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Fire Emblem Heroes (Android/iOS)


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I'm glad someone mentioned that. It truly is disgusting. Poor Eliwood.

Some of the artwork in this game is really nice, and then 5 minutes later, you could find something that cancels out all that nice.


Guess it can't be helped when all sorts of different people do art for loads of characters. No consistency.


The art style is all over the place, even characters within the same game can be wildly different! the style that Arthur is looks terrible, like it was drawn with a thick marker pen, which in comparison to the very game like and the very artistic styles, make it look even worse

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The art style is all over the place, even characters within the same game can be wildly different! the style that Arthur is looks terrible, like it was drawn with a thick marker pen, which in comparison to the very game like and the very artistic styles, make it look even worse


Hey, don't diss the markers. That's my favourite style of drawing on Art Academy.


He does look completely different compared to everyone else. It's really jarring, having a comic book style in a Fire Emblem game.

If it was a superhero game, it would fit in better.

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I mean, it's Arthur. He is basically a superhero, right? I'd say his artstyle fits him to a T. :heh:


Eliwood and a few others are pretty bad, yeah, but I'd say the amazing far outweigh the bad. My favourites are probably Jaffar and Narcian, because their artwork perfectly captures their characters. And Nino and young Tiki, too, because they're just so gosh-darn adorable. :love:

(I might be a bit biased considering they're all among my favourite FE characters, though.)



Also, something strange has been going on with my game every day for... at least two weeks now. When I open the game in the morning, my Nino is always the one to give me the 5 daily feathers.

Not that I'm complaining, of course - seeing Nino looking at Jaffar with hearts over her head is always a great start to my day... :love:

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Weirdly enough, Eliwood's eyes don't bother me much. And considering Arthur is a walking Captain America parody, the S.T.E.A.M style (same artist) is perfect for him.


The ones that bother me are Adult Tiki (why does her face look exactly like her child self?), Ogma (love the artist's style, but Ogma's muscles do not look right), Lachesis (she looks nothing like her original self) and Rebecca (hers are the eyes that bother me). I'm also conflicted on Gwendolyn and Ursula, whose art has as many qualities as it has issues.


But the majority of the art looks great. Cecilia, Zephiel, Lilina, Eirika and Titania are among my favourites.

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So the next Voting Gauntlet is nearly upon us...


I'm pretty sure that, even with the new catch-up mechanic, nobody will be able to beat Tharja, but seeing how the best and cutest of the mages isn't participating* I guess that's fine. I quite like Tharja anyways - mostly ♯FE Tharja, but Awakening Tharja is cool too - so I'll probably also be joining her team.


(* I'm quite happy Nino isn't in the Gauntlet, really - so at least I don't have to be disappointed when she los- uh... I mean... Everybody knows she's the best, so she doesn't have to prove herself. Clearly. And she's always doing her best, too, so she deserves some time off to just cuddle with Jaffar.)

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, Lloyd has arrived, and his artwork looks... odd. He looks thin, malnourished and unhealthy in general (even his stubble is almost non-existent). Coupled with his yellow eyes, it's possible that the artist just decided to draw the zombie-Morph Lloyd from the final chapter, even though his voice and personality are clearly his real, living self.


That face sure is funny, though.



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That Grand Hero Battle sure was a thing... Nino singlehandedly took out all four of the regular enemies, and buffed Jaffar up to let him beat Lloyd in one move. She really did her best this time. :cry:


At least they finally don't have to fight each other anymore. Now when's the inevitable Linus GHB...?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Whelp, it finally happened. I finally put money into this game. "Just 2,29€!", I said to myself "For that last Colourless orb I see over there!". A 3-star Virion, that was.


Then I remembered the new missions give orbs, so I did them. After that, I pulled nothing but Colourless, to no avail. I did get a few skills for others to inherit, but the only new units were healers ('sup, Sakura and Maria?).


Impatient, I blew my lid: 7€ into the game just so I can snipe a few more orbs! Got an extra 4-star Lachesis. Tried again and got... a 5-star Mist :blank: Now!?


There's one last orb... that I can only get if I spend 2.29€ more...




Fuck it, let's do it. In for a hundred, in for a thousa- Bride Lyn! :yay: Finally, the one I wanted! That impatient gamble actually paid off! Also, I have about 5 healers to train, now.


Anyway, that's the story of how I spent almost 12€ to get a virtual bride. Can't say I'm proud of it, but life does that to you sometimes.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Voting Gauntlet time! Was almost wondering if they'd skip the gauntlet this month to let people recover from the Tempest Trials, but I guess not. I didn't really go for any of the higher rewards in the Tempest anyways (was happy just getting my "Marth", really), so it didn't drain me too much at least. :heh:

Picking a team this time was pretty difficult, cause I do like all of the participants...


...but I ended up going with Priscilla! I've liked her ever since playing The Blazing Blade (or just Fire Emblem, I guess) back in the day, and she's the only healer I've trained in Heroes, too, after summoning her in the search for Jaffar.

Oh, and there's an official website for the Voting Gauntlets, now, to keep track of the results.


