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Fantastic topic!

There are a few big games I really need to get around to playing one day:

Final Fantasy VII and Metal Gear Solid 2 from PlayStation days.

Bayonetta and Xenoblade Chronicles are both games I have, but for some reason have never started.

Persona 5 is probably the newest game I’d really like to play, but I’m slightly worried about the number of hours I’ll need to put aside for it!

Finally, a game I did play when I was much younger but I would absolutely love to find and 100% is Lemmings 2: Tribes. The Lemmings games were some of the first PC games I played and completed. To this day I still feel unfulfilled not to have finished Tribes and I don’t know how to find the game nowadays or if I would ever be able to fully complete.

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  • 3 years later...
Posted (edited)

Well I was searching through old threads for something completely unrelated and just so happened to stumble on this old post of mine!

Figured it'd be fun to see how things have changed since this old post...

Highlighted in Red are games that have gotten re-releases since this post in 2021, and highlighted in Blue are games that I have gone back and played through that I already owned or have since acquired second hand for decent prices...

On 6/11/2021 at 8:06 AM, Dcubed said:

Nice topic!

Ignoring JPN only releases (and yes @Glen-i, we WILL get Earthbound Endings and Ace Attorney Investigations 2 in English someday!), there’s quite a few I can think of... Mostly from the SEGA CD and SEGA Saturn.  Given the absolutely ludicrous prices that they go for on the second hand market (and I’m not willing to steal/pirate them; I have some morals in me), I just can’t justify a purchase...

The biggest ones that immediately spring to mind are...

Burning Rangers, Lunar: The Silver Star, Lunar: Eternal Blue, Shining In The Darkness, Shining Force CD, Snatcher, Popful Mail (Kinda... we got the Japanese versions of these two games and the SEGA CD versions of Lunar 1 & 2 at least...) and Dragon Force. (For those wondering, yes I already own Panzer Dragoon Saga! That’s why it’s not listed here! Also, Shining Force 3 isn’t listed here because there’s no point in getting it when Scenarios 2 & 3 remain JPN only; the English release is only 1/3 of the whole game!).

On the PS1, most of the best games in its library thankfully got re-released on the PS3 PSN store; but there were a few unfortunate stragglers that didn’t make it... Most notably Tales of Destiny and Tales of Eternia/Tales of Destiny 2... which I did actually own for a short time! But I really needed money at that time and had to sell them both off... Now they both go for silly money!

On the SNES and MD? The major missing ones for me are Sparkster, Rocket Knight Adventures, Rocket Knight Adventures 2 and Crusader of Centy.  I’ve got all of the other English friendly games I really want on those systems now.

On the GBA? It’s just Ninja Cop/Ninja Five-o left now; and wouldn’t you know it? It also JUST so happens to be the single rarest and most valuable game released for the system! Go figure!

On the N64? I’m missing Mischief Makers,  Bangai-o, Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon and Goemon’s Big Adventure.  The latter three are very expensive, while Bangai-o is both low priority (due to the readily available Dreamcast remake that I do own, but plays quite differently from the N64 original).  Mischief Makers is an odd one though, since it’s not that expensive and not that hard to come by really; I’ll probably get it fairly soon.

Original Gameboy? Just Kid Dracula and Castlevania Legends really (though I’m currently satisfied with the recent official English localisation of the previously JPN-only NES original version!).

For every other system? I’ve basically got everything I want now in one form or another.  That’s about it.  There are some other smaller titles I want as well, but those are all the major ones left unaccounted for.

Otherwise? The last major title I’ve not played through yet are the ones on my backlog that I’ll get round to eventually when I’m in the mood.  Namely Fire Emblem Fates, Fire Emblem: Shadows of Valentia, Codename STEAM, Lufia 2: Rise of the Sinestrals, Octopath Traveller, Bravely Second, Bravely Default 2, Doom Eternal and Miitopia.

Not bad! The gaming industry has made a decent dent in that list over the last three years :D

With Namco making a recent comittment to re-releasing past Tales of games? Hopefully we'll see Tales of Destiny and Eternia come off this list soon.

Nintendo are the big one letting us down here though.  Come on! Get those games on the N64 NSO service already! (And hurry up with Earthbound Endings FFS!)

Edited by Dcubed
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- Halo 1 and 2

I've since played these. Thought Halo 1 was great, but Halo 2 was just alright.

- Any Resident Evil except 4 and 5

I've now played Zero, REmake and 2 and they're not for me. I'll still be playing 3 and Code Veronica.

- Crash and Spyro

I've now played a game from each, but poor examples of both: Wrath of Cortex and Enter the Dragonfly

- Any Kirby game

Kirby 64 was good fun.

- Fire Emblem

I'll eventually reach the GameCube one.

- Super Mario Bros 2, 3

- Mario Galaxy 2

No change for these, but perhaps I'll look at Mario games in the far future.

- FF 1 to 13. I've played 14, a bit of 15 and the pretty bad FF7R.

- The main Meal Gear games. I've played the original (not MSG), Twin Snakes and the beta for Survive

- Any Dark Souls

- Jak and Dexter

No change to these and not a lot of desire to do so.

One big franchise I missed off my initial list was Mega Man. I've now played one Mega Man game, but I've got a lot coming up. 

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