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Monster Hunter World (PS4)


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3 minutes ago, Kav said:

The grind for Jewels is fucking outrageous!

I honestly never struggled for any of the gems in the game. Nor did the lads I was playing with. I swear they've upped the drop rates for plates and gems in this game. Just do the weekly quests as it dishes out a gold ticket that you can trade for any gem apart from Jho.

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Also, are you doing investigations rather than normal quests? Once you finish the story mode you shouldn't be touching those kinds of quests anymore. Investigations are where the the best drops happen due to the increase rewards, especially those with gold rewards.

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1 hour ago, Hero-of-Time said:

What do you need them for? The game is easy enough without grinding for them. ::shrug:

The  thing that keeps me hunting is having my Armour Sets exactly how I want them for each weapon, with all the skills I’d like. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Finally got myself a Tenderizer Jewel 2!!!

None of the other Jewels I’m after have shown yet though... this grind is fucking mental!

I’m yet to try Kulve Taroth, looking forward to laying siege to her!

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Where's everyone at with this these days? Didn't end up as social with the forum as I had hoped to but I do tend to join a lot of SOS/random online sessions. Been HR49 for a fair while(need to defeat tempered Kirin) but in lack of doing that I was randomly killing all sorts just to grind up a few weapons etc. Got my Fire and Ice dual blades, Buone Fiore hammer, a horn or two, and maybe 3 Insect Glaives(my real main weapon). Did a few spring blossom bits but was always active than I intended to be! Anyone gone after this new Elder Dragon Kulve they dropped?

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2 minutes ago, Rummy said:

Where's everyone at with this these days? Didn't end up as social with the forum as I had hoped to but I do tend to join a lot of SOS/random online sessions. Been HR49 for a fair while(need to defeat tempered Kirin) but in lack of doing that I was randomly killing all sorts just to grind up a few weapons etc. Got my Fire and Ice dual blades, Buone Fiore hammer, a horn or two, and maybe 3 Insect Glaives(my real main weapon). Did a few spring blossom bits but was always active than I intended to be! Anyone gone after this new Elder Dragon Kulve they dropped?

I've fought him a couple of times and think it's a garbage fight. It's a real damage sponge and the fact that you can't join via SOS makes it a right pain in the backside.

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17 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

I've fought him a couple of times and think it's a garbage fight. It's a real damage sponge and the fact that you can't join via SOS makes it a right pain in the backside.

I've not even seen any tracks so far, though I've not been on as much as I hoped to be in the past week or so. Might get some hours in this week - I'm a massive gold/shiny fan so deffo wouldn't mind the armour, but if it comes to it I'll continue rocking my Uragaan bits instead.

Btw if anyone's still stuck on the Kirin I'm happy to team up! Did jump in once or twice to an SOS against but it was super unfair twice(fucking hitting me with lighting about two levels above when it's right down in that pit off the cliff). That in addition to the fact I'm not terribly great at not getting got, basically I just lose a lot :p I've levelled up a few more weapons and got some more mats etc now tho so may craft some specific lightning resist gear or weapons tailored to it; it's a shame a regular sort of social didn't come together here but I can see how the pacing was very different for many of us.

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I found hunting Tempered Kirin was easiest with the Lance, with a set to allow for Guard +5 and Guard Up so you can block everything with ease.

Dragonking Eyepatch, Bazel Mail B, Urugaan Braces B/Coil B/Greaves A (use a Breaker II Charm and you’ve got the Partbreaker +3 skill too which is great for breaking Kirin’s horn).

Its a handy set for feeling almost invincible.

What times do you tend to get online @Rummy?

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15 hours ago, Rummy said:

Btw if anyone's still stuck on the Kirin I'm happy to team up! Did jump in once or twice to an SOS against but it was super unfair twice(fucking hitting me with lighting about two levels above when it's right down in that pit off the cliff). 

