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Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate


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3 minutes ago, Glen-i said:

You kinda have to if you wanna play this game. You'll do fine!


2 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

No but I question why the hell they are charging in head first.

This is going to be my strategy.

Just like in the DBFZ beta. Didn't work there! :laughing:

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The amount of disconnects or quitting that's going on is insane. It doesn't bode well for the proper game if this is happening now.

I do miss the QoL things that I've grown used to having in World. Little things like seeing my sharpness go down or being able to walk slowly while taking a potion are sorely missed.

To be honest the demo has soured me a little on the game and I'm starting to wonder whether I should even pick the full game up.

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OK, @Sméagol. @Ugh first aid and I are gonna open up a room soon. I'll let you know what the Hub ID is, you'll need to enter that to join our room.

It might be worth mentioning these basic controls before jumping in.

These generally work for Melee style weapons, but some weapons might have extra features to them.

X - Draw Weapon / (When weapon is Drawn) Attack

A - Gather items / (When weapon is drawn) Secondary attack

B - Evade

Y - Use item / (When weapon is drawn) Sheathe weapon

Hold L, then press Y or A - Scrolls items left or right

R - Run / (When weapon is drawn) Special Action

Tap L - Re-center camera

ZL - Activate Target Cam

When you encounter a big monster, activating target cam lets you focus the camera on your target by tapping L.

You can find weapon specific controls by pressing + and selecting "Hunter's Notes" then "Weapon Controls"

If any questions come to you while playing, just ask.

EDIT: Hub ID is 31-0354-9797-6319

Passcode is 4444.

We'll start with Great Maccao. The simplest boss in the game.

Edited by Glen-i
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Not bad @Sméagol Only one death! Impressive.

Some advice though. Don't forget about items. You can use them by putting your weapon away, choosing them by holding L and pressing Y or A repeatedly then press Y to use them.

The potion, for example, recovers your health. Well done Steaks temporarily increase your stamina bar.

Shall we try again, see if you can do it with no deaths this time.

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Just now, Glen-i said:

Not bad @Sméagol Only one death! Impressive.

Some advice though. Don't forget about items. You can use them by putting your weapon away, choosing them by holding L and pressing Y or A repeatedly then press Y to use them.

The potion, for example, recovers your health. Well done Steaks temporarily increase your stamina bar.

Didn't necesarily forget them, but I didn't check the item controls.. :p

I only got that far because I bothered to read the top half of the controls you posted! :p

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New hub ID is 03-3243-6898-4423

If your stamina bar gets too low, Well-done Steaks can lengthen it again.

One more Great Maccao and then if you're up for a challenge, we'll move on to Barioth.

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1 minute ago, Sméagol said:

So there's no true lock on? That zl + l does nothing for me?

anyway, it takes some getting used to, especially with different weapons having different controls.

Yep, it takes a lot of experimentation, but practice makes perfect! Soon you'll find something you like.

Back in the old days, we didn't have that option, be grateful.

Edited by Glen-i
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I don't even know what happened.

I was anticipating an attack.

I was moving away.

I was even dodging.

Still it dropped right on top of me and killed me in 1 hit with most of my health I believe..

Anyway, the game's fun, but feels unrefined. I'll elaborate when I'm behind a proper keyboard again. For now I've had enough!

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17 minutes ago, Sméagol said:

Anyway, the game's fun, but feels unrefined. I'll elaborate when I'm behind a proper keyboard again. For now I've had enough!

*Gasps!* He doesn't think Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate is one of the best games ever... lynch him!

:p just kidding... it can be a difficult game to get into, especially based on the demo, there's much you need to learn for yourself in single player which you only really appreciate by going through a LOT of quests, but the more you play, generally the more you'll grow to appreciate Monster Hunter for what it is, at least that'd how I found it to be. :)

Anyway... "at least you tried!" :peace: we can't ask any more from you than that, I still think the final game might be well worth your time though. ;)

Thank you to yourself @Sméagol plus @Glen-i and of course @Ugh first aid for some fantastic hunts there, I really enjoyed myself. :D

It was great to get the old party back together, even if it was with demo characters, with no name to speak of, I can still see your playstyles through your character actions and it has reminded me why I love playing these games so much. :smile:

See you all on launch day hopefully. :cool:

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1 hour ago, Sméagol said:

I don't even know what happened.

I was anticipating an attack.

I was moving away.

I was even dodging.

Still it dropped right on top of me and killed me in 1 hit with most of my health I believe..

Yeah, it seems impossible to dodge but there is a way.

There's a special kind of evasion that you can do when you have your weapon sheathed. If you run away from a monster and then evade, you'll do a big dive that has lots of invincibility frames but a lot of ending lag.

Here's a demonstration from @Ugh first aid

Also worth noting that the armour was most definitely not suited to that last fight. You should be able to take a lot more hits when you get to it in the full game.

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