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The Orville: New Horizons


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The latest episode was a really good watch but also pretty messed up.


I felt so sorry for Gordon. He finally got to be with the woman of his dreams (once again, another great past season call back) and he had it all stripped away from him. Sure, by the time everything had worked itself out he didn't remember it but it was awful to watch him essentially being stripped away from his family.

Has the actress who plays Kelly had her lips done or something? She looks like she is constantly pouting and I can't help but see Blue Steel/Magnum whenever I see her.

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1 hour ago, Hero-of-Time said:

The latest episode was a really good watch but also pretty messed up.

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I felt so sorry for Gordon. He finally got to be with the woman of his dreams (once again, another great past season call back) and he had it all stripped away from him. Sure, by the time everything had worked itself out he didn't remember it but it was awful to watch him essentially being stripped away from his family.

Has the actress who plays Kelly had her lips done or something? She looks like she is constantly pouting and I can't help but see Blue Steel/Magnum whenever I see her.

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It's clearly something that happens once you get to Union command level. Ed Mercer does this weird lip pursing thing when he's thinking as well. Maybe it gives them a commanding presence or something.



Yeah it was such great writing. Obviously they couldn't let him stay put because he'd be messing up the timelines, but you so wanted them to find some way for him to be with Gossip Girl! Also, the way they solved the trip back to the present was genius. Travelling close to the speed of light, and just letting time pass! Brilliant.

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There seemed to be a bit more humour is this episode when compared to the rest of the series.


Ed and Gordon carrying the bags had me in stitches.

Gordon saying "I'll do it" when that woman was looking to mate with Ed was hilarious. 

Soon after that the line, Bortus saying "They are awful" had me laughing away again. :D 

It was interesting seeing the Kaylon history and the how and why they rose up against their masters. Really cool story.


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It wasn't the best episode, but I agree it was good to get some background to the Kaylon. And Bortus had some great lines. The bit where he's sat on the Bridge, and they all turn to look at him to leave, and he just says "......what?".

I'm really bored of the episodes focusing on the Doctor and Isaac. Just feels like they're going round in circles. No, he doesn't have feelings. He is a robot. No, he's never going to fall in love with you. He is a robot. No, he doesn't feel remorse. He is a robot.

I thought this was heading in a direction where all that would change, but no, by the end of the episode....he was a robot. Hopefully they can move on now?

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Another great episode. 

The Dolly Parton cameo was amazing. :D Did they use CG to make her look younger or was it just the stupid amount of plastic surgery and face lifts that she's had over the years?

I was nearly in tears a couple of times. The first was when Topa walked into the Union meeting, Bortus kicked off and everyone stood up. The second was when Klyden returned and seen the error of is his. Lovely moment, even though he's always been a bit of a douche.

Given the moment they shared, I wonder if they do anything with Kelly and Bortus. Saying that, I've no idea if another season is planned. Would be a shame given how good this one has been.

I was so happy with Gordan's rant at the Moclan group and was even happier when they finally got kicked out of the Union. It should have happened ages ago and everything Gordan said was spot on.

Was Avery Brooks in this episode? One of the Moclans sounded very much like Sisko, especially when giving a speech.

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Managed to catch up to the end of Episode 9 last night (took a while, each episode is the length of a shortish film!). This season just keeps getting better and better. Although i enjoy the slower paced episodes, they are really getting their money's worth from their CGI department as the season goes on! A 10 minute long CGI space battle and dogfighting sequence?!

Episode 8:
This was great - I loved Bortus kicking ass, getting to save his daughter. I did not like the weird sexual tension between him and Kelly. It felt weirdly tacked on, and then not mentioned again for the rest of the episode? Especially when Klyden returns and they are all happy families again? Speaking of which, I loved Klyden coming back and reconciling with Topa; it was a really lovely moment. As someone who could not wait for Klyden to fuck off at the beginning of the season, I felt weirdly happy to have him back - shows what a great character arc they gave him.

The Orville team did make some odd decisions this episode though - like taking a teenager on a very important diplomatic mission with your tenuous allies whom would very likely kick off if they saw her. Or inviting Gordon into a very important meeting with the tenuous allies and have him sit on a chair in the corner (because Topa is like a sister to him or something), just be sure not to say anything!

Episode 9

It was a bit of a weird beginning - them just suddenly developing a weapon that could end the war, with no build-up? Still, it turned into a great episode. The scene with the Orville just flying through the Kaylon fleet, destroying them at will was awesome.
I predicted that Charley Burke (I cannot say her name without singing the Charlie Chalk theme tune in my head) would have some sort of big decision to make at the end of the season; i thought she'd have to decide whether to fire the weapon or not, which would help show her growth from the beginning of the season. I didn't predict that she would sacrifice herself doing so, so that was a shock! Pity to see her go, loved hearing about her four dimensional visualisation ability several times an episode.

It really felt like a season finale, so God knows what the last episode is going to be about. Also, did anyone else feel like Seth Macfarlane has been a bit absent from this season? He's barely been in it, and when he is, he only has a few lines and a bit of staring into the distance with pursed lips. Maybe he's got another project on...

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The show up until episode 10 has been very devoid of humour. This doesn't bother me all that much, since it's still a great show, but it does make me wonder whether it would fall foul of parody laws if it doesn't keep up the humour? 

It's a very obvious copy of Star Trek, but you are allowed to copy existing art if it's in the pursuit of parody or humour. As the show goes on, it seems to be coming less and less a parody, and more a serious sci-fi show, and it makes me wonder if the bigwigs behind Star Trek would have a lawsuit on their hands if they wanted it?


Anyway, all of this is a bit moot, as episode 10 really piles on the ridiculous humour that has been lacking in the second half of the season. It's like they saved it all up for this one episode. 

Also, is the actor who plays Gordon trying to kickstart a music career? That's the third time he's sung a song on his guitar this season!

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  • 4 weeks later...

So I was looking for something to watch and noticed this was on Disney+ so decided to start watching it. I think I'm 6 episodes into it and have been enjoying it so far. Was never a huge Star Trek fan but always seem to like these more comedic/spoof type shows of it. Only trying to watch one a night and that seems to be a good way to go.

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