Best bet would be to try and jump into a SOS with a team made up of gunners/bow users. If they are rocking the right ammo then they will destroy Kirin and keep him grounded for a lot of the fight.

I still maintain that the HR49 Kirin is the hardest fight in the game. Get past that and the rest should be a breeze.

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57 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

I still maintain that the HR49 Kirin is the hardest fight in the game. Get past that and the rest should be a breeze.

I agree with this. His one-shot attacks are brutal... it’s why I go Lance, makes it a breeze.

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1 hour ago, Kav said:

I agree with this. His one-shot attacks are brutal... it’s why I go Lance, makes it a breeze.

Yeah it was his one hits really fucking me up, I think eventually I was trying distance glaive with a healing kinsect - even after getting my t-buff going in was so risky(or generally staying still anywhere) because of his lightning hits, doing both close and far(and sometimes I didn't realise a teammate he was aiming for was so close), so I really wasn't doing much. Considered maybe a horn for support but I don't think I'm quite good enough with it tbh. I might grind up for a high level horn just for Kirin if I don't have one with suitable songs already, but I'm not even sure what the best would be for it. How useful is elderseal against Kirin? I think my latest Glaive has high elderseal too.


@Kav I still haven't really played much for the last few days. I can usually be on any time after 6ish if not esrlier, but I keep OWing with a few of my friends who are a bit newer to the game quite a bit. Essentially any sort of time in the evening; I'm the sort of guy who needs a shout rather than a proscribed plan, things tend to come up/change a lot - so if you see me on psn just give a shout/psn message and I'd probs jump over.

Ftr atm I rock full Uragaan pretty much, with Odogama legs on hand for vale/effluent/Kushala, but Uragaan legs otherwise. Tbh I made it all just for looks and not for decorations etc; I think that's the stuff I'm gonna have to think about changing up soon. Interesting what you say about the tempered Kirin @Hero of Time, I was really kinda shocked by the jump up! Though at some point I thought Beetlejuice was hard as well so...

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On July 13, 2018 at 8:10 AM, Hero-of-Time said:

Guess i'll be firing the game back up when this releases. 

2 days. 2.FREAKING.DAYS. That's how long it's taken me to bring down the Behemoth. It's by far the hardest boss I've ever faced in a Monster Hunter game.

For starters, the HR requirement is far too low for this fight. It lets HR16 people have a crack at it and there's no way they will have the gear or skills to deal with this fight. It should have been at least HR50.

Behemoth has an 1 shot kill attack that you cannot escape from other than using a single method. Comets get called from the sky during battle and you have to use these by hiding behind them as Behemoth does its killer move. The issue is that you have a very small window to get behind them, it happens 3 times during the fight and the comets can actually break, leaving you with no cover. Add to the fact that you have idiots playing the game who refused to take cover and you end you failing time after time after time. 

Behemoth itself does some insane attacks. Some can be negated if flashes are used but once again people don't bother bringing these and it makes the fight that much harder.

It also has an move that makes it target a single player for a set amount of time. You can provoke it into using this and a good lance user is what you need as they can just sit there with the shield up while everyone else wails on it. The issue is you get fools who are using longswords or dual blades that are provoking it or don't know how to release its attention from them, once again causing them to cart.

You unlock another quest with Behemoth once you finish the first one. I done this one on my second attempt due to the quality of the other players being a lot higher because you can only play that quest by defeating him first.

I'm happy I beat him but it was an absolute mental and physical drain trying to do it. It was done just in time as my PS+ ran out this afternoon.

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I ended up renewing my PS+ for a few months just to play this. I haven't played it for a while and thanks to last weekends session I now want to play it now that my subscription is up. Typical!

Im on farming Luna at the moment. Even though she's easier than she was in the PSP games ( just like all the Elder Dragons) she's still a nightmare to fight. I've always hated the bitch and take great pleasure in killing her.

There's also a new type of Teostra to hunt. I done that a couple of times this morning but a few more hints are needed to obtain everything I need for the armour set.

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