points for sure if it follows past trends in the same AC generation of games and you can save transfer some stuff over to the new game!
Julius Posted January 18 Posted January 18 (edited) 1 hour ago, Hero-of-Time said: Did you buy another copy or something? Did you ever get around to starting this up H-o-T? Anyways, to explain how I got here – I finally got to a point in The Witcher 3 I've never got to before: the game started to feel like it was getting good. It took, like, 13 hours for that to finally happen, and I absolutely understand why I and others have dropped the game after several attempts at getting into it, but still. There are good things and bad things about those 13 hours - which I'm sure I'll get into at some point - BUT, what really stood out, was that the combat in that game sucks ass. In fact, the combat in The Witcher 3 sucks ass so much that it genuinely had me craving a game with any semblance of combat which was good fun. Hence, a second copy of Fires of Rubicon arriving at my door this morning I thought there was a decent chance I'd buy a second copy of Armored Core VI this year, but I didn't think it'd be so soon. So, with lessons learned from Persona 3 Reload last year about when to put a game down and when to go with the wants of my gaming gut, I've put The Witcher 3 down for a bit to tear into some good ol' mech combat and revisit ACVI. And I'm having a blast – I mean, that shouldn't be too surprising considering it was nearly my 2023 GOTY, but still! Last time I went with the pilot name Galileo (because, ya know, guy who discovered a bunch of planets, seemed fitting) and naming my ACs after the Knights of the Round Table; this time around, I've gone with the pilot name Ozymandias, and am thus naming my ACs after ancient and/or fabled cities which might have been the works we'd be looking on and supposedly despairing over. Currently I'm on the v3 build of my Jericho AC... ...where I'm using the reverse joint legs to allow for a greater weight limit while also keeping some of the speed of my favourite builds from my last playthrough, especially in dodging, allowing me to bypass some of the weak points of my Tristan build on the last page by having much more capable munitions on board. I didn't use the reverse joints much, if at all, on my last playthrough, so it's been fun to try a new type of build, and I think I might try the tank treads at some point - which I also never tried last time out - too. And yeah, I've just unlocked the Songbirds, so the game is about to become real breezy for this build. I'm about 3 hours in and I've just completed Chapter 1 and downed for the first time against a boss in Balteus, which, eh, is fine, it was only the once, and it was Balteus. I thought I'd hit Up on the D-pad to repair but forgot that when you're stunned that it doesn't register (even to apply the repair a bit delayed once you're no longer stunned) and so got taken out after thinking I was supposed to be healing. Whoops! Also finished the Arena up to and including E rank so far, as well as all the Training missions. Not quite sure how far I intend on going with this playthrough. Is it just NG? NG+? NG++? Am I going for the Plat again? I genuinely have no clue. I'm not even sure I get straight back to The Witcher 3 after this, whatever the case, purely because one of my mates is very far ahead and I'm in no real rush to get through it, whereas another has dropped off TW3 to finally play Yakuza 0 and is loving it, so Infinite Wealth had been very much on my mind (also spotted @Happenstance playing 0 too!). My group kind of agreed as a collective it was a good idea to get through The Witcher 3 together, and it has helped two of us to push on and see it through to a point where it starts to finally click, but we've also agreed in retrospect that agreeing to play a game as undemanding and long as that in January of all months might not have been the best idea. Whatever I choose to do with this and what I play next, so long as I'm having good fun with it, I'm on the right track Edited January 18 by Julius 1
Hero-of-Time Posted January 19 Author Posted January 19 9 hours ago, Julius said: Did you ever get around to starting this up H-o-T? Nope. The Launch Edition is still sat sealed on the shelf. Maybe it can be part of my 2026 Gaming Pledge. 1
Julius Posted January 19 Posted January 19 (edited) Boy oh boy am I having a blast revisiting this. Today I completed Chapters 2 and 3, and progressed into the Arena up to and including giving all of the A-ranks an ass-whooping. It's been really fun revisiting these levels and blasting my way through just to be like "oh wait, wasn't there a hidden combat log/dialogue or combat option/part/piece of lore over there?" and just beaming from how much this game clearly drilled itself into me the first time around just some 16 months ago. I'm now up to v6 of Jericho: Now, I love the more typical Souls games I've played: Demon's Souls, Dark Souls, and Elden Ring. Dark fantasy is cool as hell, but I think something I've touched on before is how I never felt I was playing those games how I felt I *wanted* to play those games. I always felt