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I'm Buying a new TV


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Why not get a projector instead, a fraction of the price and much bigger. Or for that price you could even get a DLP one, which looks simply awesome.


I don't know much about that particular model, but if you're getting Sony you can be assured of quality.


Oh dear...

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Why not get a projector instead, a fraction of the price and much bigger. Or for that price you could even get a DLP one, which looks simply awesome.




Oh dear...

What? Sony make great TVs. Furthermore, you can't play video games on projection TVs or else they may damage it. A stand alone projector doesn't have much calrity, unless you also have a big wall and a screen board. And where to install the projector? Go get yourself a nice HD flatscreen.

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I'd get a Philips, by far the best monitors and good sound too and Flat and CRTs feature Pixel Plus 2 (well not all of them).

I have got a CRT with Pixel Plus and Cube games look so much better.


I agree with you about the pixel plus. But Sony still makes better TV's. Philips's tvs have more problems.


And nowadays it's hard to find to decent TV as they are designed in a way that makes them only last for about 5 years...

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Whatever you fanboys think about Sony, they make awesome TV's. along with Panasonic, they are probably the best TV's on the market.


Ahem LG make the best!!(TV's that is) and Panasonic make great TV's too but Sonys stuff .. TV's.... MP3 players .... DVD players.... e.t.c.... just dont seem to be of the quality as it used to. Well there stuff just doesnt seem to be worth lots more money than other products in most ranges.

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Ahem LG make the best!!(TV's that is) and Panasonic make great TV's too but Sonys stuff .. TV's.... MP3 players .... DVD players.... e.t.c.... just dont seem to be of the quality as it used to. Well there stuff just doesnt seem to be worth lots more money than other products in most ranges.


LG stuff is ok, but ti is hardly top of the line, The reason I like sony is that not only are their tv's top quality, they are also nicely designed, easy on the eye.

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What? Sony make great TVs.

No, Sony used to make good TV's.


Furthermore, you can't play video games on projection TVs or else they may damage it.

Err, no? No idea where you're getting this idea from.


A stand alone projector doesn't have much calrity, unless you also have a big wall and a screen board.

I don't use a screen board and I can't tell the difference from when I tried one... I don't think a wall should really be a problem, if it is, then no, I wouldn't recommend a projector.


And where to install the projector?

Gee, try the other side of the room?

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LG stuff is ok, but ti is hardly top of the line, The reason I like sony is that not only are their tv's top quality, they are also nicely designed, easy on the eye.


Well most LCD tv's are made by LG even if there sold under a diffrent brand!

I must admit tho Sonys stuff does normaly look aesthetically pleasing.

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£1,450 odd quid (converted from NOK to GBP)

The main reason I want this TV is the price. A flatscreen would be alot more expensive. And here i Norway (and probably elsewhere) you can send it back within 14days if you don't like it. Even if you don't have a reason for sending it back :) 50" would so rock :)

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Err, no? No idea where you're getting this idea from.


You can play games on a projection tv, but it's not recommended. Read the little thin paper which comes with the games. Here's an actual quote from the nintendo consumer information and precaution booklet: "DO NOT USE WITH FRONT OR REAR PROJECTION TV

Do not use a front or rear projection televison with your nintendo system or games. Your projection television screen may be permanently damaged if video games with stationary scenes or patterns are played on your projection television. Similar damage may occur if you place a video game on hold or pause...."


It continues saying basically if you still use it with a projection tv they can't be held responsible for the damage. Basically the damage is when a static image is been shown at a certain spot for some amount of time, it "burns" to the surface of the screen. Similar burning can happen to a normal monitor/tv but it takes many hours longer. Ever wondered why computers have screen savers?

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I dare you to keep your monitor on overnight displaying a somewhat bright image. ;) And I can't be held responsible if you get a faint outline of something on your screen... Plasma screens also have this problem. It was so bad that tv companies had to scale the brightness down on their "watermark" - logo. As it got burned to the plasma screens. Don't know if lcd's has this problems. I'm fairly sure that modern CRT's still has this "problem".


Edit: Modern monitors have anergy saving features that makes screensavers unnecessary. And btw you answered a rhetorical question... :)

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Yeah, that TV is the same as on the 360 demopods, same 26" one. Samsung seems to make excellent quality for a good price. It's probably a good pick :smile:


The football World Championships are going to give them a major pricecut though, so if you can sit around with your old screen for a while you might even get a better one for that price by then.

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Sort of off topic, but I'm intending on getting the Samsung LE26R41BD soon. It's "only" £599 for a 26" version, and I'm hoping to get a further discount and/or finance on it. There's a 32" version available as well.


I've been shopping around for HDTVs for a while, and that is the most feature-complete and highest quality TV I've seen in the price range. There also seems to be a slight revision on that line, the LE26M51B which seems to have a better picture quality and refresh. That seems to be around £50-100 more at the moment, and doesn't come with the same discounting options as the *41* models, at the moment.


I've heard some reports that it was the same TV line that MS were showcasing 360 games on, which bodes well.


Anyways... hope that's interesting for you guys. Personally I feel that paying over £800 for a TV, unless you are getting a massive, high quality one, and you've got an awful lot of disposable income, is excessive. The prices are bound to improve as we get closer to the world cup.


Both Meik and I have those televisions, and I think he'd agree that they are incredible. The demo pods are fitted with 23" versions of the same model, and I assure you you'll find quality for television and gaming here. Built in freeview is always nice too.

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