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Slay the Spire (Switch, PS4, XB1, PC)


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37 minutes ago, Sméagol said:

How does pressure point work? Is it like poison?

Not really.

You mark an enemy for 8 (or 11 when upgraded) and it immediately takes that amount of damage. Use it again on the same enemy and the amount increases. Damage is applied instantly again (e.g. 16 when you usethe second base Pressure Point)
If there are two enemyies and one is already marked...once you use Pressure Point on the other enemy both take their marked damage.

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18 hours ago, drahkon said:

It's insanely powerful with the scry mechanic.

Yeah...won another run with 5 Pressure Points and three Third Eyes


Well, gonna stick with Ascension 1 in order to get the remaining two unlocks with The Watcher, then it's time to ascend some more.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Started playing this again yesterday.
After a total playtime of 72 hours I've slain the Spire with all four characters. :peace:

Took me 28 runs with The Watcher to beat the heart with her. In all my losing runs I underestimated the negative effect of Wrath Stance. :nono:

Still have 10 achievements to go and lots of Ascensions to conquer.

Said it many times, but I'll say it again: this is my favourite game ever. It's taken down Rayman Legends from the top spot.

  1. Slay the Spire
  2. Rayman Legends
  3. Super Mario World

I've followed One Step From Eden in the last two weeks and it may become a serious contender for one of the three spots. I played the demo on PC and it was amazing. Right now I'm waiting for the current balance patch to arrive on Switch. Once It's there I'll buy it.
Roguelite deck-building games are my jam :D

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  • 3 months later...

Bumping this as I've been playing this the last few days again. Got a couple new ascensions, it's 8/9/8/0 for me. Yes, I should play the watcher more, I have actually barely touched her yet, haven't even gotten to A1, or unlocked everything. I like how she can do massive damage right out of the gate, but yeah, need to play more.


Managed to get to Ironclad A8 with this shit deck:

At it's core was the combust + (2) rupture combo, making me gain strength each turn. Very slowly. Too slow in fact. Limit break helped, but what saved the deck was the block (+ entrench) and a number of good Relics, especially that urn that heals you when you use a power card. That plus the reaper made me heal a decent amount during fights, which was needed. I did massive damage, but also took a lot of damage. In the end I lost to the elite before the heart. I guess I can't call it bad as I made it to A8.. But I didn't think it was fun.

Unlike this deck. The act 2 boss got me (bronze automaton), so it wasn't perfect yet, but it was close.. The deck was super tight, and that makes my dick hard. 18 cards, lost all my strikes, so it was almost all block plus some apparitions which worked wonderfully. But.. I ran out before I got hit with the giant laserbeam. Since it's a small deck, i'll just fully list it:

  • 2 Defend
  • 2 Defend +
  • 2 Shrug it off +
  • 2 Body slam +
  • Uppercut +
  • Drop kick
  • Berserk +
  • Demon form +
  • Entrench +
  • 5 Aparition

I had a lot of luck getting my deck to this form, but I needed even more luck than that to make it pefect. I needed to get rid of those defends as well, prefferably for other better block like more shrug it off, and more relics that suit the deck.

Another fun one was an almost complete ice deck for the defected. Heart got me, but it was close, and I think I could have beaten it if I didn't make a particular mistake. A whole bunch (20) of good relics, Just 17 cards (of which one was curse of the bell), practically all upgraded, 3 cold snaps, glacier, a ball lightning thrown in for some extra damage and evoking stuff, loop of course, and consume, and 2 fissions which I love, they really help with setting things up. I had the relics that lets you start with 1 focus and 3 extra orb slots, so after the set-up I was blocking insane amounts. Just wish I also had a blizzard. I wasn't doing much damage, but I was blocking so much stuff I could last a while.

Last deck I'll mention is another fun ironclad deck.I lost to Donu and Deca, but I had fun getting to that point. I haven't played the firebreathing card since the update (haven't played much ironclad at all since the update). it was a card I usually ignored, but now.. It's pretty good. I had 2 of them, and I coupled it with wild strike at first.. But then I got immolate. I was burning motherfuckers left and right. It's an insane combo against groups.. But the deck I had was just a tad too slow against the beefy bosses.

I'm still trying to beat the heart with Silent, setting it at A1 for that purpose, I usually didn't lower the difficulty, but I want an easier time. Got close a few times, but no success yet. It's very weird going back to A1.. It's strange to realize how all the gradual bumps in difficulty accumulate to a very large jump in total. "wait, I fully heal after the boss?" "these creatures are doing much less damage!". It doesn't look like much of a difference, but it is.



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  • 1 month later...

So I have had to sit up and take notice of this game following its appearance on a game of the decade list. Though I haven't played many I do like a card battler - I made it all the way through Baiten Kaitos despite the irritating JPRG presentation. 

Could someone tell me what the multiplayer options are like with this? Or is this only single player?