like I was playing the game on the game's terms, and it wasn't until much later in the game, once I'd fleshed out a particular build or play style through levelling and honing my skill, where I felt really comfortable going around and showing those worlds who was boss. Then I played Bloodborne, which felt *exactly* how I wanted to be playing the Souls games. The gothic horror ~and other weirdness~ vibe is unparalleled. There's a focus on speed, dodging, parrying with a gun, blood-spurting viscerals: while it still really feels like it takes a while to be showing that world who's boss in the story sense, it felt to me like that point came much earlier on in Bloodborne compared to the above games, and through some skill and confidence early on, it felt like you were exacting vengeance on the world. Be it skill or play style or the way you'd built your character, very early on I felt a sense of earned empowerment in Bloodborne. While Armored Core VI isn't as challenging as Bloodborne or Souls games, it still manages to find the balance of providing a feeling of earned empowerment rather than a true and proper power fantasy, which I love it for. It is much more forgiving in helping you find your builds than other From games, as you can sell parts back to the store at cost; the Training and Arena programs both do a great job of inspiring confidence from an early point in the game; and, what's more, despite an obvious narrative throughline of "what the hell is going on with this sci-fi story? Who are these people? What is this world? There's something that feels unmistakably...off", there's a sense of being a part of some greater story while also getting to regularly see the impact you have on it, whether it be through choosing one particular mission over another when branching paths arise, the way you interact with other characters (who are all brilliantly voiced, by the way) and make occasional dialogue choices, or, again, the simple freedom of building your AC how you see fit with little repercussions outside of the construction limits the game places on you. This is a game which feels customisable in so many different ways from the get-go, and is incredibly moreish to boot. Again, going back to that feeling earned empowerment: you earned this cash; you chose these parts; you made this mech; you chose this mission; this victory is *yours*. Simply brilliant. Oh, and I never really talked about it the first time through, but there are so many visuals in this game which will just leave you going "well, damn": This game just radiates cool; it's by far the coolest I've ever felt playing a game. It's a second playthrough, so I know what's coming, and yet I'm just as excited to dig back into it every session as I was the first time around. There's an awkward boss that I know is coming up that I'm mentally steeling myself for, but honestly, I can't wait. Bring it. This genuinely might be my favourite game of the gen so far. Edited January 19 by Julius 2
Julius Posted January 21 Posted January 21 (edited) Chapters 4 and 5 rounded off, meaning that credits have rolled after 11 hours and my NG run is complete. I chose to go with the The Fires of Raven ending, for reasons which will probably become apparent at a later point. For my own future reference and for others who might be going for the Plat/all endings in the future: there's a lot of conflicting info online about how to get one ending or another. Only the final branching mission you choose - in Chapter 5 - determines your ending on NG and NG+; it's NG++ where you'll need to do certain missions throughout the course of the run in order to see the third and final ending. Anyways, back to it – started off this session absolutely crushing the S-rank Arena fighters with some quick times: I obviously don't want to talk too much about the ending, but man, I love it so much. The penultimate mission on this route is probably my favourite - and by far the most hype! - in the entire game, just the premise of the mission and how empowered this mission in particular makes you feel by stripping away certain limits...it's just an absolutely joyous, toy-bashing, mech anime action hype fest. Interestingly, the boss I was a bit worried about going into this session - and a second boss I totally forgot I'd be brushing up against - I had no problems facing and beat first time. Think that really speaks again to how much I've downloaded some of these missions and boss fights, because muscle memory and automatic reactions were kicking in where my mind couldn't keep up and calculate my next moves – which felt anime as hell. The final boss though? Gave me a bit of a go-around, which I'll be honest surprised me, and was the most I died to any of the bosses on this particular playthrough. Funnily enough, it took the first death or two for me to remember what my original strat that I figured out back in 2023 was to take them down, and leaning back on that and just remembering the limits of my own weapons (ran out of ammo for my right-hand munitions deep into the second go which meant I had to rely on kicks and my heavy weapons, which was far from ideal!) I managed