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Yakuza 7 (PS4 2020)


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@RedShell thanks for the tips. Disappointing to hear there's no pervy mini game in this. :( As you said, hopefully they aren't becoming more PC with these releases. 

@drahkon it's still very much a Yakuza game but with a JRPG battle system now attached. I'm still early on but there does seem like there will be plenty of strategy needed in fights, with switching job classes as needed.

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I've now opened up a bunch of new jobs. Hilarious that you have to go to the actual job centre to sort these out. :D 

I wasn't sure what to go with as there were a few options available. I eventually settled on Foreman, Idol, Enforcer and Bodyguard. I'm still not sure if I've went with the correct choices but we'll see how I get on with them.

@RedShell are they any jobs that are better than others/useful to use early on in the game? I suppose it depends how you tackle battles, right?

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54 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

@RedShell are they any jobs that are better than others/useful to use early on in the game? I suppose it depends how you tackle battles, right?

I pretty much stuck to the same jobs throughout the entire story, so it’s not actually too important. Having said that, there is one useful skill which is tied to a specific job, as mentioned by @martinist here:


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30 minutes ago, drahkon said:

Well...chapter two ended with a bang :o

Man, they nailed the battle system. It's got that sweet, sweet JRPG goodness combined with the Yakuza brutality :cool:

I hope the game opens up soon. Wanna do some side quests and just grind my way to the top :D

It takes a few chapters for you to unlock jobs and a decent dungeon to grind in. Street battles will serve you just fine until then.

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2 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

Street battles will serve you just fine until then.

Unless they are against enemies that are more than 5 levels higher than mine. Had to use a lot of Magic Mental Points to get out alive...

Anyways, picked up some cans but I really want the game to open up more so I'll just focus on the story for now. :D

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4 minutes ago, drahkon said:

Unless they are against enemies that are more than 5 levels higher than mine. Had to use a lot of Magic Mental Points to get out alive...

Anyways, picked up some cans but I really want the game to open up more so I'll just focus on the story for now. :D

You probably wandered into an area you shouldn't have. :p

I quite like the Assassin Creed style fogged map and enemy levels that the game introduces. There have been a few times where I noticed the enemies in the area were higher levels than me and so pegged it. Early in the game I lost half my cash due to taking a beating, just like in Dragon Quest.

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6 minutes ago, drahkon said:

I just took the most direct path for the main quest ::shrug:


You just suck then. :p 

Kidding aside, the game can get tough when you get into fights with numerous enemies, even if they are the same or lower level than you. Jobs that have crowd control moves have been really handy for me. One character I'm using doesn't have such a move and I may need to rethink what job they are currently using.

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51 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

One character I'm using doesn't have such a move and I may need to rethink what job they are currently using.

Scratch that. They just learnt a move that lowers all enemy defense and has a chance of becoming infatuated with them. It came in real handy for the boss fight I just had.


The wrecking ball and the battle with the Omi boss soon after were very hard fights. The Omi boss was a nightmare to tackle due to has gunshot ability and constantly countering. Add to the fact you had a couple of minions and Nanba (traitor!) to deal with as well and it made for a tough experience.

The move I mentioned comes from the Idol job. This worked wonders in this fight because everyone except the main boss became infatuated. This meant I was able to just leave them alone and concentrate on Ishioda. After he was down the rest of them soon fell.

It appears The Great Wall of Muscle has been taken down. Gonna be interesting to see how things pan out now...


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Spent 5 hours with this game today.
Needless to say: I love it :D

The JRPG mechanics work surprisingly well with the Yakuza craziness. It's a match made in heaven.
I prefer this over the real-time battles in Yakuza 0 and Yakuza Kiwami (the only two games I've played, so far).

Sadly, I won't be able to play until Sunday. :( Might squeeze in an hour tomorrow before I travel to my family for New Year's Eve, though :p

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Reading this thread...you guys are really making me want to play this, even though I know I want to play 5 and 6 (and maybe even Judgment) before I get around to it. The only reason I've held out this long is I'm still waiting for the standard edition case :laughing: which is making me justify the wait until at least the PS5 upgrade going live in March, but man, it's hard reading this thread! 

I love JRPG's, and I love Yakuza, but I really wasn't expecting this to do as well as it clearly has at nailing both, at least based on the discussions I've seen here and elsewhere. Seems like they've done a great job, once again! 

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What the heck is up with the difficulty spike in chapter 12?


Freaking Majima showed up and has just destroyed my team. Dude is 15 levels higher than what I am!

So far the game has had a decent progression but this has just came out of nowhere. What makes this worse is that it cost 3 million just to progress to this point and so now I'm also skint and can't afford new gear.

Guess I'm gonna have to make a detour and level up.



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I spent most of the afternoon/evening prepping for that difficulty spike. I didn't bother attempting it again as I knew I'd get butchered. 

I went and done countless fights in the arena and ended up completing it. It's weird how the enemies are high levels but very few of them dish out high damage. After completing it I just kept entering it and beating the end stages over and over...and over again. This netted me lots of cash, better armour and raised my level to just shy of 50. This meant I had much better stats and a load more abilities at my disposal.


Majima wasn't that tough now. When he split into multiples I had a bunch of moves that hit numerous enemies. Once Saejima entered the fray I used a summon that greatly reduced the damage I took, put one of my team on healing duties and then dished out the pain. Job was done. 



Loving that Watase showed up. He didn't get the screen time he deserved in an earlier Yakuza game and was happy to see him make an appearance here.

Crazy that both Tojo and Omi have now been disbanded. :( 

It was hilarious seeing Ichiban proper fan out when he seen Majima and Saejima start laying into the Omi clan members. To be fair, I was hyped as well, especially when the fight was just about to kick off and then it happened.....

KIRYU IS BACK, BABY!! Tears in my eyes. Excitement through the roof. I proper marked out at his arrival.

Hell of a chapter. I'm still hyped/smiling/buzzing off it all. Easily one of my gaming moments of this year and I just snuck it in.  It felt like playing through all the Yakuza games this year lead to that very moment. Hell of a payoff. :D 

Watching the events unfold at the end of chapter 12 I do think that certain things will be lost and have very little impact on those who've not played all the entries. I'd go as far as to say that it will spoil earlier games if a person hasn't played them yet and chooses to go back to them after finishing this.

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