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14 minutes ago, LazyBoy said:

So I have had to sit up and take notice of this game following its appearance on a game of the decade list. Though I haven't played many I do like a card battler - I made it all the way through Baiten Kaitos despite the irritating JPRG presentation. 

Could someone tell me what the multiplayer options are like with this? Or is this only single player?

It's single player only. PvE.

While I'm at it, this happened not too long ago:

Also got a couple more ascensions, including finally A1 with the watcher.

Edited by Sméagol
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  • 2 months later...

Decided to install this on my PS5. I needed this game back in my life :D

Still on my journey to reach Ascension 10 with all characters (at least on the console version) and on my third run last night I managed to do it with The Silent.
Catalyst deck. gg ez :p

I'm away from my PS5 for the weekend but thank goodness I got the game on my Switch. On this version I beat Ascension 10 with the first three characters and now I'm on Ascension 4 with The Watcher. Still having trouble with her...can't wrap my head around her mechanics, but I'm getting there.

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3 hours ago, drahkon said:

Decided to install this on my PS5. I needed this game back in my life :D

Still on my journey to reach Ascension 10 with all characters (at least on the console version) and on my third run last night I managed to do it with The Silent.
Catalyst deck. gg ez :p

I'm away from my PS5 for the weekend but thank goodness I got the game on my Switch. On this version I beat Ascension 10 with the first three characters and now I'm on Ascension 4 with The Watcher. Still having trouble with her...can't wrap my head around her mechanics, but I'm getting there.

There's a balance patch incoming, buffing shivs amongst others. It's already active on PC.

Edit: PC patchnotes:

I'm still slowly grinding my way to the top, with most characters except for watcher haha.currently 17/17/17/4

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...
On 2/1/2021 at 1:58 PM, drahkon said:

but the PS4 and Switch versions are still running on an older version...

Took them only 6 months to port the patch...hope MegaCrit will get a better publisher/porting team for whatever game they've planned in the future.

Anyways, I've been waiting for the patch for...well, 6 months :D Time to dive back in and eventually go for the Platinum. Finally!

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I've had a few sessions last week, and was surprised it still wasn't updated.. Even more surprised it happens soon after asking about it on their Discord. I'll have a new session then.I unlocked A19 with Ironclad and Silent in those last rounds, but couldn't defeat the heart.

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  • 4 months later...

We’ll this is good isn’t it. Bought it a couple months ago, but bounced off straight back into the arms of Hades. Jumped back in up a couple days ago, won my first run with Ironclad and now I’m hooked. Christ it feels good when you got a good deck. Done Silent as well now (with a ridiculous deck based on getting out as many cards per turn as possible - towards the end I was firing off 12 double power shivs per turn). Now onto Defect, and I get the feeling he’ll require a lot more patience.

I also need to get better at pruning my deck - any tips? On level 1 how do you know when to stop building  out your deck and to start foregoing new card pick ups?

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20 minutes ago, LazyBoy said:

I also need to get better at pruning my deck - any tips? On level 1 how do you know when to stop building  out your deck and to start foregoing new card pick ups?

A few things to consider:

1. Don't try to build an archetype deck. If it happens naturally, great. But don't pick cards early that are only useful in combination with others cards or relics. you may never get them.

2. the first act is all about front loading damage. Especially for elite fights you want to finish the battles soon. So stack up on damage.

3. second act is about scaling and AoE damage.

4. Once you reach the third act you should already have a solid deck and every addition should only be useful.

5. everything you've just read are only guidelines :p You always have to consider the cards you already have, the enemies you are likely to encounter and the boss you will face.


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  • 1 year later...

With the Steam Deck (almost) on the way and Slay the Spire on sale on Steam I decided to buy it and give a free fan expansion a go. I've read that Downfall adds a surprisingly large amount of polished content but I did not expect it to go this hard...

It adds one "regular" character (The Hermit) which has some cool new mechanics, cards and relics. Why do I say "regular"?
Because there are also 8 (!!!) new boss/enemy characters to play as. Each with their own mechanics, relics and cards. They can be used in the titular "Downfall" mode which is pretty much Slay the Spire but you descend the spire to stop the "regular" characters. You fight the same enemies, but events are changed/added to reflect that you're now defending the spire.

Bosses are what you expect: The Ironclad, The Silent, The Defect, The Watcher or The Hermit. They have their own decks and play around their own energy, buffs, debuffs, etc.

I can't believe this is a free expansion made by people from the community. Once my Steam Deck is here and setup, you will probably be exposed to a couple of posts about my experience with this expansion! :p

For starters: One of the bosses you can play as: The Automaton.

What's his deal? Coding! Yes, coding!


See those cards over The Automaton? If a card has the "Encode" modifier, it gets added to one of the three slots after you play it. Once all slots are filled, a new card is compiled with the effects of all three cards (and if a "Compile" modifier is on one of those cards, it is executed). The card is then added to your deck for the duration of the current combat.

There is some crazy stuff you can do with this :D

And this is just one character! The amount of added content is ridiculous and I can't wait to properly dive into it!

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