to readjust, even if it was still pretty tight when all was said and done. Terminal Armour came in super handy – I ALWAYS forgot to add a Core Expansion for use in my entire first playthrough of the game with almost all of my ACs, and it came in clutch a couple of times here and there. Anyways, back to this game just looking great, and being another great case for From having the best vistas in gaming: Elsewhere, no further tweaks were needed for Jericho and it performed admirably in his v6 form up to the end of the game. Besides perhaps changing its right-hand weapon out for a more effective gun? I'm pretty sure I could take on the entirety of NG+ and NG++ with this build. The S-ranks? I'm not 100%. And speaking of missions: man, just the mission variety in this is excellent. Some missions are a couple of minutes long, others probably veering close to 15-20, but it means the game can maintain a sense of momentum and pace that so many of other From's modern games aren't allowed to enforce simply because of the way they're presented (connected worlds). I think it genuinely furthers the case for From being one of the best out there simply because it gives a greater sense of variety to their catalogue. I haven't even talked about the AC fights this time around, which are basically like coming up against other Hunters in Bloodborne: by far my favourite fights in the game (including the AC boss fights of course), and yes, probably above the more typical bosses you get here. Something I've had fun doing with other From games is keeping track of my death count against bosses, and I think this is an interesting case where I'm replaying a From game for the first time. Some of these bosses (ahem, pre-patch) took me 20+ attempts, and even on NG+ and NG++ runs I found myself dying here and there to them. This time around? Probably the smoothest things have gone for me playing through ACVI, bar maybe the final fight. What constitutes a boss fight in this game is pretty hazy at the best of times, as you come up against ACs and even some bosses before a mission ends, so I focused mainly on counting deaths again bosses which rounded off chapters or important story beats; most of these I've gone with the boss names as they're presented in the game, but for any character names I've gone out of my way to identify them by their mech parts, so no actual story spoilers to be found here! I'm just tucking it away in a spoiler tag to keep it tidy Death Counter vs Bosses: NG Spoiler 1. AH-12: HC Helicopter - 0 deaths/first time (18.01.25) 2. HA-T-102 Juggernaut - 0 deaths/first time (18.01.25) 3. AA P07 Balteus - 1 death/second time (18.01.25) 4. EC-0804 Smart Cleaner - 2 deaths/third time (19.01.25) 5. IA-13: SEA SPIDER - 0 deaths/first time (19.01.25) 6. IA-02: Ice Worm - 0 deaths/first time (19.01.25) 7. AA P03 Enforcer - 0 deaths/first time (20.01.25) 8. IB-01: CEL 240 - 0 deaths/FIRST TIME! WHOOP! (20.01.25) 9. EL-P-00 ALBA - 0 deaths/first time (20.01.25) 10. IB-07: SOL 644 - 4 deaths/fifth time (20.01.25) On my next run, I'll probably focus on only counting new bosses for the death counter, unless there's a particular boss I want to set the record straight about. Wait, next run? On 1/18/2025 at 10:29 PM, Julius said: Not quite sure how far I intend on going with this playthrough. Is it just NG? NG+? NG++? Am I going for the Plat again? I genuinely have no clue. I mean...I have to, right? Someone's got to liberate the place Edited January 21 by Julius 1
Julius Posted January 22 Posted January 22 (edited) Completed Chapters 1 and 2 as well as the α Analysis course to get NG+ off to a good start tonight. Decided to go with a red AC in the story for the first time across my various playthroughs of this game, with this AC: Thebes. The reason I needed to go with the ending I did in my last post was to unlock this head piece! Which I think is by far the coolest in the game – not surprising because the AC it's from is my favourite in the game, too! No deaths to any of the bosses so far, forgot just how early things start to feel fresh in NG+, with a couple of different missions and some different showdowns to figure your way out of. Through taking on a different route I've also unlocked what remains one of the biggest pains in the ass in the game - an escort mission - which was probably the second most brutal thing to learn and S-rank the first time I played through the game. I'm getting flashbacks just thinking of the most brutal one... To take it back to my favourite AC design that I mentioned before, though, I saw this got announced last week for release in August: Yeah...I'll be keeping an eye out to pre-order this I think Edited January 22 by Julius 1
Julius Posted January 22 Posted January 22 Chapter 3 of NG+ completed, as well as the β and γ Analysis courses. Still no deaths to bosses on this run so far, the end of Chapter 3 boss was probably the closest purely because of some crazy bad luck, but man are some of the AC duels tougher this time out with some of the missions you get handed! Not had to make any further changes to Thebes so far (yet) besides one quick mandatory swap-out for a certain mission.
