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the revolution in europe


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/me meant 'ran' the business philosophy hasn't changed.. it can't, shareholders and stockholders.. whatever you want to call them would not invest in a company taking mindless risks, just to help out a few game developpers indirectly.


Their aim is to profit, so they can keep making games.. just like the others.

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I expect so, they're going that way with the nintendo DS.

But what should be noted is that DS games, well many are quite simple.. home games can be considerably more complex.


So importing might not always be great.


But I reckon chances are high games will be region free DVDs, the system is being made to accomodate a generic production.


DVD playback is going to revolve around a centralised dongle to be purchase in a particular region. If you want to play US DVDs in europe, you might have to import a US dongle and the dvd in the first place.


By doing this nintendo can hammer out consoles cheaper and quicker and box them up with a localised cable.


Much like Apple do with iPods and computer, until the EU stepped in and made them reduce the volume of the thing by 30%

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O.K. sorry @spencer, now i know what you mean, but it sounded like nintendo won´t sell enough consoles if they won´t go under 199$. Like a nintendo console isn´t good enough for more money. And that they can only make profit if they sell the most units of all competitors.

1/3 for everybody is the best i think.

But the thing is that MS and sony will allow the games to be copied again.

Because that´s a big reaon for the Fanbase of those consoles.

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But the thing is that MS and sony will allow the games to be copied again.

Because that´s a big reaon for the Fanbase of those consoles.

How can you say that? There are modchips of course, but it's not the main selling point of the console - in fact if there's 2% of really sad XB/PS owners who have a modchip in their console that's a lot.


And at Retro-Lover: Nintendo made more profit on the Cube, I don't know what you're talking about.


Copying never does anything good for anyone involved in the industry.

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ive seen that documentry, if u read the comments it says a biased opinion, this woman was tlaking more about yamuchi and his family more than any1 else and the president of nitnendo atm is iwata so this becomes irrelevant


at the end of the day as long as nintendo keep making great consoles and great games, i will stick by them

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So if you take all these quotes into account, we can expect Rev sometime between 23/11/06 (Thanksgiving) or earlier and years-end. Or if the 2006 quote is ignored, late March 2007 is the worst case. If you take Jim Merrick's quote to mean a Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 worldwide launch, then I think Q4 (September to December) and we'll get it at Christmas.


Also Jim Merrick did say Rev could launch first in Europe ... well you never know ... it COULD happen ... I know it's not going to though.


I honestly believe Europe WILL get the Revolution first! I just have a feeling! :D

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How can you say that? There are modchips of course, but it's not the main selling point of the console - in fact if there's 2% of really sad XB/PS owners who have a modchip in their console that's a lot.


You gotta be kidding, I don't know a person that owns a PS2 that's not modded (and its a lot more than the persons I know that have a cube).

This is a serious problems, and I don't understand how can developers support a console with that much piracy.

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I honestly believe Europe WILL get the Revolution first! I just have a feeling! :D


I thought it was stated that the US was to recieve the console first, but myabe not, I don't tend to remember news too well.


Probably 2007, as I honestly think they don't really aim to please the European market so much as people like to think they do. I'm hoping for 2006, but hey, they'll probably delay it a bit. Of course, if they're smart, they'll try to have it here before Christmas.


If it's not here by Christmas, it'll be here before Easter, when people and so in debt and have some time to spend money. I doubt it'll go anywhere between them. Kind of like Animal Crossing.

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You gotta be kidding, I don't know a person that owns a PS2 that's not modded (and its a lot more than the persons I know that have a cube).

This is a serious problems, and I don't understand how can developers support a console with that much piracy.


indeed, same goes for xbox too.


the problem is they dont really try and beat piracy like nintendo does and thats the problem.


look how nintendo beats piracy, they do a good job at it! (mini dvds)

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