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I made a[noter] video game!


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So I'm going to shamelessly promote myself. Whatevs.


A year ago I had a crappy day at work. I can't even remember what happened, but it was so crappy I posted on Facebook "Oh screw this. Who wants to set up a studio? somewhat flippantly. Well, seems people were interested.


Now, a year later I've made a game by myself (other things are happening too with other people). It started as a small little project but I decided to finish it off and release it.


You can download it from here. Payment is optional (although I do like money...) If you do download it I'd welcome any feedback of course.


It's great to feel like I've achieved something again. It's been too long since I've done any substantial creative work and after playing games since I was young I finally have one of my own! And hopefully the first of many!



(Emoji pong)

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Purchased, downloaded, signed-up and I've given you a follow. :)


Nicely done @Ashley. :D


I'm sure I recalled you talking about a game you were making so I'm glad to see that its come to fruition.


Game development is something I'd like to get into one day as well, so who knows... I may learn to program and make a game in the future.


Will let you know when I've played it, certainly sounds original and fun.


Also I'm sure you're allowed at least a certain amount of shameless promotion, especially in this case. ;)

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Cheers Sam :)


I remember you saying in that thread I started recently and never followed up on (oops!) that you wanted to make some. I'll drop you a line soon and chat. I'm happy to help in any way I can, even if its just advice or whatever.


I'm currently in an "everyone should make things!" mood :D


And Danny. He snuck in there while I was posting!

Edited by Ashley
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  • 2 months later...

I will check this out as soon as I get chance (I've only just managed to spare 3 mins for the NX reveal!)


I have aspirations of making a game, however I'll have to use PyGame as I only really have experience with Python. Hoping to learn Java at some point, but life gets in the way of everything :rolleyes:


Nice to see someone achieving their goals though. Fair play :)

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I will check this out as soon as I get chance (I've only just managed to spare 3 mins for the NX reveal!)


I have aspirations of making a game, however I'll have to use PyGame as I only really have experience with Python. Hoping to learn Java at some point, but life gets in the way of everything :rolleyes:


Nice to see someone achieving their goals though. Fair play :)


Cheers! :)


Just getting stuck in and doing it is sometimes the best way of learning a language, although I've never tried PyGame so can't comment on that one specifically. Hope you do get cracking on something though!

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  • 4 months later...

Oops I did it again!




It was part of Resist Jam, which was a game jam about "resist[ing] oppressive authoritarianism in all its forms". There's a few issues that I will come back to (probably not until next month as I'm out of the country from 18th - 28th) but it would be rad if you check it out. It's just a small little thing, but they're going to do a bundle of all games and money will be going to charity. Unsure when they're putting the bundle up, but the game itself is free.


It's actually quite similar to the last one in terms of gameplay, in that its a UI based puzzler of sorts. That wasn't by design, it was just an idea I had that I felt I could achieve in the time frame I had (one week, some of which I was doing my day job).


Had a few long nights trying to get it in on time. The deadline was originally 0:30 on Monday and at 23:30 I discovered that it wasn't working in the built version. Thankfully the deadline was extended anyway, but it's meant since Friday I have been working until 1am, 2am, 2am and 1am. Now I am going to SLEEP FOR A VERY LONG TIME (or until my 6am alarm for work).


Already got ideas for my next game inspired by me misreading a headline! Stay tuned folks :D

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It seems like you're an unstoppable game-making extraordinaire @Ashley. :D


Good on you though for getting another game out there in such a short time-frame and for what seems like a good cause as well. :)


I like that it's another cleverly titled game plus the visuals by Álvaro Rodríguez have a nice style to them. :smile:


Obviously these are just my first impressions going off the write-up but I did download it when I got an e-mail from itch.io informing me that you'd made another game.


So it's currently in a dedicated folder, on my desktop, I will play it and get back to you with feedback of course but this just happens to be a very busy time for gaming as I know you're well aware; but I will give it some playtime soon as I'm genuinely interested in it. : peace:


Jut checked when you made your last game, that was really six months ago? I really don't know where the time is going. :red:

Edited by S.C.G
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That's very kind of you :)


Didn't realise itch.io sent notifications about that kind of thing!


And yeah, the last one was August (10th, that date has meaning for various reasons). Time flies eh? Working on a few projects and trying to juggle them all at the moment.


I shall pass on the comments on the art to Álvaro, but he did indeed do a great job. Really made the whole thing look a lot better.

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