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RPGs and Europe...


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Okay, wasn't really sure which forum to post this in, there doesn't seem to be a forum which is just for gaming but without the specific-console focus...


Anyway, I'm an RPG fan. I'm sure I'm not alone in thinking that as RPG fans in Europe, we've had it pretty damned rough over the years. The SNES had some of the highs (Terranigma) and a great many lows (no Chrono Trigger, FFVI, Earthbound etc), and the N64 had all of two *real* RPGs that I can think of over here (Holy Magic Century and Aidyn Chronicles. Maybe Goemon at a stretch).


However, with Sony's Playstation bringing us RPGs that would likely have not made it over here had they been on N64 - FFVII, Wild Arms, Suikoden et al, and the positively overwhelming number of PS2 RPGs on the shelves (Wild Arms 3, FFX, FFX-2, Arc, Legaia 2, Makai Kingdom, Disgaea, Phantom Brave, Xenosaga 2, .Hack, Star Ocean...) is it unreasonable of me to think that the West does indeed have a place in it's heart for these most Japanese of games?


Are these games finally getting the recognition and acceptance that we've so long desired? It seems so, with Dragon Quest VIII promised to arrive in the next few months, along with other titles such as Atelier Iris and Suikoden V also confirmed for Europe.


Just wondering what everyone made of this, really. I think that we've really never had it better for RPGs in Europe, and I definitely look forward to future announcements for European versions of Disgaea 2, Blue Dragon, Baten Kaitos 2, Tales of The Tempest (oh yeah, we've got Phantasia and Eternia coming this year, huh?) and all.


Discuss. Also up for debate is Nintendo's attitude to RPGs - do you think that we'll see many on Revolution? What about the multitudes of DS RPGs on the way - will they make it over here?

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I think RPGs are getting released in Europe a lot more often recently, they are starting to realise how much we appreciation them.


Baten Kaitos II bloody get a European release though, I doubt they'd release the first but not the second.


Being that its getting published by Nintendo, It cannot fail to get a euro release.

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I'd say the main difference between now and the early '90s is the fact that Japanese companies take localisation as a more worthwhile venture. Larger publishers, such as Nintendo and Square-Enix, now have dedicated teams for localising their games. And I think that's an important thing to clarify, the fact that games tend to be localised these days as opposed to simply run through a bilingual dictionary: themes are altered to avoid that which isn't so socially acceptable outside Japan; Eastern sayings are transposed for local variants; extra scenes are added, some removed; sensitive imagery and other semiotic concerns must be met... and the list goes on*.


The above is a mammoth task for a single language, so it's easy to see why companies tend to bypass multi-lingual Europe and all the regional issues it entails. America on the other hand represents a very large market for a single run of localisation, so again it makes sense that they should see some Eastern games that we don't.


I can only imagine that releasing a US localisation of a game just in the UK isn't seen as worthwhile, which is a shame as that's all we recieve should a game be released in Europe anyway. But perhaps I'm being selfish.


Anyway, I'd say that the majority of DS RPGs stand a good chance at receiving a European release given the machine's popularity and Nintendo's intentions to release more left-field Japanese releases, such as Electroplankton and Trauma Centre, is only a good sign. Admittedly they aren't as loquacious as your average JRPG, but even if they're relegated to nothing more than a US release at least most Europeans will have little trouble importing.


The Revolution? I'm not sure, to be honest. The GameCube wasn't exactly inundated with RPGs and that was a traditional console, so I'm not sure how the JRPG, one of the most preceptive genres of our time, will take to Nintendo's hope for change. I imagine it will come down to how well the console is received and whether some pioneering companies will lay down the ground work for a rich catalogue of JRPGs — it seems that whenever a machine gains a healthy amount of a certain genre publishers are determined to flood the market with similar titles**.


*For those of you wondering, yes, I do have the new issue of Edge.

**Which is a sign of a much larger problem with the games industry, but we'll leave that to another thread.

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Being that its getting published by Nintendo, It cannot fail to get a euro release.


Nintendo publish a few games that dont get a Euro release though. Cubivore and Chibi Robo spring to mind. I would imagine BKII would get a Euro release since we got the first installment, but its certainly no guarantee.


I personally am constantly amazed that we still get titles like Suikoden, as they still dont sell particularly well. This is a real shame, as anything with Final Fantasy in the title never fails to fly off the shelves, so the potential fanbase is there. Presumably this is down to a lack of advertisement; publishers already wary of releasing a risky game into the market are sceptical about throwing more money into possibly doomed promotions. I would definitely say though that (assuming you are a PS2/PSP/DS/PC owner) that there have never been so many RPGs on the PAL market. Indeed, the RPG is becoming less niche, less the cliched fodder of the spotty gaming nerd in many peoples eyes and far more mainstream. I personally dont have any issues with this, as I find many RPGs hideously cliched most of the time anyway (enjoyable, yes - but rarely breaking the storytelling mould); therefore, if becoming mainstream brings more titles, all the better really. I think that the handhelds will really pave the way in the next generation, as imports become more popular; though what effect this will have on the home console market Im not entirely sure (will higher sales of handheld games mean that publishers take a risk in Europe? Or will higher import rates mean that the few that do get released here flop and so we dont get any more?)


At any rate, I have personally loved this generation for RPGs on all formats. In the back of my mind I still imagine that the PS3 will be the place for RPGs (import PS3 FTW) judging buy what has happened this gen, but the Rev could surprise me. Im not expecting a wealth of JRPGs on the 360.


Rolls-Royce Silver Wraith

Edited by Johelian
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Nintendo publish a few games that dont get a Euro release though. Cubivore and Chibi Robo spring to mind.

Chibi Robo is coming to Europe on May 26th according to NoE's recent press event. Yes, I was surprised too.


I just thought of a possible trump card for the Revolution: the WFC downloads. Having titles such as Chrono Trigger et al available might convince publishers that there is substantial interest should they garner a decent number of purchases.

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Good points everyone! I agree with everyone here in this thread really, in that in recent times us Europeans have been treated with more JRPG's than ever before. And as they become more mainstream, lets hope we get more Disgaea's and less Baten Kaitos'.

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