Julius Posted January 23 Posted January 23 (edited) NG+ is done, and second ending got! Got so, so close to having 0 deaths against all of the bosses throughout this playthrough...and then crashed out on this run against the penultimate boss, which I think then knocked my confidence going into the last pulled a bit of a Leverkusen! Though that's by far the best run I've had in a playthrough of ACVI so far. Death Counter vs Bosses: NG+ Spoiler ~skips Boss #1~ 1. HA-T-102 Juggernaut - 0 deaths/first time (21.01.25) 2. AA P07 Balteus - 0 deaths/first time (21.01.25) 3. EC-0804 Smart Cleaner - 0 deaths/first time (21.01.25) 4. IA-13: SEA SPIDER - 0 deaths/first time (21.01.25) 5. AAS02: CATAPHRACT - 0 deaths/first time (22.01.25) 6. IA-02: Ice Worm - 0 deaths/first time (22.01.25) 7. AA P03 Enforcer - 0 deaths/first time (23.01.25) 8. IB-01: CEL 240 - 0 deaths/first time (23.01.25) 9. AAPO7A: ARQUEBUS BALTEUS - 3 deaths/fourth time (23.01.25) 10. IB-CO3: HAL 826 - 2 deaths/third time (23.01.25) Approx. 19 hours in now, even if that number of hours seems...off, all of a sudden. NG+ certainly didn't feel like it took 7-8 hours, but I mean, hey, I guess it might have definitely a couple of missions I started up in NG+ where I couldn't help but think to myself "argh, this one suuuuuuucks" – not the mission itself necessarily, it's just a step up in challenge in some way from so many of the other missions. Didn't really feel that too much in NG apart from a couple of bosses I was anticipating well ahead of getting to them. Anyways, some choice pics from this playthrough: On 1/18/2025 at 10:29 PM, Julius said: Not quite sure how far I intend on going with this playthrough. Is it just NG? NG+? NG++? Am I going for the Plat again? I genuinely have no clue. I mean, I kind of have to at this point, right? Someone's gotta look into all this weirdness Edited January 23 by Julius
Julius Posted January 26 Posted January 26 (edited) Started off NG++, which means another new - and potentially final? - mech to show off: Babylon. Absolutely obliterated that poor trainee pilot with this build – that's by far the fastest I've ever destroyed him! No damage taken either. With this build I decided I wanted to combine the stagger potential of dual Zimmermans with the stagger of dual Stun Guns – while these do a little less stagger than Songbirds, they also proc. an electrical overload to do some serious damage. With these changes I found I was overburdened and so upgraded to the Mind Beta reverse joint legs to carry that extra load, but then these also combine with my plan to maximise stagger with how hard they hit with the kick. Loving it so far. Made for some really nice pics, too! I did toy with pairing my favourite head piece with this design, but I don't think it looked quite as cool, and using the same head piece two playthroughs in a row seemed lameeeeeee. Completed Chapters 1 and 2 of NG++ so far, as well as δ-1 Analysis. Still really loving my time with the game, and I love the changes NG++ brings in to keep a THIRD playthrough feeling fresh. So damn fun! Been starting to think a little about what I want out of the next Armored Core today, and besides a bit more of a balanced approach where a tanky AC doesn't break the game, I'd love to see way more melee weapon variations, as most of the ones in the game are either blades or mech knuckledusters. Would love to see a laser axe or staff, more takes on the laser lance, things like UI customisation (colours, fonts, etc.), being able to change exhaust colours at will rather than being limited to the colour determined by the generator, and would love a double kick or maybe an option to two-hand a melee weapon (especially when you've emptied out your munitions in one of your hands), and lastly: give me capes and wings. I don't care if it doesn't make any sense, mechs in capes or with wings are - and always will be - cool as hell Edited January 26 by Julius
