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Sayonara Wild Hearts


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Sure, you're late to the party, but add it to the pile anyway.

Great song though. I'm very interested in the soundtrack (I heard something about singles being sold on PAX..) I may make an exception for this one (as in, may buy it digitally right away instead of waiting for any news on a physical release).

Edited by Sméagol
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  • 2 weeks later...

Finished my first full run of all the levels earlier and I love the game. It's not just the sights and sounds that are great (though they are undoubtedly part of the main appeal of the game and Simogo knocked it out of the park with both of these as the soundtrack is superb) but the gameplay, while simple, was great and I loved how the small iterations and switch ups they made with it kept it feeling fresh and bonkers right to the end.

I know I'm going to be dipping back in to grab those higher ranks as the first time through some levels it all just flew past blisteringly quick so bronze ranks were had. Though getting to experience some of the levels again and that soundtrack, that's something I'd happily do.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Played through this tonight and had the biggest smile on my face throughout most of it. A joyous assault on the senses, I felt practically breathless during each level. I'm a huge fan of the likes of Charli XCX and Grimes so the soundtrack is right up my street, I'm finding it hard to find fault with the any aspect of the game - it has lived up to my expectations in every regard, going to enjoy playing through it again. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

I’m giving this another go at the moment but am really struggling to get it. The presentation is cool, but the gameplay seems all over the shop. It just feels like the entire game is running on fast forward and it’s almost impossible to react in time to most of what’s going on. I guess the idea is that it’s geared towards replaying stages multiple times and memorising each sequence. That, or my reflexes are shot to shit. :heh: 

  • Haha 1
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