In other news, a certain long-awaited special focus is arriving very soon, so I hope you've all been saving up your orbs! Even I'll be spending some of my orbs. Gotta get that waifu, after all! (though I admit I was hoping for a different version... *coughs*)

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On 2017-6-27 at 9:17 AM, FireMeowth said:

In other news, a certain long-awaited special focus is arriving very soon, so I hope you've all been saving up your orbs! Even I'll be spending some of my orbs. Gotta get that waifu, after all! (though I admit I was hoping for a different version... *coughs*)

I'm actually... not really interested.

I was surprised Sakura lost the first round of the voting gauntlet, I thought she was more popular.

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The Ylissean Summer is here, and I was pretty lucky with my summoning this time as well - it only took me nine summons (43 orbs) to get Tiki, and I also got Hector on the fourth! Tiki's Axe Valor (and the new 2x SP weekends) will definitely come in handy now. :grin:

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So, my involvement with the Cleric gauntlet has been weird. I started with Mist (we lost by a matter of timing), then joined Lissa (who lost to Priscilla in a match with no bonus multipliers). But since I didn't have Elise or Priscilla, I ended up joining Priscilla with the lingering sadness that I would not be getting that 10% bonus

Anyway, I spent my orbs on the Summer banner to see if I can get any of the people who aren't Gaius (don't really like that dude). I somehow drew a +Atk Reinhardt (4-stars), a +Atk Effie (4-stars), my first Hawkeye in this game, a friggin' 5-star Cain (!) and..... a 5-star Priscilla :eek: !!!! This game, man.

And Priscilla is this close to pulling a second upset! We can beat that Nohrian scum!

(Oh, I don't have any of the summer guys yet, but I stopped pulling 'cuz since my barracks are full :heh: I'll have to send somebody home)

On 27/06/2017 at 10:17 AM, FireMeowth said:



Bwahaha! :grin: Which support conversation is that from?

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Well, the Voting Gauntlet ended just as everyone had predicted. At least we gave Elise a run for her money, though.

And the Tempest is returning sooner than I had expected! Don't have any of the 40% Bonus Heroes this time either, but I do have a 5-Star Sharena, who will probably be way more useful than the 4-Star Alfonse I used last time. Just have to do a bit more grinding to get her to a decent level...

18 hours ago, Jonnas said:

Bwahaha! :grin: Which support conversation is that from?

Ephraim and Myrrh's C-Support! :cheeky:

(Don't worry, Ephraim, I understand. Having a cute little dragon girl call me "onii-chan" was one of the best moments in my gaming history too, after all...)

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Priscilla was winning just before I went to bed last nigh, although just barely. I guess everyone saves their flags until the last minute. I backed Elise thinking she was more likely to win though I don't really have much attachment to either character.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think my luck has run out... I'm nearly 400 orbs into the Nohrian Summer focus, and I still haven't got Elise...

I mean, I did get seven other 5-Stars (3x Xander, 2x Sheena, Fae and Mathilda), and I'm always happy to get more Ninos - I think that's my sixth I got just now - but... I'm running out of orbs here. :(

EDIT: That's all the 494 orbs I had saved up... Still no Elise, though I did add another 5-Star (Camilla) to the list. Hopefully the free orbs we're getting over the next month will be enough... :cry:

(I'm desperately hoping there won't be any more green heroes I want for a long while after this - I'm pretty sure I have every regular green hero except Minerva and Sonya now!)

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On 28/07/2017 at 0:48 PM, FireMeowth said:

I think my luck has run out... I'm nearly 400 orbs into the Nohrian Summer focus, and I still haven't got Elise...

I mean, I did get seven other 5-Stars (3x Xander, 2x Sheena, Fae and Mathilda), and I'm always happy to get more Ninos - I think that's my sixth I got just now - but... I'm running out of orbs here. :(

EDIT: That's all the 494 orbs I had saved up... Still no Elise, though I did add another 5-Star (Camilla) to the list. Hopefully the free orbs we're getting over the next month will be enough... :cry:

(I'm desperately hoping there won't be any more green heroes I want for a long while after this - I'm pretty sure I have every regular green hero except Minerva and Sonya now!)

I feel ya. I never got any of the swimsuit characters, and had to put a ton of orbs into the Echoes banner to get anyone. But after wasting, like, 100 orbs in sniping reds and blues, I finally got Gray and Delthea in the same summon, in the last day that banner was available (I can't even use them in the arena, it will rotate before they reach Lv.40. But I'm happy to have Gray).

All I want out of the Nohrian banner is either Xander or Corrin... And in my first try, I got Athena... which I already had :heh: Not sure if I want to try again since, other than Bride Lyn, my luck with festive banners has been appalling.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was almost ready to give up my quest for Summer Elise when I summoned my FOURTH Summer Xander yesterday, but I'm glad I didn't... cause I FINALLY GOT HER!!

And it only took me... 537 Orbs... ahahaaa... And she's +HP -Atk... ahahahhahaaaaaaaaaaaa... BUT I DON'T CARE I'M HAPPY NOW! :yay:

Now to save up Orbs for the next special Hero... Give me a Halloween Nino pls, IntSys. ...just don't make her a green...

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