Julius Posted January 27 Posted January 27 (edited) δ-2 and δ-3 Analysis completed...as well as Chapters 3, 4, and 5, all in one session tonight. That's right: after 24 hours or so, NG++ is done, and third ending complete! Loved, loved, loved replaying this game, and that third ending is probably my favourite – didn't hit quite as hard as it did the first time around, but still! This is one of my favourites of the gen for sure and easily one of my all-time favourites after this playthrough. You often hear about From fans having that one game they return to for comfort - be it Demon's Souls, Dark Souls, Bloodborne, or any of the other Soulsborne games - and I think this is mine. Yet again on the brink of a deathless run vs bosses, only to fall at the final hurdle, this time being the actual final hurdle: the final boss. A few times, actually. Death Counter vs Bosses: NG++ Spoiler ~skips Boss #1~ 1. HA-T-102 Juggernaut - 0 deaths/first time (25.01.25) 2. AAS02: CATAPHRACT + EKDROMOI - 0 deaths/first time (25.01.25) 3. AA P07 Balteus - 0 deaths/first time (25.01.25) 4. EC-0804 Smart Cleaner - 0 deaths/first time (25.01.25) 5. IA-13: SEA SPIDER - 0 deaths/first time (25.01.25) 6. IA-02: Ice Worm - 0 deaths/first time (27.01.25) 7. AA P03 Enforcer - 0 deaths/first time (27.01.25) 8. V.II + G5 - 0 deaths/first time (27.01.25) 9. IB-07: SOL 644 - 3 deaths/fourth time (27.01.25) I knew what I was risking with this build, and everything went smoothly until the final boss was a perfect counter to the key parts of this build, so lesson learned I guess! Shame, as I beat it on my first go during my first playthrough. I did pick up some ideas for certain missions, mind you, and completed some of the tougher ones to the point I'm confident I would've got an S-rank if you got ratings for your initial mission attempts. Anyways, we're jumping the gun a bit, so how about some choice pics from the latter half of NG++? So yeah, that's NG++ dusted off, so that about wraps up my time with– On 1/18/2025 at 10:29 PM, Julius said: Not quite sure how far I intend on going with this playthrough. Is it just NG? NG+? NG++? Am I going for the Plat again? I genuinely have no clue. I mean, I'm so close as it is, so why not? Just got to go through and get the collectibles (parts and combat logs), definitely picked up more than I did the first blind playthrough of NG through to NG++, but I feel like there's still a bit left and I'm not above using a guide. After that? Time to S-rank every mission in the game! So, basically...I'm going to go play this like another 2.5 times now Edited January 28 by Julius
Julius Posted January 29 Posted January 29 28 hours in now -- all combat logs and hidden parts collected, 17/59 S-ranks got. Not a bad first day of starting to tidy things up for the Plat, collected way more hidden parts and combat logs than I thought, so didn't have too much to tidy up on those fronts! BUT GOOD LORD ARE SOME OF THESE MISSIONS A SERIOUS PAIN IN THE ASS TO S-RANK Prisoner Rescue wasn't as bad as it was in 2023 (still a bit of a pain, mind you), and the Defend the Mining Ship is all kinds of silly. Looking forward to getting back on the Plat hunt tomorrow. Just need enough credits to buy all the remaining parts available in the shop (which I'll naturally get through failing and succeeding at S-ranks) and then I just need to clean up the rest of the missions with S-ranks. Still having a blast
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