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The toys you loved as children

Atomic Boo

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Jesus Christ I had so many toys.


Too much Lego for playing, Action Men all over my floor, dinning room tables filled with them Pocket Monster, Boglins that lived ontop of my wardrobe and Boglin tribes on my TV...


Not too mention all the others I forget.

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I've always loved swords. I think my first was the Sword of Omens from Thunder Cats. I loved that thing, then my mum threw it away coz it had split at the end. Could have just taped it up. That must have been 15 years ago.

I had liono, panthro, cheetara, tigra, a sky cutter, a nosediver and a hover cat and all mighty mum-rah!


still got some street sharks (streex, ripster, slammu and moby lick).

I think I still have my Super Mario wrist watch game some where. Haven't seen it in at least 7 years.










NERF bow and arrow.

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But ust read all through this...no ones Mentioned Monster in my Pocket..For Shame ;_; I used to have crap loads od MIMP



Cartoon for it was Pretty cool as well.


As was Visionaries and Centurions




You freakin' lie, I mentioned them first!


Vaporite solo

Edited by Johelian
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