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The Exercise & Fitness Thread: The Struggle Is Real


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Yesterday I got some 20 kg bumper plates (used but in good shape) so finally I can get some proper weight lifting done. I now have a total of 95 kg which is enough for most lifts.

Tried it out just now. I haven't lifted more than 60 kg in more than 2 years so was a bit nervous but did 4*7 back squats at 75 kg with nice form, then did 3*10 Deadlift at 75 kg and then 1*5 at 95 kg. That last one wad great but I'm not looking forward to the DOMS tomorrow. :D

On another note, I am having some pain in my knee, the outside of it to be specific. It's referred to as the LCL and might stem from biking (2*20 minutes a day in high speed) bit as Ove been biking most days for years it's a bit weird that it suddenly comes now. Might have to see a physician about it. 

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  • 1 month later...

I've started my paternity leave now and I'm spending the time my daughter sleeps in the morning with weight lifting and exercising. She sleeps for about an hour from 8.30 to 9.30 so it fits perfectly. My wife is home as well so every other day we do a WOD together, and the other days I lift weights, mainly focusing on squats and legs in general as I find that more useful (and I don't have a bench for bench press).

Doing squats 4*8 @ 75 kg. I need some smaller plates as I can only go up to 85 kg from here (which I tried a single rep of, and it went fine!).

Then I do some auxiliary movements - push-ups with weights, overhead lunges, single leg squats (just bodyweight though) and other stuff.

I'm really enjoying this routine.

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I think I need to get some sort of sports massage. I think I've discovered the route of my knee problems, my IT band, which apparently is more on the thigh area, but runs down the side of the leg and can rub on the knees, which is why I keep getting a twinging pain pretty much each time I'm doing some sort of bending exercise, which has been hindering lower body gains. At the moment I've been looking into mainly upper body stuff, which messes with the cardio aspect 😞

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  • 4 months later...

I'm nearing the end of my paternity leave now. I have been able to exercise about 4 times a week since June but took a break during July as I was away on holiday. 

Today I did squats, 5 sets of 5 reps at 85 kg and then 1 set of 3 reps at 90 kg. I could have wished for a little more progress but it's only recently that I actually started doing sets of 5 instead of 8.

My bench hasn't really improved, though. Struggling to do 5 reps at 55 kg. I simply don't like benching so don't do it much. 

I've tried balancing cardio with strength during my time off. Have taken a few runs on my treadmill, 3 or 5 km, as warm up before strength (but never before squats) or 3-6 km on my rowing machine. Also did some Crossfit WODs for cardio, some home brewn and some classics like Tabata. 

Overall it's been great to have the time to exercise more. In a month I'll be getting a physical examination like one I got 2 years ago. Will be exciting to see if there is any difference in weight and body fat. 

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56 minutes ago, MindFreak said:

My bench hasn't really improved, though. Struggling to do 5 reps at 55 kg. I simply don't like benching so don't do it much. 

Take a cycle off and do something else for a time such as an incline bench, dumbbell bench etc. Sometimes you just need a break from it. 

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